Citropin / EU

Pls talk about hgh problem here.

For testing, we’ve done blood tests for all the candidates HGH right now.

Now it’s purity and dimer test.
We have selected a manufacturer that we feel is the best through background checks and historical test data

Will do our best to find the highest purity hgh in China and supply it in Citropin.
Have been in contact with this source for a while now as I am looking for some rather exotic peptides that no one seems to carry.

I cannot speak for the quality of the products yet but the communication is top notch and he seems to really care for his customers and put the effort in to get you what you need.
Have been in contact with this source for a while now as I am looking for some rather exotic peptides that no one seems to carry.

I cannot speak for the quality of the products yet but the communication is top notch and he seems to really care for his customers and put the effort in to get you what you need.
Suck a dick shill
Have been in contact with this source for a while now as I am looking for some rather exotic peptides that no one seems to carry.

I cannot speak for the quality of the products yet but the communication is top notch and he seems to really care for his customers and put the effort in to get you what you need.

Comms are good until he owes you dough
Have been in contact with this source for a while now as I am looking for some rather exotic peptides that no one seems to carry.

I cannot speak for the quality of the products yet but the communication is top notch and he seems to really care for his customers and put the effort in to get you what you need.
Thx bro. Let me know if there is anything more I can help with.

So if anybody want any information of the raws supplying, you can always consult us. Communication is very easy here.
The supplying of HGH in China is getting a little bit tight in China. So we will have to take a week off. Will be posting here when citropin is back.

The supplying of raw powder is not affected. Only HGH.
Ordered some var and cialis raws, will post tests in a week.

Prices and customers service is good hopefully products are as good as customer service.
I got the hgh from him given a new chance because he said he knows the history of all hgh manufractures. I made him the offer to have it tested and to get HGH in return. I would have expected at least 92%. the only positive thing is that it doesn't contain any dimer

Please explain this

He can't. He bought the cheapest shit he could find AGAIN and performed a highly subjective test on himself to determine quality. He's a fucking clown of a source.

He fought Jano tooth and nail when his raws came back shitty, thank you for the testing btw, then said he'd accept Jano results, then skipped sending in the GH to have it tested because his method of poke me and test me was cheaper.

It all revolves around money. He doesn't have it or he doesn't want to spend it and will cut corners wherever he can.
Could you pls post the testing details out? Like spectrum, etc.
Or pls let me know how I can get those information in your website.

We want to find out what the impurity is.