MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

I know it’s hard to read but i literally say my entire plan and I’m pretty transparent. Messaging me twice on both threads when i literally spell out what exactly im doing and what results will be is kind of annoying . Yes i use tirz from multiple sources AND SAY THAT . I said im using test from both sources so I can’t objectively say which one will be raising my testosterone initially and I provide an explanation and say which gear I’m taking from which and why (because I have some of axles and I don’t want it to go to waste ) . So I don’t understand the point of both comments if you didn’t take the time to read it . I’m still posting bloods because of the compounds I’m on to show what I am taking works , and that what I am taking isn’t fucking up my body . Harm mitigation

This is why I prefer to lurk and not post in here
I often use two sources at once while pinning test. Just a quirky habit of mine I suppose. Ive been doing this for a few years at this point. As much as people meme on people for feelz, thats sort of why i rotate between two sources. Alternating between one the the other the next week. I've had some sources test give me weird/odd reactions, so i like alternating to give myself a better understanding of a sources test compared to anothers. I've had weird reactions to test from a source from another board so I just continued doing this. So far, I haven't had any issues from any sources here. Goodlyfe, CCUSA, and will be trying stans and axels test going forward.

Hope i can get blood results but i had issues with quest labs trying to charge me 700$ for a piss test from one of my specilist doctors not long ago and refused to pay it off. I was never given any sort of warning or indication for that testing yet they tried charging me for it.
This must be 20ML correct?

If so, it is still same batch as C58 10ML.

C59 should also just be 20ML and map to C58 10ML.
Yeah it was the 20 mil. Thanks for the info mate, now i can pin accordingly. I sort of figured since it was 20 mil it might of gotten mixed in. Really appreciate you going out of your way to figure this out.
These “gonna” do something posts are about as useful to the community as the “might have to pick some of that up” posts. Do you get credit for post count or something here.?
There are examples. I am not going to dig them up again.

This is frustrating.

It does happen. It is rare, but it is simply a numbers game. The odds of being caught are not so low as being struck by lightning or winning the lottery, either.

Here is how it usually works.

They use a dog, sometimes based on other factors, sometimes at random. Dogs are not trained to sniff out steroids, but it does not matter, because dogs will hit on packages containing no contraband all the time. There are joint task force police officers in every USPS distribution center. There is also an entire division of the postal service called postal inspectors. They have badges and id and carry guns. Postal inspectors do not like you using their postal service for carrying your dirty bathtub gear contraband.

You have to remember that these folks are not you. Their entire job is about catching as much of the contraband in the system as they can. They cannot catch most of it, even big, smelly boxes of weed. They openly admit most of this stuff gets through, but they are going to catch what they can, including your steroid shipment.

They also have a list of factors (this is publicly available info, not a secret) they simply check off, and your packages check off most of them. This is official procedure for seeking and catching contraband shipments.

Once the dog hits on your package, they either go get a warrant to open it based on the dog and the "known contraband" factors on the checklist, which they will get, because judges call that probable cause no matter how bad the dog is. OR, they allow deliver and then question the person who recieves it.

A lot of folks when confronted by the USPS and a local uniformed officer will simply admit what is in the package. They ask for permission to open it right there in front of you. If not granted or not cooperating, they seize the package and then go get a warrant.

Keep in mind that they already have all kinds of information about your habits and orders and mail delivery, including prior deliveries from the same area or the same fake return addresses and so on. All of it. The USPS saves everything.

At this point your future is in the balance.

The postal inspectors will then go to the local federal prosecutor. Most of the time, the federal prosecutor is going to frustrate them by telling them he is not interested. So do they go away? No.

Then they go to the local police, whatever joint drug task force is in your area with whom they already have relationships, and hand them the case all wrapped with a bow. In many states, this is a felony, and the guys on the drug team are usually too eager to "help" you by rescuing you from this evil dirty bathtub gear. While that post looks sarcastic, it is not. That is how many of them view this issue. They are on a crusade, and it is for your own good. You will probably even thank them later.

