MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Appreciate the comment but end of the day he tested the vial and it had some test cyp mixed in it. Something happened. He isn’t to blame. We’re working on figuring it out. In the meantime the NPP has been re brewed with new raws and tested.
I am not blaming @dirthand at all, i’m just stating that someone else needs to test as well. I’ll leave it at that.
I agree with someone else needing to send an old batch in. It’ll help us out in seeing what happened. Not because @dirthand did anything wrong. I 100% believe him. But a data point from another user will be very helpful here.

We’ll cover the whole test + give store credit on top.

What else should a source do when something like this happens?

I don't see why people think it's being handled poorly.
@Axle Labs yeah the $200 minimum is causing me problems now , sometimes i cant spend that much
Hi, as a PFA may I suggest starting an SSA (steroid savings account) with a mobile payment service such as cashapp. It's a practical and easy method of allocating funds for your next cycle and hiding them from your wife. All you gotta do is stop buying coffee outside of your home use and drop that dough into your SSA.

What I like to do is pay myself for doing nice things such as holding the door for someone, making a cashier smile, allow that person to late merge into my lane, do something for the wife so she doesn't have to do it, sometimes if I beat her home ill work extra hard so she doesn't have to do anything when she gets home.....any time i do something nice for someone or commit a selfless act $5-$10 goes into the SSA. This helps me be a better person and I get to buy more gear without guilt. No one likes guilty gear.
Hi, as a PFA may I suggest starting an SSA (steroid savings account) with a mobile payment service such as cashapp. It's a practical and easy method of allocating funds for your next cycle and hiding them from your wife. All you gotta do is stop buying coffee outside of your home use and drop that dough into your SSA.

What I like to do is pay myself for doing nice things such as holding the door for someone, making a cashier smile, allow that person to late merge into my lane, do something for the wife so she doesn't have to do it, sometimes if I beat her home ill work extra hard so she doesn't have to do anything when she gets home.....any time i do something nice for someone or commit a selfless act $5-$10 goes into the SSA. This helps me be a better person and I get to buy more gear without guilt. No one likes guilty gear.
This is one of my favorite post ever.
Hi, as a PFA may I suggest starting an SSA (steroid savings account) with a mobile payment service such as cashapp. It's a practical and easy method of allocating funds for your next cycle and hiding them from your wife. All you gotta do is stop buying coffee outside of your home use and drop that dough into your SSA.

What I like to do is pay myself for doing nice things such as holding the door for someone, making a cashier smile, allow that person to late merge into my lane, do something for the wife so she doesn't have to do it, sometimes if I beat her home ill work extra hard so she doesn't have to do anything when she gets home.....any time i do something nice for someone or commit a selfless act $5-$10 goes into the SSA. This helps me be a better person and I get to buy more gear without guilt. No one likes guilty gear.
I laughed for a solid 20 seconds. Lol
Lol I did get s little work up. Ha ha
It's hard not to get pissed off when you spend your own money and time to try and share information with others and then they second-guess you and think you're a liar. I get the same way. But, it's the internet so it's to be expected and we are all just random fuck-o's.

For what it's worth, I completely believe you. I don't see why you would have any reason to try to sabotage this source.
Hi, as a PFA may I suggest starting an SSA (steroid savings account) with a mobile payment service such as cashapp. It's a practical and easy method of allocating funds for your next cycle and hiding them from your wife. All you gotta do is stop buying coffee outside of your home use and drop that dough into your SSA.

What I like to do is pay myself for doing nice things such as holding the door for someone, making a cashier smile, allow that person to late merge into my lane, do something for the wife so she doesn't have to do it, sometimes if I beat her home ill work extra hard so she doesn't have to do anything when she gets home.....any time i do something nice for someone or commit a selfless act $5-$10 goes into the SSA. This helps me be a better person and I get to buy more gear without guilt. No one likes guilty gear.
No one gets a late merge in my opinion, not even God himself. Sorry you should have planned better
It's hard not to get pissed off when you spend your own money and time to try and share information with others and then they second-guess you and think you're a liar. I get the same way. But, it's the internet so it's to be expected and we are all just random fuck-o's.

For what it's worth, I completely believe you. I don't see why you would have any reason to try to sabotage this source.
Even the source is saying he isnt doing anything wrong and people still hating
Did you scroll back and see we’ve begun testing raws as well as final product now? We are still figuring out what happened - as you can see we’ve sent in raws as well and are awaiting results.:)
Wow a vendor starting to test raws? Looks like we're one step closer to testing raws for more than just purity...

