OathKeeper-International RAW SOURCE

My fancy supplements dont use them i eat food as far as stretching it goes no not really they will do anything for money like how some chinese generic growth hormone has rat growth hormone and insulin in it cause its cheaper never underestimate a chinaman's will to cut corners and save a fraction of a penny just trying to look out for the bros but you do you and get them ali babba supps

Yeah good looking out, I'm gonna need a source on this "rat gh and insulin" or that just sounds like some wives tale. I don't doubt the Chinese ingenuity to rip people off.
i hate to be that guy but this is a harm reduction board and im just trying to help im not racist but i live in a city with a china town the chinese are extremely money hungry like its insane 2 i watched a documentary about fat burgs people in china go into the sewer get fat burghs melt it down back to oil and sell it to restaurants to use as cooking oil the reason for letting you know this is to give you a scale on what they will do for money i would be a little more afraid of buying stuff on ali baba cause you just dont know who or what you are dealing with i dont know if a test for supps exist but i would look into it dont get me wrong i like saving some money too but also that little bit of money isnt worth your health

i get what you're saying, but it's definitely not exclusive to the Chinese. A little out of the way place called India has an equal number of shady opportunists that would endanger the lives of others just to make a buck.

The desperate need for survival and the pursuit or greed of money can make people do some pretty fucked up shit to their fellow man.
i get what you're saying, but it's definitely not exclusive to the Chinese. A little out of the way place called India has an equal number of shady opportunists that would endanger the lives of others just to make a buck.

The desperate need for survival and the pursuit or greed of money can make people do some pretty fucked up shit to their fellow man.
you are right my man i know all to well about Indian gear but as he was saying about ali babba i was using china as the example this gear game is a shitty one
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Yeah good looking out, I'm gonna need a source on this "rat gh and insulin" or that just sounds like some wives tale. I don't doubt the Chinese ingenuity to rip people off.
Dan duchaine wrote a article about it years ago you can look it up for yourself or keep on arguing with me
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Why use peps, when there is steroids? I dont get that.

Throw them on top or bridge cycles.

I love 7 keto dhea but supplement companies barely put enough to benefit . I can’t find the pure powder anywhere. It’s a legal compound, but would it still be a risk to order the raws ? Anyone know?

If its legal you wont have an issue.

I got my first order, brewed androsterone 50mg/ml. All looks rly good. Order received 3 days after reshiper send it.

Pictures or it didn't happen.
If that works well try 5-10mg of cialis even 5mg pwo is amazing. I don't always use it but when I do gives u that amazing pump ur chasing with those combos.

I’ll have to try that and many have said cialis is amazing pre workout for pumps. I’d start 5mg given the 48 hr half life
I got my first order, brewed androsterone 50mg/ml. All looks rly good. Order received 3 days after reshiper send it.

injectable androsterone ? Have you used it before ? I’ve seen the transdermal and my local supp shop carries capsules

how does it compare to epiandrosterone ?
By look good i mean i was able to disolve and keep it in solution and it was predictable. Now its waiting for its moment, i think it might be stronger than DHT. Its protein binding is low while dht's is insane. Androsterone have a lot active metabolites in target tissues.

Ok i will post, have only video for now

Idk. I have seen posts of people saying epiando is weaker.

Just his offer, others i know dont have that raws. Id like to see exotics esters in future btw
Hello guys, finally we are back, full-time here in MESO.:)
For the last couple of months I've been dealing with the shipment issues and the reshipper, now that I have got the best possible and guaranteed shipping, you are welcome to chat here in meso or email me through my protonmail.
Here are some testing done recently by one of the labs here in MESO,
I highly prefer you do testing randomly by yourself through some of the labs you are satisfied with, in this way I will reimburse you in your next order.
Email: oathkeeperraws at protonmail dot com
Test Report #08819.pngTest Report #08818.png
By look good i mean i was able to disolve and keep it in solution and it was predictable. Now its waiting for its moment, i think it might be stronger than DHT. Its protein binding is low while dht's is insane. Androsterone have a lot active metabolites in target tissues.

Ok i will post, have only video for now

Idk. I have seen posts of people saying epiando is weaker.

Just his offer, others i know dont have that raws. Id like to see exotics esters in future btw
Hello bro, can you give us an update:)