MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Another 2 day TD from @Axle Labs !! Awesome experience once again!!View attachment 278305
@Axle Labs This may be a stupid question and my apologies in advance. I've seen pics of products being shipped by Axle in airtight packages like the picture posted couple posts above. All my orders to date, however, have come in bubble wrapped. Just curious what factors you use to determine whether to ship in airtight packaging or bubble wrap packaging. Thanks.
Been thinking about tring one of the preworkouts but I'm already on pretty high doses of stuff. Would you still suggested using on top of cycle?? Right now I'm doing .5ml dragon blood and 2 scoops preworkout with 50mg var for preworkout. My lipids are getting up there so gotta cut out the var.
As you kind of mentioned, it’s really up to your personal bloodwork. But once a week it’s in and out of your system fast with the no ester pre workout blends.
I’m using the Bazooka preworkout blend. I only use it once per week on my heavyist day (powerlifter).
I would use a 1 mL lure lock syringe and use a 21g to draw and either a 27g or 25g needle to inject IM.
You’re injecting a full mL so a slin pin is going to take forever to fill and you could get some leakage if you’re not deep enough.
You’ll only be injecting twice per week so you won’t be anywhere near a pin cushion lol
Some of us inject 5+ times everyday with hgh, daily aas, aminos, preworkout, peptides, ect.., that’s a pin cushion
Appreciate the reply. Being called a pr-workout, I expected to pin pre EVERY work-out, which is 6 days a week for me, LOL. Will try Bazooka.
@Axle Labs This may be a stupid question and my apologies in advance. I've seen pics of products being shipped by Axle in airtight packages like the picture posted couple posts above. All my orders to date, however, have come in bubble wrapped. Just curious what factors you use to determine whether to ship in airtight packaging or bubble wrap packaging. Thanks.
i've gotten a pack with bubble wrap but i only rwo bottles this order was 5 bottles so maybe they use airtight method when there's more bottles cluncking around? idk but @Axle Labs is always on point no matter the packaging g2g
Appreciate the reply. Being called a pr-workout, I expected to pin pre EVERY work-out, which is 6 days a week for me, LOL. Will try Bazooka.
You can, but I personally think that would be a little much. Need to give yourself a little break. If you want everyday I would recommend Tren A pinned pre workout instead.
@Axle Labs This may be a stupid question and my apologies in advance. I've seen pics of products being shipped by Axle in airtight packages like the picture posted couple posts above. All my orders to date, however, have come in bubble wrapped. Just curious what factors you use to determine whether to ship in airtight packaging or bubble wrap packaging. Thanks.
This depends on the amount of vials being ordered. Regardless, your vials will be secured well in tight bubblewrap and will have no issues during transit.
Been thinking about tring one of the preworkouts but I'm already on pretty high doses of stuff. Would you still suggested using on top of cycle?? Right now I'm doing .5ml dragon blood and 2 scoops preworkout with 50mg var for preworkout. My lipids are getting up there so gotta cut out the var.
What are your pretty high doses? Not sure your goals, and don't take offense, but looking at your pic if you're already on high doses I don't think adding anything else is the answer. You don't look like you're on anything. Time to re evaluate diet and training.
What are your pretty high doses? Not sure your goals, and don't take offense, but looking at your pic if you're already on high doses I don't think adding anything else is the answer. You don't look like you're on anything. Time to re evaluate diet and training.
No offense taken my friend. I appreciate the honest review.
What are your pretty high doses? Not sure your goals, and don't take offense, but looking at your pic if you're already on high doses I don't think adding anything else is the answer. You don't look like you're on anything. Time to re evaluate diet and training.
No offense taken my friend. I appreciate the honest review.

To be honest, he looks better than a lot of people I see every day.

Gear doesn't make everyone look like a greek god.
We have left over partially filled vials (sealed and not used obviously, but not enough product to completely fill the vials so they weren't sold).

The next 5 orders will get 4 free partially filled vials each of random compounds! Ranging from test to primo. Enjoy!
I miss the good ol TGI days!! The titanium gear was the shit!! But that was years ago and I’ve been going through sources here and there since. I need another reliable source that’s not gonna disappear in a year. Stanford is an OG and we need more like him.


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@Axle Labs i must say, @ 900mg test and 600mg equipoise I am very impressed at the strength gains. I’m also extremely surprised at the excrutiating pumps during work out. It’s been some time since I’ve been on cycle given life circumstances and can easily say I am pleasantly pleased with all facets from order process to quality of outcome. I assure you, I am by no means a non-skeptic of any lab foreign or domestic. In all instances regardless of outcome I have to be honest as that is demanded by my own character.

So, kudos to you on this batch of both. Again, very pleasantly pleased. Something that typically isn’t something that most have found an easy endeavor.

Good job and keep it up
@Axle Labs i must say, @ 900mg test and 600mg equipoise I am very impressed at the strength gains. I’m also extremely surprised at the excrutiating pumps during work out. It’s been some time since I’ve been on cycle given life circumstances and can easily say I am pleasantly pleased with all facets from order process to quality of outcome. I assure you, I am by no means a non-skeptic of any lab foreign or domestic. In all instances regardless of outcome I have to be honest as that is demanded by my own character.

So, kudos to you on this batch of both. Again, very pleasantly pleased. Something that typically isn’t something that most have found an easy endeavor.

Good job and keep it up
After reading this I’m pretty impressed as well! How’s the pip?