Where's that readalot fellow anyways? He started a movement and it seems for good reason! Oh wait... it looks like he's banned? Any reason why? In my opinion he was more interested in "harm reduction" than anyone else on this forum @Millard
Wow a vendor starting to test raws? Looks like we're one step closer to testing raws for more than just purity...

Where's that readalot fellow anyways? He started a movement and it seems for good reason! Oh wait... it looks like he's banned? Any reason why? In my opinion he was more interested in "harm reduction" than anyone else on this forum @Millard
Yes he was big on harm reduction and had great input on tsh, t3 and t4. some people might not have liked how he went about what he stood for but I'm very sorry to see he's gone.
Readalot needs to come back. This is the testing we need.
Wow a vendor starting to test raws? Looks like we're one step closer to testing raws for more than just purity...

Where's that readalot fellow anyways? He started a movement and it seems for good reason! Oh wait... it looks like he's banned? Any reason why? In my opinion he was more interested in "harm reduction" than anyone else on this forum @Millard
You guys do realize …. Readalot talked a lot about harm reduction, emphasize “TALK”

Show me his contributions. There’s members on here (not me) that have spent $1,000’s and some prob over $5000 on testing and posted to the forum without craving attention and tagging members he didn’t like just to try and irritate them. There’s members here that provide actual advice thru experience, who work in the medical field, ifbb pros that are as humble as they come and will assist the most amateur noobies. Readalot acted like he was for the members but why not show it and start off the testing he wanted himself.

I would say go find him on another forum if you miss him but you can’t because he’s been banned from 2-3 other popular forums. Hmmm, Not a coincidence.

Move on and continue to keep Meso positive
And helpful Is what we need to do.
You guys do realize …. Readalot talked a lot about harm reduction, emphasize “TALK”

Show me his contributions. There’s members on here (not me) that have spent $1,000’s and some prob over $5000 on testing and posted to the forum without craving attention and tagging members he didn’t like just to try and irritate them. There’s members here that provide actual advice thru experience, who work in the medical field, ifbb pros that are as humble as they come and will assist the most amateur noobies. Readalot acted like he was for the members but why not show it and start off the testing he wanted himself.

I would say go find him on another forum if you miss him but you can’t because he’s been banned from 2-3 other popular forums. Hmmm, Not a coincidence.

Move on and continue to keep Meso positive
And helpful Is what we need to do.
Here come the readalot fan boys… thank you for making this post. There is a member in particular that has spent over 10k in testing. Makes great comments on post and never bothers anyone. All readalot did was talk. He wanted to start a movement but wanted everyone else to do it for him. Doesn’t even use UGL’s. Clearly he is an ongoing issue on forums. Hence why he has been banned. Millard is extremely fair and even lets things slide before the hammer. Let’s see who’s the next heavy metals advocate lol.
Here come the readalot fan boys… thank you for making this post. There is a member in particular that has spent over 10k in testing. Makes great comments on post and never bothers anyone. All readalot did was talk. He wanted to start a movement but wanted everyone else to do it for him. Doesn’t even use UGL’s. Clearly he is an ongoing issue on forums. Hence why he has been banned. Millard is extremely fair and even lets things slide before the hammer. Let’s see who’s the next heavy metals advocate lol.
That dude asking others to fund his “campaign” was hilarious. For someone that doesn’t use UGLs kind of blows me away. But whatever. Everyone has to give their 2 cents I guess. I guess he’s ban now.
You guys do realize …. Readalot talked a lot about harm reduction, emphasize “TALK”

Show me his contributions. There’s members on here (not me) that have spent $1,000’s and some prob over $5000 on testing and posted to the forum without craving attention and tagging members he didn’t like just to try and irritate them. There’s members here that provide actual advice thru experience, who work in the medical field, ifbb pros that are as humble as they come and will assist the most amateur noobies. Readalot acted like he was for the members but why not show it and start off the testing he wanted himself.

I would say go find him on another forum if you miss him but you can’t because he’s been banned from 2-3 other popular forums. Hmmm, Not a coincidence.

Move on and continue to keep Meso positive
And helpful Is what we need to do.
Here come the readalot fan boys… thank you for making this post. There is a member in particular that has spent over 10k in testing. Makes great comments on post and never bothers anyone. All readalot did was talk. He wanted to start a movement but wanted everyone else to do it for him. Doesn’t even use UGL’s. Clearly he is an ongoing issue on forums. Hence why he has been banned. Millard is extremely fair and even lets things slide before the hammer. Let’s see who’s the next heavy metals advocate lol.

Was he bullying Folgers into testing their coffee for deadly residual impurities that could explain why so many people who drink coffee get sick?