MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

If you get caught cheating on your wife, do you deny or admit? You deny! It doesn't matter if she literally watched your penis enter another woman. You deny. Deny. Deny. Never happened, it was a dream.
Man I am a bit interested, but all the new account bumps got me a little tilted. Can anyone with more seniority verify? Cause if so, I may bite here

Exactly, I don’t like talking shit but this thread is suspicious af already, let alone given the behavior they’re accused of on the other forum.

And yeah, I’m frustrated because I don’t know that there are any qualms about their actual gear. It’s all business ethics. If they could not be dragged down by self induced drama (that “didn’t happen”) they’d have a nice thing going.
Im not a “fake account” and while it says new member I have been heavily involved with PEDs/AAS a long time. I don’t know this guy from Adam nor was I aware of the history, but as a former pro athlete that has pinned a lot of stuff over the years the gear is in fact top notch. Im now extremely confident the samples I sent out to Jano for testing will validate my claim. Yes the accusations of shrilling (I actually had to look up wtf it was) are not good but let’s be honest, sourcing gear online is not exactly the most ethical thing either but we continue to do it. Besides, the shit we buy everyday from businesses and corporations, they do exactly what he is accused of doing yet we still rely on google, social media and biased research. I have no dog in this race, and this is simply my input.

but I can see where the whole new member thing could be attributed to the fact newer members are more apt to try sources that have great communication, quick delivery and quality gear, not so much emphasis on the business practices. Whereas, the long timer's and more senior members are more experienced, set in their ways and have far higher bar for any source. They’re also likely to have long-standing relationships with their preferred sources anyhow. The great thing about this forum is that we all get to make our own decisions and I’m perfectly fine (for now) sourcing from Axle and 2 other sources on here.. There is no crown jewel of a source! Each has pro’s and con’s, I can respect anyone that passes on this source but so far for me, at this time the pros outweigh the cons.
Im not a “fake account” and while it says new member I have been heavily involved with PEDs/AAS a long time. I don’t know this guy from Adam nor was I aware of the history, but as a former pro athlete that has pinned a lot of stuff over the years the gear is in fact top notch. Im now extremely confident the samples I sent out to Jano for testing will validate my claim. Yes the accusations of shrilling (I actually had to look up wtf it was) are not good but let’s be honest, sourcing gear online is not exactly the most ethical thing either but we continue to do it. Besides, the shit we buy everyday from businesses and corporations, they do exactly what he is accused of doing yet we still rely on google, social media and biased research. I have no dog in this race, and this is simply my input.

but I can see where the whole new member thing could be attributed to the fact newer members are more apt to try sources that have great communication, quick delivery and quality gear, not so much emphasis on the business practices. Whereas, the long timer's and more senior members are more experienced, set in their ways and have far higher bar for any source. They’re also likely to have long-standing relationships with their preferred sources anyhow. The great thing about this forum is that we all get to make our own decisions and I’m perfectly fine (for now) sourcing from Axle and 2 other sources on here.. There is no crown jewel of a source! Each has pro’s and con’s, I can respect anyone that passes on this source but so far for me, at this time the pros outweigh the cons.
Yeah it certainly seems like you “have no dog in this race”. Given you just showed back up to, again, go on about how you pinky swear you’re not a shill and the source is super neato you pinky swear, even though literally no one @‘d you lol

Also, no one gives a shit about your Jano results given the accusations aren’t about the quality of the gear, but the business ethics of the source. If we don’t trust members to not actually be a shill account from the source, you could easily be sending someone else’s gear in to be tested in place of your (their) own. But you already knew that.
Yeah it certainly seems like you “have no dog in this race”. Given you just showed back up to, again, go on about how you pinky swear you’re not a shill and the source is super neato you pinky swear, even though literally no one @‘d you lol

Also, no one gives a shit about your Jano results given the accusations aren’t about the quality of the gear, but the business ethics of the source. If we don’t trust members to not actually be a shill account from the source, you could easily be sending someone else’s gear in to be tested in place of your (their) own. But you already knew that.
this is exactly what i thought as well
Im not a “fake account” and while it says new member I have been heavily involved with PEDs/AAS a long time. I don’t know this guy from Adam nor was I aware of the history, but as a former pro athlete that has pinned a lot of stuff over the years the gear is in fact top notch. Im now extremely confident the samples I sent out to Jano for testing will validate my claim. Yes the accusations of shrilling (I actually had to look up wtf it was) are not good but let’s be honest, sourcing gear online is not exactly the most ethical thing either but we continue to do it. Besides, the shit we buy everyday from businesses and corporations, they do exactly what he is accused of doing yet we still rely on google, social media and biased research. I have no dog in this race, and this is simply my input.

