Beligas and OS Gear Winstrol

We've asked Beligas to test the Winstrol-Suspension at another lab and we'll post the lab result as soon as is released.


Please check the lab tests here:





Thank you.
We've asked Beligas to test the Winstrol-Suspension at another lab and we'll post the lab result as soon as is released.


Please check the lab tests here:





Thank you.
You now knowingly testing a product at a different lab will never hold the weight a blind customer test does from @janoshik . Jano and this customer have nothing to gain from lying about this lol. You have incentive to either ensure a loaded product is sent or make sure the lab gives you the result you want. Only time and more BLIND customer funded tests from reputable labs can remedy this situation.
We've asked Beligas to test the Winstrol-Suspension at another lab and we'll post the lab result as soon as is released.


Please check the lab tests here:





Thank you.
Have you refunded the customer plus his testing cost?
You now knowingly testing a product at a different lab will never hold the weight a blind customer test does from @janoshik . Jano and this customer have nothing to gain from lying about this lol. You have incentive to either ensure a loaded product is sent or make sure the lab gives you the result you want. Only time and more BLIND customer funded tests from reputable labs can remedy this situation.
Agreed a blind sample sent by a ramdom customer will always hold a lot more value/credibility than a test sent by the own source/manufacturer.
View attachment 286576Severely overdosed Arimidex.

View attachment 286577
Supra Sustanon that was just Test E.
I don’t have time to deal with that bs. I’m new around here and I want the shit I’m actually paying for do you have any sources that are legit and not bs I’ll pay what ever it cost tbh I just want real legit products. I know I should look myself but I’m desperate and lazy lol. Thx and have a great day.
For the curious members out here, we have refunded the cost of the lab test.

Until we get the new lab result, you can check the reviews of the Winstrol-Suspension - Beligas on our website, REVIEWS section:


  • R. A.​

    Quality product​

    The pip is very doable if I inject subq in my glutes. Got some nice lean gains of this Winstrol and visible skin thinning effect. The vains on my lower abs really start to show now.
  • R. I.​

    real product​

    excellent, original product and valid authentication code.
  • A. V.​

    Arrived fast, original and sealed authentic​

    Very happy with fast delivery, ordering more as we speak. Authentic product with verified serial number and seals
  • B. A.​


    Excelent quality, great results, POI is very tolerable
  • R. I.​

    Win beligas​

    very fast delivery times, original products. I advise!!
I'm sure these guys are not biased in any way to review a product that is not working. Also, we haven't received any bad feedback for Beligas products... are properly dosed and excellent quality products.
Last edited:
Hahaha wow.

All that pretty packaging , graphic design they had to pay for , coordinate with the supplier to get the boxes, the vials the labels all nice..

And they forget the easiest / cheapest part- adding the ~$4 worth of testosterone
The presentation is what matters, if turd comes in a pretty colorful box then its magically turns to gold right lmao
For the curious members out here, we have refunded the cost of the lab test.

Until we get the new lab result, you can check the reviews of the Winstrol-Suspension - Beligas on our website, REVIEWS section:


  • R. A.​

    Quality product​

    The pip is very doable if I inject subq in my glutes. Got some nice lean gains of this Winstrol and visible skin thinning effect. The vains on my lower abs really start to show now.
  • R. I.​

    real product​

    excellent, original product and valid authentication code.
  • A. V.​

    Arrived fast, original and sealed authentic​

    Very happy with fast delivery, ordering more as we speak. Authentic product with verified serial number and seals
  • B. A.​


    Excelent quality, great results, POI is very tolerable
  • R. I.​

    Win beligas​

    very fast delivery times, original products. I advise!!
I'm sure these guys are not biased in any way to review a product that is not working. Also, we haven't received any bad feedback for Beligas products... are properly dosed and excellent quality products.
I’ll take a blind test over reviews on your website every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
OSGear is a source, not a manufacturer. If you want to make sure about the quality of Beligas products, you can always ask more details directly from the brand itself here:


As you can see on their website, OSGear is one of the tens of official distributors that sell this brand. Any direct association of our store with the brands we sell is pointless, since the brand itself is the one shipping the products for all sources.

Thank you.
OSGear is a source, not a manufacturer. If you want to make sure about the quality of Beligas products, you can always ask more details directly from the brand itself here:


As you can see on their website, OSGear is one of the tens of official distributors that sell this brand. Any direct association of our store with the brands we sell is pointless, since the brand itself is the one shipping the products for all sources.

Thank you.
That’s fine and all but you’re selling shit gear as evidenced by testing. You hold responsibility here.
Just saw a video saying ultimate Hgh is fake. So is all of osgear products are faked because at this point this is what’s it’s looking like. :(