MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

View attachment 295962
Well shit, blood pulled last friday, week 6 of an 8 week “cruise.” 225mg per week (75xe3d) of Axles Test cyp. and Axles HCG taking 500x3 per week. I thought I was cruising and was going to add NPP and mast and start an 8 week blast in October. If your levels were above the reference range would you still start a cycle, or would you lower your dose and cruise for a while first?
What did you think your test results would be on 225 mgs a week ?

Also they were prob higher than that depending on last pin to blood pull …
What did you think your test results would be on 225 mgs a week ?

Also they were prob higher than that depending on last pin to blood pull …
225 was my usual TRT dose on compounded test from my clinic. Which on their (probably under dosed) test, my total and free were always middle of normal range. I commented here as a compliment to Axle labs gear.
225 was my usual TRT dose on compounded test from my clinic. Which on their (probably under dosed) test, my total and free were always middle of normal range. I commented here as a compliment to Axle labs gear.

"Probably under dosed" is part of what gets under my skin. TRT clinics are the worst. They don't give a fuck about the health of their clients. Everyone signs a waiver that no one reads, just to get a script of who-knows-what (the testosterone is usually good but still)

Some normies think UGL is batshit crazy and are too ashamed to consult their primary care provider about HRT. They end up having to deal with unnecessary side effects on their own and most don't have a community like Meso to help.

Thank you for attending my Ted Talk.
Is it okay do submit two different sources for blood work authentication. I did my pre cycle panel at the doctor’s office and my mid cycle panel will be online. Also emails aren’t getting responded to but I believe that has to do with the (Orders Ship on Monday) thing because of high volume.
Is it okay do submit two different sources for blood work authentication. I did my pre cycle panel at the doctor’s office and my mid cycle panel will be online. Also emails aren’t getting responded to but I believe that has to do with the (Orders Ship on Monday) thing because of high volume.
He said hed be out of town from Thursday to Saturday and would be shipping out Monday probably why he hasn’t responded
Is it okay do submit two different sources for blood work authentication. I did my pre cycle panel at the doctor’s office and my mid cycle panel will be online. Also emails aren’t getting responded to but I believe that has to do with the (Orders Ship on Monday) thing because of high volume.
Yes that’s fine, we mainly want to see the on cycle bloodwork but having pre cycle bloods is good so you have a baseline to compare to.

Make sure you’re emailing and yep response time will be back to normal from Monday.
IGF-1 levels on 6 IUs a day of the grey tops. Started at 2 IUs three months ago and worked my way up to 6 for the past month and a half.
Outta curiosity whats your calorie intake daily? I'm asking because it seems that if you're in a calorie deficit that you'll have a lower than normal IGF1 score , than if you were on a more regular or a bulk diet. Your IGF score might be a little higher. I'm just curious that's all tia
Outta curiosity whats your calorie intake daily? I'm asking because it seems that if you're in a calorie deficit that you'll have a lower than normal IGF1 score , than if you were on a more regular or a bulk diet. Your IGF score might be a little higher. I'm just curious that's all tia
I have been bulking pretty aggressively for the past 11 weeks averaging 4,700 - 5,000 calories since the end of July. (6'4 237 if relevant)
More testing results!

Test-E (250mg/mL) -> 266.41 mg/mL
Test-C (200mg/mL) -> 198.68 mg/mL
Injectable Superdrol (40mg/mL) -> 50.70 mg/mL (Will scale back raws a little)
Sustanon (250mg/mL) -> 265.45 mg/mL
Tren-E (400mg/mL) -> 438.31 mg/mL
Tren-E (200mg/mL) -> 209.40 mg/mL
