Nandrolone no ester source

I've been seeing this "harm reduction" debate all over the place here.

The reality is the forum is what the members make it to be regardless of what someone wants it to be. You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.

“Charlottes Web” was published in 1952. The following spring, says Sims, White’s stepson Roger Angell, an accomplished sports writer and former fiction editor at The New Yorker, visited the farm with his daughter. White’s granddaughter had learned that a pig on the farm was slated for death, and having read her grandfather’s book, took it upon herself to try and save its life. She drew a picture inspired by “Charlotte’s Web,” and attached it to the pig’s pen for White to discover in the morning, just as Wilbur’s owners had discovered Charlotte’s message.

“E.B. White laughed and went up to tell his wife that this miraculous thing had happened in the night,” says Sims. “And then as far as I could find out, that fall he went ahead and killed the pig.”

After all, he was still a farmer.

Good short read. White really had a special relationship with pigs.

Thanks for your comments.
Feel free to expand on your thought.

Left that out of above post so adding here.

School this poor new member.

Thank you.
are you planning to brew it? in my personal experience, bases are VERY effective if you can handle the high number of injections.
are you planning to brew it? in my personal experience, bases are VERY effective if you can handle the high number of injections.
Thanks for your interest. No I was not thinking about injecting it...Hint hint.

Appreciate you sharing your experiences. Liska probably knows where I am going with this to avoid those issues that were hinted at. So not thinking parenteral or dermal.
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A possible answer for this guy might be that he wants to use compounds as "preworkouts
You were right there. Not a PWO but a delivery method that gets the nandrolone in and out fast using buccal delivery...

Always curious why no one approached nandrolone (and other non 17AA raws) this way so it is in and out in a few hours and you aren't stuck with weeks for washout if you don't react well to it.

So there you have it...

Harm reduction product development for the underground. Could conceivably use this with any no ester API. Common with the compounding pharmacies to do this with oxandrolone or stanozolol. But that is a solution for a problem that doesn't exist. Oral bioavailability is excellent for oxandrolone. But where the troche utility would really shine is with AAS that are not resistant to first pass metabolism. Tren troches anyone?

Also no DMSO or cream to mess with and don't have to worry about solubility of nandrolone base in your injectable. Everyone loves flavored troches.

Stabilizing the no ester base to minimize degradation quite manageable in the troche base.


Proper placement for buccal admin:


Don't swallow. Now you would have the ability to wash out very fast.

More examples..

Not your typical steroid underground thread. Take care of your health.
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You were right there. Not a PWO but a delivery method that gets the nandrolone in and out fast using buccal delivery...

Always curious why no one approached nandrolone this way so it is in and out in a few hours and you aren't stuck with weeks for washout if you don't react well to it.

So there you have it...

Harm reduction product development for the underground. Could conceivably use this with any no ester API. Common with the compounding pharmacies to do this with oxandrolone or stanozolol. But where the utility would really shine is with AAS that are not resistant to first pass metabolism.

Also no DMSO or cream to mess with and don't have to worry about solubility of nandrolone base in your injectable. Everyone loves flavored troches.

Stabilizing the no ester base to minimize degradation quite manageable in the troche base.

View attachment 267966

Proper placement for buccal admin:

View attachment 267968

Don't swallow. Now you would have the ability to wash out very fast.

More examples..
quite interesting, but what would be the purpose of administering 1x per week? If this method is effective and not more toxic than injection- why not go 2 x 25mg per day? I ran nandrolone base injectable at 35mg 2x per day for 2 weeks and muscles get full fast.
Nandrolone base could be a pretty gnarly preworkout. There are prohormones that convert to nandrolone that might work as an alternative
quite interesting, but what would be the purpose of administering 1x per week? If this method is effective and not more toxic than injection- why not go 2 x 25mg per day? I ran nandrolone base injectable at 35mg 2x per day for 2 weeks and muscles get full fast.
That was just the thread title. See the posts inside. Absolutely, pulse multiple times per day but then you decide when to hit the brakes and the brakes actually work haha (not like ND or even NPP). I guess the car analogy works.

ND is the tractor trailer going down the mountain. Troche would be Porsche going down the mountain.

Also we know that injecting test no ester / suspension has an elimination half life very similar to Test Prop. So injecting nandrolone base should not give you as rapid an apparent absorption and elimination profile as the troche.

see here for exhaustive literature review...

Troche will beat base no ester/suspension injection on elimination half life sizeably.
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Imagine a PK profile like this for nandrolone / boldenone / trenbolone...


I guess the subscribers can donate my royalty stream to MesoRx. I am sure @Millard will find a great use for it. Thanks for the great site Sir.
That was just the thread title. See the posts inside. Absolutely pulse multiple times per day but then you decide when to hit thr brakes and the brakes actually work haha (not like ND or even NPP).
quite interesting. Looks pretty tedious to make though. Would this be effective with any base? Boldenone, tren, stanalone? Test?
Imagine a PK profile like this for nandrolone / boldenone / trenbolone...

View attachment 267972

I guess the subscribers can donate my royalty stream to MesoRx. I am sure @Millard will find a great use for it. Thanks for the great site Sir.
you answered my next question as well here. Looks like 1 every 8 hours would be ideal to maintain blood levels. Curious as too efficacy as far as actual application
quite interesting. Looks pretty tedious to make though. Would this be effective with any base? Boldenone, tren, stanalone? Test?
Absolutely. Test troches are great example from the compounding pharmacy. I haven't even touched on advantage to hpta suppression with this method.

One could have a whole line of AAS troches. The "harm reduction" and rapid PK profile line.
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primo ace
Just the primo. Don't need the ace. That's the whole point. The ester actually works against this method. It is designed for parenteral application. Would slow you down here and potentially reduce absorption at the oral mucosa compared to no ester.
Curious as too efficacy as far as actual application

Base AAS no ester straight into the bloodstream bypassing first pass and no wait on the front end or back end. Oxandrolone troches hit hard. To your point you would have to try them as no research will be published above ground.
Just the primo. Don't need the ace. That's the whole point. The ester actually works against this method. It is designed for parenteral application. Would slow you down here and potentially reduce absorption at the oral mucosa compared to no ester.
Never heard of primo without ester Being available but bold, nandrolone, DHB, Tren, and obviously test.
Never heard of primo without ester Being available but bold, nandrolone, DHB, Tren, and obviously test.
That was my point above with the "custom job" comment . Oh it exists, it is just manufacturers are used to making the esters for injections.