Nandrolone no ester source

I dose with an insulin syringe with the needle cut off
Anyway do you think there would be health benefits to switching besides lower impact on hematocrit?

Iirc the scrotum paper also showed a bigger increase in DHT by applying testosterone cream to your nut sack. Apparently a lot of 5-alpha reductase down there.
Thanks for posting. Brings up a good point. These would dissolve too fast. Need to add some higher MW PEG to slow the dissolution rate so the Flux through the oral mucosa using the buccal route matches the dissolution rate. See that nice recipe I posted up earlier in thread.

You don't want a lot of liquid just sitting around. That's why the sublingual route is inferior to buccal. Dilution with saliva which lowers the driving force and promotes swallowing.
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Thanks for posting. Brings up a good point. These would dissolve too fast. Need to add some higher MW PEG to slow the dissolution rate so the Flux through the oral mucosa using the buccal route matches the dissolution rate. See that nice recipe I posted up earlier in thread.

You don't want a lot of liquid just sitting around. That's why the sublingual route is inferior to buccal. Dilution with saliva which lowers the driving force and promotes swallowing.

I remember when i was taking a certain medication sublingually i would put it in my mouth while still in bed then go back to sleep for another half hour before getting up. This solved the problem of saliva flooding the mouth.
I remember when i was taking a certain medication sublingually i would put it in my mouth while still in bed then go back to sleep for another half hour before getting up. This solved the problem of saliva flooding the mouth.
Just don't choke. Safety first.
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