Thanks for your additional thoughts. I appreciate it

and presenting your arguments in a way that doesn't turn everyone against you is almost more important than being right in life.
Good point. Depends on what you do for a living. In this particular case I take it you are talking in general terms. I was not aware I had turned everyone against me. That surely isn't consistent with the feedback I have received on the main boards and through PMs (from those that don't want to deal with the BS from the board sycophants and bullies).
Sure man, whatever reinforces the point you're trying to make rather than adapting.

It's just a coincidence that 90% of the feedback is negative. Everyone is hiding in PMs!

Fake news.
bro i would be conerened what the other 10% of the raw would be over if the dosage was the same as the label. I would not want to be injecting something that idk wtf it is or if its toxic. If its 90% pure then what is the other 10%?
bro i would be conerened what the other 10% of the raw would be over if the dosage was the same as the label. I would not want to be injecting something that idk wtf it is or if its toxic. If its 90% pure then what is the other 10%?
Thank you for being the first person to answer the question so far. I appreciate it.
That's great - but in order to win people over you need more than facts. Being likable and presenting your arguments in a way that doesn't turn everyone against you is almost more important than being right in life.

Based on the way you post, I assume you're heavily on the spectrum and that's why you don't get it but it would help your messaging a lot.
This guy is on your side.
He's advocating for you; he doesn't even take UGL drugs.
He's an asset being treated like a burden and it makes no sense at all. It's just because people don't like the way he talks? What grade are we in here?

Just let him annoy the sources. Don't let those guys get too comfortable.
bro i would be conerened what the other 10% of the raw would be over if the dosage was the same as the label. I would not want to be injecting something that idk wtf it is or if its toxic. If its 90% pure then what is the other 10%?
Well, we will all soon know. How long have we been injecting ugl products? 5 years? A decade? Some guys decades?

Just like smoking, it took decades till they agreed it causes cancer. Until then, it’s our fault for shooting shit that has impurities.

I still believe there are people who have tested what those impurities are but they are not sharing it to the public, because if there are heavy metals or materials that cause ailments in the powders we should have already complaints or cases that stem from it.

I am confident there are people who have the resources and access to facilities that can test for the impurities, think pros who are in countries where aas are legal. They still have to use compounds that are not pharmaceutically produced like tren.
This guy is on your side.
He's advocating for you; he doesn't even take UGL drugs.
He's an asset being treated like a burden and it makes no sense at all. It's just because people don't like the way he talks? What grade are we in here?

Just let him annoy the sources. Don't let those guys get too comfortable.
So what? I gave him good advice. The best way to win people over is by delivering the information in a way that is palatable to everyone. If he could get everyone on this forum on his side, then there would be collective pressure. Instead he takes the autist approach of over dumping info, talking down to people and spamming threads. Being right isn't enough.
So what? I gave him good advice. The best way to win people over is by delivering the information in a way that is palatable to everyone. If he could get everyone on this forum on his side, then there would be collective pressure. Instead he takes the autist approach of over dumping info, talking down to people and spamming threads. Being right isn't enough.
He doesn't need to sell me on anything. This isn't political. He likely has no incentive to ask these questions to begin with, and even less to adjust his behaviour in an attempt to manipulate people into accepting his free help. Just my thoughts.
He doesn't need to sell me on anything. This isn't political. He likely has no incentive to ask these questions to begin with, and even less to adjust his behaviour in an attempt to manipulate people into accepting his free help. Just my thoughts.
I didn't say he needs to sell you on anything. I said he's had an overwhelmingly negative reaction which means he does need to sell better to the vast majority of people. Not hard to understand.
So what? I gave him good advice. The best way to win people over is by delivering the information in a way that is palatable to everyone. If he could get everyone on this forum on his side, then there would be collective pressure. Instead he takes the autist approach of over dumping info, talking down to people and spamming threads. Being right isn't enough.
You go out of your way to be a flaming cunt of a bully, but somehow he needs to be more likable? He doesn't need to do shit for you? There are two reasons you call him autistic. The first is that he's smarter than you are, and that makes you insecure. The second is that you're a person of low character. Neither of those things are going to change.
You go out of your way to be a flaming cunt of a bully, but somehow he needs to be more likable? He doesn't need to do shit for you? There are two reasons you call him autistic. The first is that he's smarter than you are, and that makes you insecure. The second is that you're a person of low character. Neither of those things are going to change.
How does his cock taste?

BTW, went ahead and popped you on ignore. At least @readalot is intelligent. You're just a cheerleading cuck with nothing of value to offer to anyone.
How does his cock taste?

BTW, went ahead and popped you on ignore. At least @readalot is intelligent. You're just a cheerleading cuck with nothing of value to offer to anyone.
You're just a garbage person who doesn't have the balls to take his beating like a man. You talk shit all day, then you run like fucking bitch because you can't defend your stupidity. Low character, dude. Low fucking character.
What is your proposal/recommendation?
How about you minimize the amount of testing related posts constantly put on every domestic source thread and keep the majority in your own thread that is entirely dedicated to your goal. Reading page after page after page feels the same as when I have to hear my wife complaining...all I want is to see Stan's 500ml media bottle but no, gotta read 299 testing related posts to get there 1st.