Anyway, there are things that can stop this process along the way, but if you talked, you screwed yourself, anyway, and most do, which is why they often do the interview instead of the controlled delivery. But they do controlled delivery sometimes, too.

No, it is not because of leaky vials. It is literally just pulling packages and using the checklist of factors and a stupid, unreliable dog who is looking to make his master happy and "hits" on cue. There is no appeal in the court system from a dog hit. Reliability of the dog does not matter. All that matters is the dog is certified. Period.

Your risk level depends upon where you live. If you live in Portland, OR, where steroid possession may not even be a crime (not sure), the locals don't care. If you live in the southeast, steroid possession is likely a felony in your state, and drug police at your local Sheriff's Office do care. They care very much.

So there is a lot to add about how they prove it is yours and so on and whether prison is likely and so on . . . if you have a clean record, prison is pretty much out of the question, but this can lead to a search warrant on your house, arrest, booked into the jail until you can appear before a judge for bond, indictment on felony charges (cannot buy guns at this point in the process), and a subsequent prosecution. If your IQ is above 70, you will realize at this point that you need a good criminal defense lawyer.

As others point out, if this is a first offense, first offender probation is a likely result. Comply with that, and it will be wiped off your record.

You may, if you did not open your mouth, be able to introduce reasonable doubt about whether this package was yours. Keep in mind, though, that the prosecutors will have all sorts of evidence you never even thought about to present to the jury to paint a picture of why these are yours. Everything from the USPS keeps everything to whatever evidence the search of your home turns up.

How does that sound, sitting handcuffed on your porch with your wife and kids while the police ransack your house?

And here is another thing - POSTERS HERE DO NOT POST, HEY, I HAVE BEEN CHARGED WITH A FELONY FOR MY LAST ORDER FROM THIS SOURCE! Think about it. That is risky. It is an admission if they can link it to you.

The first thing your attorney will tell you is never to visit here and do not talk about this to anybody, ever, for any reason, except talking with the attorney.

So only a complete idiot would come back here and post.

You will not hear from those people ever again or at least for years.

So do not let the fact that you do not hear from members here anything but "Pack landed" lull you into a false sense of security. Nobody comes back here and posts about a search warrant or arrest. Rarely, we do hear about an interview here.

Even after the statute of limitation runs, folks may still be scared to post about their experience for fear of who may be monitoring.

Anyway, you are flatly wrong about domestic packages not resulting in "legal actions."

It's rare. The numbers are heavily in favor of the persons ordering not getting caught at all and not being prosecuted, but it does happen. There are real world examples, real persons. The whole "cops don't care about personal possession" line is internet myth that steroid forum members wish was true, but it is not.
I wish i could like this post but i guess im still to "new".
Your post history is only about AXLE. I’d be pressed to take your word. AXLE won’t address why the site went down and why it went down the same time muscle candy did. Also won’t really address the dupe bloodwork that they don’t even verify and read for credit sakes.
I hang out here cause this is where I shop. I don’t see the issue
Anyone else getting order mix ups? This is the third time I've ordered and received a different item than what I paid for. This time around got a vial of Tren E instead of Tren A. Not trying to harp on Axle since he's always sent out the right stuff after being notified, just wondering if others have also had similar issues.
Received the wrong test cyp but email was sent and im sure it will be made right. Rest of order was perfect and landed quickly!
Anyone else getting order mix ups? This is the third time I've ordered and received a different item than what I paid for. This time around got a vial of Tren E instead of Tren A. Not trying to harp on Axle since he's always sent out the right stuff after being notified, just wondering if others have also had similar issues.
My last two orders I’ve received one was missing a EQ and another one I didn’t even receive a test cyp. Emailed both times and never got a response.
New to this forum, however I've been lurking for a while and doing my research for over a year and am excited to say that after all this time I have come to the conclusion of placing my first order ever with Axle Labs.

I enjoy the constant testing of products, as well as the addition of raw materials to prevent error in yield of end product.

