MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

I'd be interested to see what your e2 does when you add primo...
Yeah, same. My thought was I'd kill two birds with one stone - adding primo as my AI. But I also thought my e2 would be much higher considering the nice jump in test. Maybe a good sign that I don't aromatize much?

Only 2 injections (~1.5 weeks) in on primo and I won't do blood work again for a few more weeks. Initial feels report - I went too high too fast. Nuked libido, much lazier & no motivation, BP & HR jumped. Lowered my estrogen more than I wanted to. Only thing I have on hand that can (slightly afaik) bump e2 is HCG which I added eod a few days ago. For primo I'm skipping the dose today then restarting it next time at a much lower dose.
@Axle Labs: Just placed an order and sent funds however the order on the website shows as "Cancelled". What's the deal?

Edit: On second look it appears the btc payment is still unconfirmed as of now. Maybe the payment page on the site timed out?
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I've been taking test c from Axle and its very smooth no pip i have the mct oil as a carrier but ill be pulling labs in April to see my results
Got my second order from @Axle Labs . Great communication. Quick ship. So far everything is top notch. I really dont care about fancy packaging ( someone else mentioned this), and i can appreciate batch# , exp date etc printed on the label. I'm on self-administered TRT, so will pin in few days, than blood test. Will post results. If all checks out ( i suspect it will) Axle Labs will be my new fav supplier.

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Got my results today. They are quite high, i need to dial down for TRT purposes. Injection was 1 ml on 19th AM, sample collected about 48 hrs later. Gear seems to be exactly what it was advertised. Thank you @Axle Labs


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I've been taking test c from Axle and its very smooth no pip i have the mct oil as a carrier but ill be pulling labs in April to see my results
Thank you for the review! Glad to hear.

Got my results today. They are quite high, i need to dial down for TRT purposes. Injection was 1 ml on 19th AM, sample collected about 48 hrs later. Gear seems to be exactly what it was advertised. Thank you @Axle Labs
Nice results! Thanks for sharing. Shoot us an email for bloodwork store credit.
For any of the guys that said they tried the test cyp, how was it?
Running his 300mg stuff now, bought some last month was going to wait to run it but wanted to try it. Smooth no pip, probably won’t pull bloods on it since I am at the end of my blast.
Just received my order after some tense days due to USPS bullshit. My first orders whereabouts are unknown. It said delivered but wasn't at a neighbors or in my mailbox. It's now been a week since it was "delivered." I didn't have the balls to go down and ask where my box of steroids might be. Call me a pussy, but I wasn't about to chance it. I reached out and told him how hesitant I was to ask on it, and before I knew it this man had a new order on its way without hesitation. Completely unexpected but extremely appreciated. Going forward, this man has my business, gratitude, and respect. Thanks one last time brother!
Just received my order after some tense days due to USPS bullshit. My first orders whereabouts are unknown. It said delivered but wasn't at a neighbors or in my mailbox. It's now been a week since it was "delivered." I didn't have the balls to go down and ask where my box of steroids might be. Call me a pussy, but I wasn't about to chance it. I reached out and told him how hesitant I was to ask on it, and before I knew it this man had a new order on its way without hesitation. Completely unexpected but extremely appreciated. Going forward, this man has my business, gratitude, and respect. Thanks one last time brother!
Exact same thing happened to me once. Said "delivered in the box" but wasn't there. Luckily an elderly couple delivered it to me later that day, said it was inside their mailbox, just a few houses down the street.
Exact same thing happened to me once. Said "delivered in the box" but wasn't there. Luckily an elderly couple delivered it to me later that day, said it was inside their mailbox, just a few houses down the street.
Lucky you. It's been just over a week and nobody has stopped by with a present for me. lol
First one said "porch/front door" which never happens, this one was in my "mailbox" like everything else I've ever gotten. I'm still a bit uptight about my name and address being out there somewhere with a box with those contents, but not much I can do about it. It's not even my regular mail dude, who I kinda know. I guess packages are handled by others. Oh well.
The Eagle has Landed! Thanks Axel. Pinned 1cc PrimoTest just as soon as I got it and barely felt (or feel it). I had been using a source from another forum whose gear gave me nasty PIP for like 5 days so this is a big win.

Made purchase on Wed. and received today (Friday). Feels like the Amazon Prime of gear. Cheers.
The Eagle has Landed! Thanks Axel. Pinned 1cc PrimoTest just as soon as I got it and barely felt (or feel it). I had been using a source from another forum whose gear gave me nasty PIP for like 5 days so this is a big win.

Made purchase on Wed. and received today (Friday). Feels like the Amazon Prime of gear. Cheers.
View attachment 277807
Thank you for the review! Enjoy the gear.
I didn't have the balls to go down and ask where my box of steroids might be. Call me a pussy, but I wasn't about to chance it.
You aren’t a pussy, you’re smart. While the last few years LE has been pretty lax on the AAS front, that can change anytime and a few vials can catch you a felony and ruin your life!
Call me a pussy, but I wasn't about to chance it. I reached out and told him how hesitant I was to ask on it, and before I knew it this man had a new order on its way without hesitation.
You aren’t a pussy, you’re smart. While the last few years LE has been pretty lax on the AAS front, that can change anytime and a few vials can catch you a felony and ruin your life!

Yeah. I don't judge pussification based on this decision. The first time I had to pick up a pack at the post office I was sweating bullets (it was fine, no problems)

But I have no idea what is the real risk, so if someone chooses to leave it there, that's fine imo.