MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Got another order in for some more tirz. Two weeks in at 2.5 and stuff works like a charm without the almost instant sides I got from Sema.
Has anyone used Axle's BPC-157? Ive always been weary of buying peptides from ugl. I see its testing at 99% id just like to hear some anecdotes
I ran both the bpc and tb500 for about 5 weeks. I ran the bpc@ 250mcg twice per day and the tb500 at 500mcg per day. I know the tb is systemic, but I still injected both around the injury sites. Was trying to address a tendon or ligament issue in my left hip and a tendon pain in my right elbow/bicep. These had been giving me problems for 6 months or more. It's been probably 2 weeks since my last injection and I am actually pain free finally. I was pretty amazed at the results. First time I've run either one and the hip pain was really bad in certain positions like lifting my leg to put my pants on or doing squats with any width to my stance. Results blew me away, honestly. Wasn't expecting to be completely pain free that quickly.
I will double check the settings on the pumps today when at the lab and follow up.

No problem!
You said you were not the one brewing, but that you had a brewer ? The one thing that really worries me about you, Axle, is that since you are not the brewer like Stanford or Goodlyfe is...then unlike Stanford and Goodlyfe, you really have no real control over quality are completely at the mercy of your brewer.....if he shows up to brew high or drunk, then the quality of your gear goes down the toilet and there is nothing you can do about it. I feel a lot safer buying from a source like Stanford who IS the brewer !!!!
You said you were not the one brewing, but that you had a brewer ? The one thing that really worries me about you, Axle, is that since you are not the brewer like Stanford or Goodlyfe is...then unlike Stanford and Goodlyfe, you really have no real control over quality are completely at the mercy of your brewer.....if he shows up to brew high or drunk, then the quality of your gear goes down the toilet and there is nothing you can do about it. I feel a lot safer buying from a source like Stanford who IS the brewer !!!!
But what if Stanford shows up high or drunk?
You said you were not the one brewing, but that you had a brewer ? The one thing that really worries me about you, Axle, is that since you are not the brewer like Stanford or Goodlyfe is...then unlike Stanford and Goodlyfe, you really have no real control over quality are completely at the mercy of your brewer.....if he shows up to brew high or drunk, then the quality of your gear goes down the toilet and there is nothing you can do about it. I feel a lot safer buying from a source like Stanford who IS the brewer !!!!
I do brew. There isn’t just 1 person who is responsible for brewing.
I think Jeff Bezos has a hand in this lab. Haha. First class service, nearly immediate follow up, and reliable shipping. We ran into an unforseen issue with the initial shipment (due to shipping company) but Axle Labs wasted no time and immeditaly dispatched another package; literally. Thank you for taking immediate action in resending another package. Also, apprecaite the Cialis bonus. Again, first class service all around. I'll be back to write another review after I've tested the products for a month or so.
You said you were not the one brewing, but that you had a brewer ? The one thing that really worries me about you, Axle, is that since you are not the brewer like Stanford or Goodlyfe is...then unlike Stanford and Goodlyfe, you really have no real control over quality are completely at the mercy of your brewer.....if he shows up to brew high or drunk, then the quality of your gear goes down the toilet and there is nothing you can do about it. I feel a lot safer buying from a source like Stanford who IS the brewer !!!!
I do brew. There isn’t just 1 person who is responsible for brewing.
OK, well you never mentioned that you yourself actually brew or that you have access to the lab. It is great that you also brew as you do have influence over QC.
Got another order in for some more tirz. Two weeks in at 2.5 and stuff works like a charm without the almost instant sides I got from Sema.
I had exactly the opposite. I felt awful on tirz. Lost 26 pounds and felt amazing on sema. I may order more sema soon. I had great results, but after coming off back up to 260. I eat fairly well. Have my pizza and bullshit moments and I am back to lifting regularly. Maybe it's my age or body type, but I am always heavy
Placed 2 orders in the last month or so. Nearly instant email responses. Tracking numbers within a few hours. Received a few days later. Excellent first UGL experience - doubt it's possible to beat. Believe the amazon prime conspiracy theory.

