Nandrolone no ester source

And just to be as clear as I can....what I have laid out above is not a PWO. It is a better way to deliver androgens (pulsing them multiple times per day) to minimize HPTA disruption and also some potential other harm reduction benefits.

The logic and basic mechanism is blatantly stolen from the work we have learned with Natesto over last 10 years.

Puts the power back into the hands of the user how often you want an androgen in your system and when to pull the plug extremely fast. A surgical tool if you will instead of a hammer (e.g.., IM administration of ND or even NPP).

Of course you could use it as a PWO as well.
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All of that is assuming that the sustained high androgen levels aren’t what’s responsible for the desired effects in the first place. For myself the effects of using AAS at trt dosages wasn’t apparent until after a year and up until two years I was noticing things. Your method sounds like there’s a trade off with deleterious effects and desirable results
trade off with deleterious effects and desirable results
Always seems to be the case. Not unique to this method.

Advantages are detailed above. Anabolism proportional to area under curve. Sides effects as well with the caveat that HPTA is quite sensitive to duty cycle and pulse amplitude so there is some hacking we could do for side effect management with troche method.
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Also the blood levels (and subsequent fall) from transdermal administration can be manipulated by using a higher or lower dose over a small or larger area. The larger the area the less the skin bottlenecks delivery into the bloodstream, the skin acts an ester pretty much.
The larger the area the less the skin bottlenecks delivery into the bloodstream, the skin acts an ester pretty much.
There is a flux of androgen with the skin (mg per area per time) So the more area you apply to (more cream applied) the higher the mass of androgen you are pushing into the bloodstream per unit time. Depends on the transdermal formulation but you are correct the skin does mimic an ester's behavior as it slows the effective elimination half life (again depends where you apply) compared to oral or nasal mucosa.

The troche behaves similar to either a nasal gel or base cream applied to vulva or anus. Very rapid absorption and elimination. The vulva and anus are extremely vascular so very different behavior than say applying to shoulder, arm, or even scrotum. Now of course you really only have so much area to work with on the anus or vulva.

So I agree that nandrolone no ester in versabase applied to anus would behavior similar to the buccal troche. And as I have mentioned the rectal troche will work as well but we already flavored it and put some Stevia in the troche haha.
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Switching to test cream from injections, possibly other compounds as well. Dose would be whatever keeps me 800-1200

This really should be in homebrew, I’ve been posting like it is, sorry about that
Switching to test cream from injections, possibly other compounds as well. Dose would be whatever keeps me 800-1200

This really should be in homebrew, I’ve been posting like it is, sorry about that
I am sure you have seen the scrotum paper with the various dosing. Let me know if not.
See this reference (Fig. 1):


A little more room on MW with oral mucosa than intact skin.

Would it be feasible to make a troche with multiple compounds? For example, Test, Primo and HCG?

Test and Primo no ester ~300 g/mol, sure.

HCG, absolutely not. ~ 30k g/mol.

Any oral / troche HCG "product" is a scam.

Growth hormone or other GHRH troches?
No. GH ~ 20k and GH secretagogues ~ 3000 g/mol. Too large to pass through oral mucosa effectively.
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Its on their list:
Its on their list:
reliability of this vendor?
I am not sure they actually had proven that LH is maintained via short acting NATESTO.. rather was hypothesized and LH was halved via natesto... 23 people or less and its very possible u get all the downsides of gel... dont think they even compared gel LH FSH of gel vs natesto.... also need to consider timing as folks who use gel in morning likely preserve similarly to (although ive never dug up any data, and natesto sample size are small for that purpose) that is to say, dont trust natesto, they are a SKETCHY company, folks complain of crystallized product and somehow only some folks are able to return it as skeleton crew who ALL work from home and they contract out the actual manufacturing and appear not care too much about the QC as prob keeps liability to a min to them... infact has been recalled due to improper TOTAL levels in the jar, never mind random dosing with large crystals.. 3 doses of natesto has half life of 10min to 90min each dose, so at least ~hr of high T up to 5 or even 9+ hrs, and gel I think is 10-12 hrs or so? SOO much variability that I think SOME people it may help preserve a little better but depends how fast it lasts in your metabolism and if 1.5-2 hrs with lower T is enough for body to kick in LH? and enough LH produced in the small time to keep testicle going??? I dont know, but id just be wary of natesto if your goal is preservation.... some guys makes them feel great, appreciate that its less anabolic less affect on hemocrit compared to injections at least...

