MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Regular doctors rarely prescribe hormones unless you're a transgender.

That'd probably be an endo, at least at first.

I asked my primary care physician once and he literally laughed lol.

I've moved around a few times for work and never had trouble finding a local doc to prescribe TRT.

But still, once you have the basics down & are aware of bloodwork etc, agree:

UGL all the way
That'd probably be an endo, at least at first.

I've moved around a few times for work and never had trouble finding a local doc to prescribe TRT.

But still, once you have the basics down & are aware of bloodwork etc, agree:

Most/many Endos will run you out for asking for Test with borderline levels (just not the standard of care in network).

It is quite interesting with PCPs. When you first start out it may appear a local PCP rx'ing TRT is like a unicorn. But after a while, especially after you've been on, getting a PCP to take over is simple once you know where to look and what to ask. They know you HPTA is shot and think almost nothing of taking over care.

With borderline numbers, yeah you need a progressive PCP to start you on the needle. And of course there's the nasal gel or troche to let you try Test without fully shutting yourself down for a trial run.
Tested out Chromate for two blind samples. One of which was Axles Test C 200 batch C48. I wanted to use something that had previously been tested by Axle with Jano. To avoid any hearsay issues I actually stripped the label and sent an entire unopened vial. Take these however you’d like. This isn’t a shot at either tester or anything just wanted an honest comparison.

Tested out Chromate for two blind samples. One of which was Axles Test C 200 batch C48. I wanted to use something that had previously been tested by Axle with Jano. To avoid any hearsay issues I actually stripped the label and sent an entire unopened vial. Take these however you’d like. This isn’t a shot at either tester or anything just wanted an honest comparison.

View attachment 278283View attachment 278284
This is great data. Thank you for performing these.

Also got my latest pack from Axle with a 3 day TA. Everything looks good
Ordered Test C, BPC 157, and TB500 package arrived in two days. Was packaged well caps good no complaints. Will definitely order again and will post labs for test in a few weeks thanks!
Yo what’s good. Axles Halo and Mast P 200mg is the TRUTH! Started Halo first 20mg preworkout- strength increased and muscle hardness was awesome. I wake up looking full and dry. Started the mast p after the halo and my veins look insane. Even seeing them in my lower abs now.
I was worried about pip from the high mg MastP but no bite 9 days in.
.75 TestP(100mg)eod
.75 TrenA(100mg)eod
Tested out Chromate for two blind samples. One of which was Axles Test C 200 batch C48. I wanted to use something that had previously been tested by Axle with Jano. To avoid any hearsay issues I actually stripped the label and sent an entire unopened vial. Take these however you’d like. This isn’t a shot at either tester or anything just wanted an honest comparison.

View attachment 278283View attachment 278284
Thanks for taking the time to do this! Email us for store credit.

This is great data. Thank you for performing these.

Also got my latest pack from Axle with a 3 day TA. Everything looks good
Ordered Test C, BPC 157, and TB500 package arrived in two days. Was packaged well caps good no complaints. Will definitely order again and will post labs for test in a few weeks thanks!
Yo what’s good. Axles Halo and Mast P 200mg is the TRUTH! Started Halo first 20mg preworkout- strength increased and muscle hardness was awesome. I wake up looking full and dry. Started the mast p after the halo and my veins look insane. Even seeing them in my lower abs now.
I was worried about pip from the high mg MastP but no bite 9 days in.
.75 TestP(100mg)eod
.75 TrenA(100mg)eod
Thanks for the reviews!
Some Qs about pre-workout blends. never used anything of this sort before.
1. can / should one inject these daily
2. Anyone tried to inject with slin-pin? Call me a pu##y but i dont feel like being pin cushion and poke myself normal gauge daily.
3. Im on TRT (125/ weekly), any issues with that?
Some Qs about pre-workout blends. never used anything of this sort before.
1. can / should one inject these daily
2. Anyone tried to inject with slin-pin? Call me a pu##y but i dont feel like being pin cushion and poke myself normal gauge daily.
3. Im on TRT (125/ weekly), any issues with that?
I used the injectable sdrol P/W with slinpin and that stuff is after bout 3rd day or so.
Some Qs about pre-workout blends. never used anything of this sort before.
1. can / should one inject these daily
2. Anyone tried to inject with slin-pin? Call me a pu##y but i dont feel like being pin cushion and poke myself normal gauge daily.
3. Im on TRT (125/ weekly), any issues with that?
My experience

1. Use 1 or two times a week max for a little boost.

2. Have not used a slin pinn. I have Axles TNE it's pretty thin.

3. I don't know about your TRT protocol however I'd pay attention to estrogen if using daily.

Axles TNE gives me a good boost for workouts I pin 45 min to an hour before I go to the gym.
Tested out Chromate for two blind samples. One of which was Axles Test C 200 batch C48. I wanted to use something that had previously been tested by Axle with Jano. To avoid any hearsay issues I actually stripped the label and sent an entire unopened vial. Take these however you’d like. This isn’t a shot at either tester or anything just wanted an honest comparison.

View attachment 278283thanks for testing how much was the chromate test was it cheaper than jano?
Some Qs about pre-workout blends. never used anything of this sort before.
1. can / should one inject these daily
2. Anyone tried to inject with slin-pin? Call me a pu##y but i dont feel like being pin cushion and poke myself normal gauge daily.
3. Im on TRT (125/ weekly), any issues with that?
I’m using the Bazooka preworkout blend. I only use it once per week on my heavyist day (powerlifter).
I would use a 1 mL lure lock syringe and use a 21g to draw and either a 27g or 25g needle to inject IM.
You’re injecting a full mL so a slin pin is going to take forever to fill and you could get some leakage if you’re not deep enough.
You’ll only be injecting twice per week so you won’t be anywhere near a pin cushion lol
Some of us inject 5+ times everyday with hgh, daily aas, aminos, preworkout, peptides, ect.., that’s a pin cushion
I’m using the Bazooka preworkout blend. I only use it once per week on my heavyist day (powerlifter).
I would use a 1 mL lure lock syringe and use a 21g to draw and either a 27g or 25g needle to inject IM.
You’re injecting a full mL so a slin pin is going to take forever to fill and you could get some leakage if you’re not deep enough.
You’ll only be injecting twice per week so you won’t be anywhere near a pin cushion lol
Some of us inject 5+ times everyday with hgh, daily aas, aminos, preworkout, peptides, ect.., that’s a pin cushion
But what if I like being a pin cushion? The days I don't inject any substances I still pin just for the thrill of pinning. I love pinning more then I love pussy and I fucking god damn love pussy. Pinning and Pussy no greater pleasures.
I’m using the Bazooka preworkout blend. I only use it once per week on my heavyist day (powerlifter).
I would use a 1 mL lure lock syringe and use a 21g to draw and either a 27g or 25g needle to inject IM.
You’re injecting a full mL so a slin pin is going to take forever to fill and you could get some leakage if you’re not deep enough.
You’ll only be injecting twice per week so you won’t be anywhere near a pin cushion lol
Some of us inject 5+ times everyday with hgh, daily aas, aminos, preworkout, peptides, ect.., that’s a pin cushion
Been thinking about tring one of the preworkouts but I'm already on pretty high doses of stuff. Would you still suggested using on top of cycle?? Right now I'm doing .5ml dragon blood and 2 scoops preworkout with 50mg var for preworkout. My lipids are getting up there so gotta cut out the var.