but I can see where the whole new member thing could be attributed to the fact newer members are more apt to try sources that have great communication, quick delivery and quality gear, not so much emphasis on the business practices. Whereas, the long timer's and more senior members are more experienced, set in their ways and have far higher bar for any source. They’re also likely to have long-standing relationships with their preferred sources anyhow. The great thing about this forum is that we all get to make our own decisions and I’m perfectly fine (for now) sourcing from Axle and 2 other sources on here.. There is no crown jewel of a source! Each has pro’s and con’s, I can respect anyone that passes on this source but so far for me, at this time the pros outweigh the cons.
Not concerned about quality. I’m concerned his “alleged” ex business partners know his location. OSPEC is a big priority with sources on Meso. Which is why the guys like Stan/GL/Opti have been around as long as they’ve been. They don’t close up and reopen under a different name every year.
Not concerned about quality. I’m concerned his “alleged” ex business partners know his location. OSPEC is a big priority with sources on Meso. Which is why the guys like Stan/GL/Opti have been around as long as they’ve been. They don’t close up and reopen under a different name every year.
That is, as they say in the old country “no bueno”
So you were banned from another forum for making fake accounts to give yourself pseudo positive reviews and we see new accounts showing up in this thread with positive reviews.

You couldn’t have picked a worse forum to try this on.

The kicker is your stuff strikes me as legit. Your eagerness for market share is going to be your demise.
I am doing nothing for "market share" besides selling my product and having my thread in here. There really isn't much more I can say to defend that. So what do you want me to do. I will be here, not going around waving my flag everywhere.

If you think I am using shills here on Meso, tag a mod and have them look into the IP addresses or whatever else needs to be done, because I'm not. I am willing to share back and forth customer emails if there is some issue. I also link everyone to this thread in every email I send because it's in my email signature.

So you can blame me if people are coming here and leaving us reviews, and it's bothering you.

Another solution would be prevent accounts newer than "X" days/weeks from commenting here if it's bothering people. I'm ok with that. I can't control if my customers sign up here via the link in my email.
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If you think I am using shills here on Meso, tag a mod and have them look into the IP addresses or whatever else needs to be done, because I'm not. I am willing to share back and forth customer emails if there is some issue. I also link everyone to this thread in every email I send because it's in my email signature.
That already happened, you got caught, and you still pretend it didn't happen but ok.
I am doing nothing for "market share" besides selling my product and having my thread in here. There really isn't much more I can say to defend that. So what do you want me to do. I will be here, not going around waving my flag everywhere.

If you think I am using shills here on Meso, tag a mod and have them look into the IP addresses or whatever else needs to be done, because I'm not. I am willing to share back and forth customer emails if there is some issue. I also link everyone to this thread in every email I send because it's in my email signature.

So you can blame me if people are coming here and leaving us reviews, and it's bothering you.

Another solution would be prevent accounts newer than "X" days/weeks from commenting here if it's bothering people. I'm ok with that. I can't control if my customers sign up here via the link in my email.
What happened to you on SST?
Not concerned about quality. I’m concerned his “alleged” ex business partners know his location. OSPEC is a big priority with sources on Meso. Which is why the guys like Stan/GL/Opti have been around as long as they’ve been. They don’t close up and reopen under a different name every year.
Understood..I thought this was all about allegations of fake/shrill accounts. It seems there is some history there that I’m not aware of.

I’m not affiliated or connected with this source in any way, nor am I defending anyone. All I was trying to say is I’m not a shrill and have used this source on several occasions now and was very impressed. I use 2-3 sources on here regularly so I’m not partial to one over the other, they each have advantages and disadvantages, and all varying levels of risk.

