BB causes PIP rumor.

I love test base, its my favorite pre match/workout/anything. Ive tried higher concentrations of it with super solvents and test suspension in water. I go back to a higher bb ratio test base everytime, even if i have to pin more volume for the dose I want. For this perticular oil higher bb is probably the only way i will use it, and i have no issues with it.
I know this is an oldish thread, but I'm curious. What is Test Base like? I see a lot of folks use it as a pre-workout. What is gained? Do you "feel" test base, as in laser focus, phenomenal pumps? I've only played with one short term compound, Trest Ace.
I know this is an oldish thread, but I'm curious. What is Test Base like? I see a lot of folks use it as a pre-workout. What is gained? Do you "feel" test base, as in laser focus, phenomenal pumps? I've only played with one short term compound, Trest Ace.
Well tne oil base makes me feel like superman.. honestly.. 100mg 1 hours before bloodwork where my test levels would be at about 2000 was 7300. It just one of those have to try it for yourself things... I fucking love it. Mentally and physically
I know this is an oldish thread, but I'm curious. What is Test Base like? I see a lot of folks use it as a pre-workout. What is gained? Do you "feel" test base, as in laser focus, phenomenal pumps? I've only played with one short term compound, Trest Ace.
Its just a no ester test in oil, TNE but not in water. I definitely feel it, more mental than anything. I do see my lifts go up when I take it, I push a little harder, go a little further. I have taken it before grappling matches and I wrestle like a mad silver back on 175+mgs of it, confidence through the roof, no hesitation on movements,solid as a rock (@Dirthand knows what i mean) and best of all NO CRAMPING. Which is a stark difference from var and tbol for me when it comes to combat sports.
This seems like a much better approach to an actual pre-workout than NO-Explode or anything like that, the caffeine in that stuff is what's doing so much. I like a little bit, but I don't seek it out, if I really want caffeine, I can have a cup of coffee. Like Dirthand says, from 2000ish to 7000ish. Hot damn man, that is awesome.

There's a TrenNE too that I've seen, lol that's a hell of a thing. You guys have any experience with that as well?
How about someone mention the bad parts?
I'll start ....
Can't really control E2 and it wouldn't be a problem because its not that much after a 100mg shot of TNE ... BUT TNE goes away in a couple of hours and you are left with shit levels of androgens and relatively higher E2 ...

This is what happed on a cruise,.. I suspect that if i was on 1g of test Cyp + the TNE the story would be different....
So it goes from horny as hell on TNE to limp dick in the span of 30 min ...
This seems like a much better approach to an actual pre-workout than NO-Explode or anything like that, the caffeine in that stuff is what's doing so much. I like a little bit, but I don't seek it out, if I really want caffeine, I can have a cup of coffee. Like Dirthand says, from 2000ish to 7000ish. Hot damn man, that is awesome.

There's a TrenNE too that I've seen, lol that's a hell of a thing. You guys have any experience with that as well?
Though it feels great, TrenNE wrecks my sleep (shouldn’t be surprised). Increased RHR, respiratory rate, and decreased HRV for a couple days after a TrenNE pin of about 50mg. I won’t use it again.
Though it feels great, TrenNE wrecks my sleep (shouldn’t be surprised). Increased RHR, respiratory rate, and decreased HRV for a couple days after a TrenNE pin of about 50mg. I won’t use it again.
Damn, yeah that makes a lot of sense. IDK if I'll mess with that then, the respiratory issues with just Tren E is the one thing I do get--it's a bummer too because when you're training, there's more in the tank but not enough oxygen to keep at it--I like to go to failure on my sets. There's Cardarine and it does help with it all, but it seems like it messes with my gains. With Tren, for me, the strength just keeps coming, but the one time I used Cardarine to compensate, it seems like the strength increase just stopped.

So it goes from horny as hell on TNE to limp dick in the span of 30 min ..
LMFAO, that sucks! Myself, I'd only utilize it on a blast. When I come off, I come off completely for about a month, if it's longer than that, I TRT.