Def would love to see unbiased testing about LH hormone with short acting TNE.... im sure more will come after natesto looses patent and folks can get generic in 4-5 years.

Acerus literally has 1 guy working from home for usa and canada that when called is very clear is home based and forgets to plug in microphone etc even when asked repeatedly to do so lol than says oops and same issue the next time when trying to get none crystallized product.... they are highly sketch and appear IMO here just to make a quick buck(based on there biz model of PO Box no real office etc) and know they cant get taken off the market if guys loose sperm count or LH...

makes sense forsure but I would imagine that front loading vs 3Xday dosing would allow best LH preservation.. its also possible If absorb TOO fast ur levels skyrocket and while I am not sure mechanism one can imagine surprises LH even when TT drops to baseline... esp as we know it takes more than a few hrs of lh to produce sperm/natural production.

for me testicle pain from mostly 1X a day of natesto with odd time taking half dose for second one a day... still im sure better than injections esp 2xweek injections for preservation, but as always, skeptical... ESP as majority of the product comes crystallized so obv get major doses when take a 6mm long crystal...
I am not sure they actually had proven that LH is maintained via short acting NATESTO.. rather was hypothesized and LH was halved via natesto... 23 people or less and its very possible u get all the downsides of gel... dont think they even compared gel LH FSH of gel vs natesto.... also need to consider timing as folks who use gel in morning likely preserve similarly to (although ive never dug up any data, and natesto sample size are small for that purpose) that is to say, dont trust natesto, they are a SKETCHY company, folks complain of crystallized product and somehow only some folks are able to return it as skeleton crew who ALL work from home and they contract out the actual manufacturing and appear not care too much about the QC as prob keeps liability to a min to them... infact has been recalled due to improper TOTAL levels in the jar, never mind random dosing with large crystals.. 3 doses of natesto has half life of 10min to 90min each dose, so at least ~hr of high T up to 5 or even 9+ hrs, and gel I think is 10-12 hrs or so? SOO much variability that I think SOME people it may help preserve a little better but depends how fast it lasts in your metabolism and if 1.5-2 hrs with lower T is enough for body to kick in LH? and enough LH produced in the small time to keep testicle going??? I dont know, but id just be wary of natesto if your goal is preservation.... some guys makes them feel great, appreciate that its less anabolic less affect on hemocrit compared to injections at least...

Def would love to see unbiased testing about LH hormone with short acting TNE.... im sure more will come after natesto looses patent and folks can get generic in 4-5 years.

Acerus literally has 1 guy working from home for usa and canada that when called is very clear is home based and forgets to plug in microphone etc even when asked repeatedly to do so lol than says oops and same issue the next time when trying to get none crystallized product.... they are highly sketch and appear IMO here just to make a quick buck(based on there biz model of PO Box no real office etc) and know they cant get taken off the market if guys loose sperm count or LH...

makes sense forsure but I would imagine that front loading vs 3Xday dosing would allow best LH preservation.. its also possible If absorb TOO fast ur levels skyrocket and while I am not sure mechanism one can imagine surprises LH even when TT drops to baseline... esp as we know it takes more than a few hrs of lh to produce sperm/natural production.

for me testicle pain from mostly 1X a day of natesto with odd time taking half dose for second one a day... still im sure better than injections esp 2xweek injections for preservation, but as always, skeptical... ESP as majority of the product comes crystallized so obv get major doses when take a 6mm long crystal...
Dude PARAGRAPHS! Jesus Christ