First time injecting and reading about PIP had me worried. Test E 250 & later adding Primo E 200. 23g 1/2" IM ventro glutes - no pain at all. Got bloods back at week 4, 2 days after last injection on test only @ 500/wk split e3.5d. Total t from 633 to 2771, e2 15 to 80.
I emailed and spoke to a few people about possible orders, and I got a really good feeling and responses from Axle so wound up going with him for a small test order.

Must say was quite pleasant. Professional and quick to answer my emails even if I was hounding him about sruff. Very fast turnaround got it within 2 days of order. Really pleased with everything. Even through in a free sample. Really looking forward to getting some bloodwork done and continuing to use him in the future.

Thank you Axle. Appreciate everything since I know I was hard and difficult for you.
Got my bloods back on Axles Test Cyp and Primo. This is 5 going into 6 weeks cruising at 250/200. Pinning Mon and Thurs. Pinned Mon morning and bloods taken Wed around lunch. Really wanted to see how Primo affects my Estrogen for me personally as I haven’t touched an AI in probably 6 months. Just finished a blast of 600/400 Test C and Primo and I’ve retained most all my gains from that despite currently being in a serious deficit. Keep up the good work bro!

For reference my last cruise was 200 Test C with .5mg of Arimidex a week / Total: 982 Free: 226 Estrogen: 47

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Got my bloods back on Axles Test Cyp and Primo. This is 5 going into 6 weeks cruising at 250/200. Pinning Mon and Thurs. Pinned Mon morning and bloods taken Wed around lunch. Really wanted to see how Primo affects my Estrogen for me personally as I haven’t touched an AI in probably 6 months. Just finished a blast of 600/400 Test C and Primo and I’ve retained most all my gains from that despite currently being in a serious deficit. Keep up the good work bro!

For reference my last cruise was 200 Test C with .5mg of Arimidex a week / Total: 982 Free: 226 Estrogen: 47

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Wow, Primo can really do a number on estrogen! Are you going to leave it alone or try to get it higher? 23 would be way too low for me personally but I know we're all different
Wow, Primo can really do a number on estrogen! Are you going to leave it alone or try to get it higher? 23 would be way too low for me personally but I know we're all different

Currently cutting weight before my next blast/recomp so I’m going to leave it. Definitely a bit lower than I prefer but I haven’t experienced any libido issues or negative sides other than sore joints from time to time so I’m going to continue another 3-4 weeks. Day to day I really feel pretty good currently with no complaints. Water retention has been super low and I’m enjoying everything
Placed 2 orders in the last month or so. Nearly instant email responses. Tracking numbers within a few hours. Received a few days later. Excellent first UGL experience - doubt it's possible to beat. Believe the amazon prime conspiracy theory.

First time injecting and reading about PIP had me worried. Test E 250 & later adding Primo E 200. 23g 1/2" IM ventro glutes - no pain at all. Got bloods back at week 4, 2 days after last injection on test only @ 500/wk split e3.5d. Total t from 633 to 2771, e2 15 to 80.
Super quick T/A. Impressive.
Thank you for the reviews!
Got my bloods back on Axles Test Cyp and Primo. This is 5 going into 6 weeks cruising at 250/200. Pinning Mon and Thurs. Pinned Mon morning and bloods taken Wed around lunch. Really wanted to see how Primo affects my Estrogen for me personally as I haven’t touched an AI in probably 6 months. Just finished a blast of 600/400 Test C and Primo and I’ve retained most all my gains from that despite currently being in a serious deficit. Keep up the good work bro!

For reference my last cruise was 200 Test C with .5mg of Arimidex a week / Total: 982 Free: 226 Estrogen: 47

View attachment 277518
Solid results! Shoot us an email for bloodwork store credit.
Placed 2 orders in the last month or so. Nearly instant email responses. Tracking numbers within a few hours. Received a few days later. Excellent first UGL experience - doubt it's possible to beat. Believe the amazon prime conspiracy theory.

First time injecting and reading about PIP had me worried. Test E 250 & later adding Primo E 200. 23g 1/2" IM ventro glutes - no pain at all. Got bloods back at week 4, 2 days after last injection on test only @ 500/wk split e3.5d. Total t from 633 to 2771, e2 15 to 80.
I'd be interested to see what your e2 does when you add primo...