Just ordered on the website and made my payment, going to get my bloods done prior to starting and again after a solid 8 weeks on cycle. Let's go!
New to this forum, however I've been lurking for a while and doing my research for over a year and am excited to say that after all this time I have come to the conclusion of placing my first order ever with Axle Labs.

I enjoy the constant testing of products, as well as the addition of raw materials to prevent error in yield of end product.

Just ordered on the website and made my payment, going to get my bloods done prior to starting and again after a solid 8 weeks on cycle. Let's go!
Two bad reviews in a row and then we get another “gonna” do something endorsement post. You’ve been lurking for a year and decided on the lab that has controversy for using alternate accounts and then you make a post that reads like an alternate account.
four weeks of @Axle Labs
- test c 200mg (400mg total/week. M/W/F)
- primo 100mg (100mg total/week. subq 4x/wk to try and keep estradiol level down)

First time trying to use primo to control estrogen vs. an AI. As you can see from my previous blood panel (400mg test only + AI), estrogen was high giving me negative sides. 0219B93D-1195-4EBC-9599-0A81A34F9F92.jpeg28A231BC-D433-4F25-AC4B-ED2D02EB8FFF.jpeg
New to this forum, however I've been lurking for a while and doing my research for over a year and am excited to say that after all this time I have come to the conclusion of placing my first order ever with Axle Labs.

I enjoy the constant testing of products, as well as the addition of raw materials to prevent error in yield of end product.

Just ordered on the website and made my payment, going to get my bloods done prior to starting and again after a solid 8 weeks on cycle. Let's go!
This an eroids review? Didn’t realize I was on that site.

Interesting how you’ve been lurking for over a year+ and chose Axle for your first order. I’m gonna guess because of the website.

Granted Axle has made some changes for the better.
Testing for the minty guac after things got contaminated. But now it seems there’s a lot of orders that come with items missing or get different ones than ordered. Too much order volume?
And I suppose testing is getting better.

Guess we’ll see what the future holds.
Two bad reviews in a row and then we get another “gonna” do something endorsement post. You’ve been lurking for a year and decided on the lab that has controversy for using alternate accounts and then you make a post that reads like an alternate account.
I get it, perhaps you got some bad experience or a distate for Axle labs. I've been searching for a long while now and like I said I like how they incorporate higher raw materials for the end yield product that is slightly higher than normal. Also, the website format makes it preferable for me that's for sure. Maybe I'm just a sucker for better marketing skills. But, also the gear is tested so I don't really understand why it's not a good idea.

In the UGL of this forum there's many other INTL and Chinese suppliers which one of my good bodybuilder buddies told me to avoid. Apparently chinese suppliers don't typically practice the most sterile of methods when making products.

The other option I had was napsgear and eroids which eroids seemed to have lots of fake reviews that threw me off as well as napsgear didn't seem to have a forum discussion about the products the way this forum does. I don't know anything about the multiple account controversy and frankly I believe my purchase is very low risk. It's going to be my first cycle and I'm going to go with 250 Test E a week so fingers crossed that isn't faked or I'd be pretty upset.

Like I said, I've been researching for quite some time now been lurking to learn about gear, peptides, how it affects our bodies etc. But I'm in no way a professional so if I'm missing something please let me know.
This an eroids review? Didn’t realize I was on that site.

Interesting how you’ve been lurking for over a year+ and chose Axle for your first order. I’m gonna guess because of the website.

Granted Axle has made some changes for the better.
Testing for the minty guac after things got contaminated. But now it seems there’s a lot of orders that come with items missing or get different ones than ordered. Too much order volume?
And I suppose testing is getting better.

Guess we’ll see what the future holds.
Well I saw other threads with more activity in them however I wanted a US based domestic product. The website definitely makes it user friendly for a first timer.

I read some other posts about missing items etc. however I'm sure he will make it right if he forgets something if you email him. Atleast that's what I'm hoping for and if this order of mine doesn't carry out then I'll just take my business elsewhere. First impressions are very important.