Nandrolone no ester source

Perhaps some one had done this already for non 17 AA AAS (test being one example). If so my apologies as I am not aware of it.
I’ve never seen these before anywhere. I like transdermals but even those are hard to come by. I’ve been using gear over 30 years and the amount of scar tissue is ridiculous. This method appears to be superior to transdermal administration as well as easier.
This method appears to be superior to transdermal administration as well as easier.
Far superior. You could also insert the troche in your ass but I think the buccal gives much better control of what is going on haha plus the convenience. Hold up in your gum for 10 to 20 min no swallowing. To your previous post just like a mint. The PEG melts away and your oral mucosa absorbs the API. Would probably want to make sure the raws are micronized to yield highest SA to V ratio and speed absorption at the gum. But even without micronization it will work fine.
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I’ve never seen these before anywhere. I like transdermals but even those are hard to come by. I’ve been using gear over 30 years and the amount of scar tissue is ridiculous. This method appears to be superior to transdermal administration as well as easier.
Watch in a few months the Heisenberg Troche King will show up on here. Would be cool for the person who knows what they are doing. Does not fit my risk reward but there you have it folks. I am just the theory/idea guy. Enjoy.

But if you do make a killing off this designer product do contribute back to the site. That would be fair.

Making the troches is simple. Much simpler than brewing, no filtering, etc etc. No injections so think food grade not sterile.
Wonder if people would use this to beat tests in tested sports?
It is in realm of feasible (see turinabol cocktail saga and E Germans before that). Shared that in the steroid forum.

BTW I have a great data set showing test cream applied to anus or vulva has elimination half life under 1 hr. Similar to Natesto. But you really have to know what you are doing with WADA testing. Complicated is short answer.
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My reaction score is now 76 lol. Wow. This is brutal.

backing up homer simpson GIF
What do you think @Liska ? A whole line of troches for the discriminating pharmacokinetics snob?

A can see the margin on these being nuts unless it was a "give shit away for free" person like me. I just think this whole AAS/Govt situation is laughable. Who is looking out for the poor body dysmorpic little guys. They just keep getting forced into more risky situations. SAD.

Could really save some young people's HPTAs and months of suffering / PCT mess. Also may help reduce cumulative doses.
How ya gonna tease us with this without having some ready to be tested via Guinea pigs
An enterprising and smart subscriber should already be stocking up on the PEGs. New job description posting...troche artist haha.

Make sure you get a deal on bulk order of troche base...

That is a lot of base for 10 kg of raws.
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An enterprising and smart subscriber should already be stocking up on the PEGs. New job description posting...troche artist haha.
Hopefully the case. Thanks for this great thread though. This sounds like an amazing product if indeed anyone decides to make it,
Hopefully the case. Thanks for this great thread though. This sounds like an amazing product if indeed anyone decides to make it,
Thanks for talking through it with me.

Anyone have comments/critique fire away. I think my facts here are correct and the formulation/stability is very easy to manage.

@Liska as you were the only source to participate feel free to weigh in on my thinking. I think I covered all your concerns working with the base raws.

The buccal troche is an effective Gordian knot solution. Will also significantly cut manufacturing time and sterility concerns. Someone post up their cost calcs and I will he happy to review or provide feedback.

Who says you can't have #harmreduction and superior performance and convenience? Use the troche for the base raws that could really leverage this delivery method for success.

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Thanks for talking through it with me.

Anyone have comments/critique fire away. I think my facts here are correct and the formulation/stability is very easy to manage.

@Liska as you were the only source to participate feel free to weigh in on my thinking. I think I covered all your concerns working with the base raws.

The buccal troche is an effective Gordian knot solution. Will also significantly cut manufacturing time and sterility concerns. Someone post up their cost calcs and I will he happy to review or provide feedback.
Thanks for talking through it with me.

Anyone have comments/critique fire away. I think my facts here are correct and the formulation/stability is very easy to manage.

@Liska as you were the only source to participate feel free to weigh in on my thinking. I think I covered all your concerns working with the base raws.

The buccal troche is an effective Gordian knot solution. Will also significantly cut manufacturing time and sterility concerns. Someone post up their cost calcs and I will he happy to review or provide feedback.

Who says you can't have #harmreduction and superior performance and convenience? Use the troche for the right AAS base raw.
I’m thinking nandrolone might be a great one to experiment with - maybe @Liska will make some nice torches as a trial run
I’m thinking nandrolone might be a great one to experiment with - maybe @Liska will make some nice torches as a trial run
Haha. Hence the thread title. Nandrolone base -- a great candidate!

And please make sure you suspended the API properly in the PEG. The acacia gum is in the recipe for a reason. Fun little system.
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You might consider testing your idea with DHT base, that way you can do a serum blood test after administering your method
You might consider testing your idea with DHT base, that way you can do a serum blood test after administering your method
Yes great point. That way one could run a time series if they wanted for the Pk profile. Can do the same with Test or estradiol or DHT troche. We know the method works (see PK profiles for testosterone and oxandrolone above).

Not much difference in absorption through oral mucosa with any of these ~ 300 g/mol androgens.

Thanks for stopping by.
If you're in the US

Good price on DHT.

39 bucks at DiscountedLabs for LCMS TT plus FT by eq dialysis. I could see myself showing up there 8 times in a day. Probably just set up there in the lobby for the day. The phlebotomists would think I was a little weird. All in the name of science haha.
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Let's see what responses we get on how this will also change shipping and opsec. No bottles to break. Do need to be careful with shipping in hot weather.

Again, easily solved.

And fyi a 100 mg oxandrolone troche (scored so you can quarter) sells for $10 in US through compounding pharmacy.

That is $1 per 10 mg API / $100 per 1000 mg.

1000 mg of nandrolone decanoate (5 ml vial) goes for $80.

I can't remember Test and stanozolol prices off the top of my head. But similar. Seems like the UGLs should be ready to step up if/when the compounding situation gets hit hard by the coming DEA/FDA crackdown.

Perhaps niche but this is still a sizeable opportunity to do business (ahem I mean provide care) with discriminating AAS patients.
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Very niche, even more so than creams.
There is a source here that caps dht base for a pre workout, and I thought that was the most niche thing I’ve seen here.
Very niche, even more so than creams.
There is a source here that caps dht base for a pre workout, and I thought that was the most niche thing I’ve seen here.
Glad I could help go even more niche. The point is to make it not niche though. Very elegant.

I understand it will take time though.

BTW, why is he capping DHT base for preworkout? Is this to enable placement of DHT base in gumline? What is the filler used?

Hopefully people aren't swallowing these.