OathKeeper-International RAW SOURCE

Hey, brother, can you recommend some reputable source?

Does ANYONE have a reputable source thats known. Everyone keeps saying use a reputable source. Ive yet to see anyone post one yet though. Just useless comments on how you should find one and etc. name a few fellas or something. Id love any help i can get.
I always hesitate beciase you never know if/when a source will go bad or make a huge mistake and you don't want to vouch for them ,send a guy to order from them..and then tje shit comes back wrong or whatever 100 things that can go wrong.. it's been a rough year for some sources.. it's tougg.. for every 1000 good orders there's one bad and we all go hard on the 1 bad one it completely covers all tje good ones somrtimes..it's tough
Does ANYONE have a reputable source thats known. Everyone keeps saying use a reputable source. Ive yet to see anyone post one yet though. Just useless comments on how you should find one and etc. name a few fellas or something. Id love any help i can get.

Translation: i don't want to read. Just give me a handout or i'll cry to my Mom that everyone here is a big meanie.

Here you go, lazy. Buck Anabolics. He's a dumb fuck just like you. Order from him. He's hurting bad for business. He'll probably even cut your dumb ass a deal.
I always hesitate beciase you never know if/when a source will go bad or make a huge mistake and you don't want to vouch for them ,send a guy to order from them..and then tje shit comes back wrong or whatever 100 things that can go wrong.. it's been a rough year for some sources.. it's tougg.. for every 1000 good orders there's one bad and we all go hard on the 1 bad one it completely covers all tje good ones somrtimes..it's tough
Bwahaha, so yet another no, have any of you on here ever truly found a source, or you just state obvious things and proclaim to be the only ones smart enough to check a source lol
Translation: i don't want to read. Just give me a handout or i'll cry to my Mom that everyone here is a big meanie.

Here you go, lazy. Buck Anabolics. He's a dumb fuck just like you. Order from him. He's hurting bad for business. He'll probably even cut your dumb ass a deal.
Hahahah, what in the fuck did i post that said anything you have claimed. Keep assuming puss stain. This website is a bunch of you worthless haters. Whats the point. All of these things can be found online from temps to BB BA percentages. Get bent and dont reply if you have nothing useful. Lol
Im a veteran, i got no feelings, only goals and no fucks given.
Translation: i don't want to read. Just give me a handout or i'll cry to my Mom that everyone here is a big meanie.

Here you go, lazy. Buck Anabolics. He's a dumb fuck just like you. Order from him. He's hurting bad for business. He'll probably even cut your dumb ass a deal.
God damn, you're just here to run your mouth in every source thread. What a sad life you live.
All you do is talk shit on a constant basis but in your mind you're holding them accountable? LOL! You have no power to do anything on this message board except run your little bitch mouth and at the end of the day that's all you do. You have some grand delusions there trooper farva.
All you do is talk shit on a constant basis but in your mind you're holding them accountable? LOL! You have no power to do anything on this message board except run your little bitch mouth and at the end of the day that's all you do. You have some grand delusions there trooper farva.

Again, what do you do besides sponge off the resources? You're just another whore that is only concerned about getting your precious drugs.

Have you ever vetted a source? Doubtful. You just wait for the real members here to ask all the hard questions then you swoop in to hump their leg.

Congratulations. You're useless. It's on you now, parasite. No more free rides for you and the rest of the pathetic assholes that don't lift a finger around here.
Bwahaha, so yet another no, have any of you on here ever truly found a source, or you just state obvious things and proclaim to be the only ones smart enough to check a source lol
With raws it's a risk everytime!! There is no guaranteed source dude.. you habe to pick one and hope for the best!! That's basically what we all do!! This is drug dealing not Wal-Mart
With raws it's a risk everytime!! There is no guaranteed source dude.. you habe to pick one and hope for the best!! That's basically what we all do!! This is drug dealing not Wal-Mart

Just give him a name. Oh hell, i'll spoon feed him and then maybe he'll go away.

Purple Panda Labs
Dragon Ordnance
ST Anabolic Raws
Quingdong (or whatever their name is.)
Dynamite Raws

All of them have happy customers. All of them have unhappy customers. It's a caveat to running a business. You can't please all of the people all of the time.

Take your pick. There's a couple more if you look, but they're not as popular. You're welcome. Good luck. Goodnight.
Greetings MESO members and lab owners, we are back with a fresh batch of Raw steroid powders. We do not deal with finish products, only sell RAW Powders.

If you are looking for a Raw steroid powder source with variety of products available at stock, then use a secure mail to [oathkeeperraws at protonmail dot com] for inquiries & sales.


Good News for EU Customers:
Our product line and shipment to eu is secure and fast. Our warehouse in Germany is stocking up as well. Welcome for inquiries.

Some of the products are listed below, the list is huge so if you need anything just name the product with a quantity and we will negotiate to give you the best quote.

5kg of TE 标TE
2kg of TC 标TC
2kg of TP 标TP
2kg of DECA 标 ND
500g of NPP 标 NPP
500g of DE 标 DE
500g of TBOL 标 4C
2kg of sustanon 标 SUS
500g of test d 标 TD
500g of test isocoproate 标 TI
500g of test pehnylopropionate 标 TPP
500g of Boldenone Undeclyenate 标 BU

Product pics in the attachment below.
