MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

No reviews personally from his, but he has 3 month old testing with good results. I use tirzepatide from another intl source also with testing and the stuff works great. Don't believe I've seen another domestic source sell 10mg tirzepatide any cheaper than him.
Yeah I don't see how he's selling Tirz 10mg @ $55 when most domestic sources are pricing anywhere from $100-200. Not making any accusations, genuinely curious.
Yeah I don't see how he's selling Tirz 10mg @ $55 when most domestic sources are pricing anywhere from $100-200. Not making any accusations, genuinely curious.

Axle tirz was fantastic, killed my appetite week 2 at 2.5mg, than went up to 3.5mg at week5
Ordered 6 vials… going to try it after I use another source which is already money. So I really hope Axle is at same level for such a great price.
Because he's paying less than half that and isn't a greedy fuck?
With so many badass reviews I think this is one product they're choosing to sell in bulk, make up for any such loss on volume. The demand is so so so high. If the quality is top notch, lower the cost, sales go through the roof. Basic stuff. I'm not saying anything genius-like but that's kind of how I view it.
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Yeah I don't see how he's selling Tirz 10mg @ $55 when most domestic sources are pricing anywhere from $100-200. Not making any accusations, genuinely curious.

Could be making monster international orders to get a big discount. Then just reselling domestically.
New Test Results:

Mast-P (200mg/ml) -> 214.48mg/ml
Test-P (100mg/ml) -> 113.59mg/ml
Dianabol (25mg) -> 29.33mg (average) (Will do small scale back)
Winstrol (25mg) -> 24.24 (average)

Ordered Monday morning, had tracking that afternoon. Pack landed today, 2 days later. Easy to order, fast communication, good packaging, and lightning fast turn around! Will be a returning customer. Thanks.