I agree OPSEC is of utmost importance which is why I would really hope any source in that supposed predicament would take extraordinary steps and have proper security measures in place to protect and prevent comprise. OPSEC is always a concern with any source that has others involved in business, I cannot speak to any of that, I don’t know the history, this source can, and perhaps should. All I was trying to emphasize is that I am not a “shrill”. I don’t care who gets gear from whom or where but to say it’s solely business practices/ethics doesn’t know business world in general. But that’s what’s nice, we all get to make our own decisions despite differing opinions.

I can ONLY speak to MY experience with source.
Understood..I thought this was all about allegations of fake/shrill accounts. It seems there is some history there that I’m not aware of.

I’m not affiliated or connected with this source in any way, nor am I defending anyone. All I was trying to say is I’m not a shrill and have used this source on several occasions now and was very impressed. I use 2-3 sources on here regularly so I’m not partial to one over the other, they each have advantages and disadvantages, and all varying levels of risk.

I agree OPSEC is of utmost importance which is why I would really hope any source in that supposed predicament would take extraordinary steps and have proper security measures in place to protect and prevent comprise. OPSEC is always a concern with any source that has others involved in business, I cannot speak to any of that, I don’t know the history, this source can, and perhaps should. All I was trying to emphasize is that I am not a “shrill”. I don’t care who gets gear from whom or where but to say it’s solely business practices/ethics doesn’t know business world in general. But that’s what’s nice, we all get to make our own decisions despite differing opinions.

I can ONLY speak to MY experience with source.
it's shill dude
it's shill dude
He knows. He’s trying to give the impression that he’s so far from a shill that he doesn’t even know the word and has to look it up. He even made sure to say as much. Yet even though he looked it up he misspelled it, which is odd. He also spends the great majority of his posts defending this source and espousing the idea that he’s not a shill, which is also odd.

This whole source is fucking clown shoes, as is anyone that opts to associate with them.
Sounds like you're the expert on that answer, not me.
Doesn’t take an expert to go over to SST and see how shady you are. I don’t think you are going to get much respect around here bud. Your entire operation was a race to the bottom because you let the almighty dollar make the decisions.

Maybe rebrand your rebrand and learn how to use a VPN while you’re at it.
He knows. He’s trying to give the impression that he’s so far from a shill that he doesn’t even know the word and has to look it up. He even made sure to say as much. Yet even though he looked it up he misspelled it, which is odd. He also spends the great majority of his posts defending this source and espousing the idea that he’s not a shill, which is also odd.

This whole source is fucking clown shoes, as is anyone that opts to associate with them.
Doesn’t take an expert to go over to SST and see how shady you are. I don’t think you are going to get much respect around here bud. Your entire operation was a race to the bottom because you let the almighty dollar make the decisions.

Maybe rebrand your rebrand and learn how to use a VPN while you’re at it.
If you say so buddies. While you're at it, prevent any new sign ups on Meso. It's all shills! conspiracy.jpg
He knows. He’s trying to give the impression that he’s so far from a shill that he doesn’t even know the word and has to look it up. He even made sure to say as much. Yet even though he looked it up he misspelled it, which is odd. He also spends the great majority of his posts defending this source and espousing the idea that he’s not a shill, which is also odd.

This whole source is fucking clown shoes, as is anyone that opts to associate with them.

What bothers me is that you assume my spelling/grammar mistakes are intentional? At least the other member let me know without throwing up accusations. You think it’s a giant conspiracy, you’re a nut!! Its called auto-correct! I had no clue wtf shill (yes I had to manually change it this time too) was until you all started using it and that’s a fucking fact! Shill is not even recognized word in Apple dictation. But you “assume” that’s intentional…Douche… and God forbid someone offers up an opinion different than yours. As I said I’m not going to defend anyone on something I don’t know anything about so fuck off and get a life.
What bothers me is that you assume my spelling/grammar mistakes are intentional? At least the other member let me know without throwing up accusations. You think it’s a giant conspiracy, you’re a nut!! Its called auto-correct! I had no clue wtf shill (yes I had to manually change it this time too) was until you all started using it and that’s a fucking fact! Shill is not even recognized word in Apple dictation. But you “assume” that’s intentional…Douche… and God forbid someone offers up an opinion different than yours. As I said I’m not going to defend anyone on something I don’t know anything about so fuck off and get a life.
It's not that serious.