BerBerine on HGH Pros/Cons Discussion

If anyone has any info on Na-r-Ala use with gh please share
I’ve never taken it but seems like it would be a possible option for insulin sensitivity
Asked him. He prescribes it to most all his patients as it’s being studied for longevity/anti-aging purposes. The cardiologists I work with recommend it’s use as well.
MD's are heavy pill pushers though. What brands of Metformin are completely free from carcinogens? That whole recall is fucking crazy :eek:
MD's are heavy pill pushers though. What brands of Metformin are completely free from carcinogens? That whole recall is fucking crazy :eek:

Looks like it’s just the ER variants
So IR versions should be g2g
And if your in the US by law the pharmacy has to contact you and take the medication back and they toss out all effected lots
MD's are heavy pill pushers though. What brands of Metformin are completely free from carcinogens? That whole recall is fucking crazy :eek:
Yeah they are, but metformin is one of the most heavily studied drugs around, and has a lot of health benefits. Mylan is the company that produces the metformin I get a Walgreens. Too my knowledge it is free of carcinogens or it wouldn’t be prescribed. Mine are immediate release tabs taken twice daily.
Yeah they are, but metformin is one of the most heavily studied drugs around, and has a lot of health benefits. Mylan is the company that produces the metformin I get a Walgreens. Too my knowledge it is free of carcinogens or it wouldn’t be prescribed. Mine are immediate release tabs taken twice daily.

Cool. I'll ask my doc for a script later this month, but this guy won't script me a phlebotomy to get my hemoglobin down so who knows. Might have to order from India lol.
The Extended release Metformin has been recalled, the normal.istant release version is safe to use.

I'm using Metformin 500mg X2 a day at the moment. Bloat and gas has disappeared after two weeks. Will report back at my next blood to check on my BG.

Imho I plan to use HGH long term so if I have to trade a bit of IGF for a better BG I don't care. All.the studies have been done on normal ppl or obese etc.

No studies have been done on ppl.using AAS, the negative effect of Metformin on building muscle for me is exaggerated if you are on AAS etc.

The positive effect are much imho.
Btw I believe on Metformin is easier to lose fat or to.not gain it. At the same time it could be harder to gain weight.. but it's just come from readings ppl opinions there aren't any studies on it I guess.

Anyway we will see
The Extended release Metformin has been recalled, the normal.istant release version is safe to use.

I'm using Metformin 500mg X2 a day at the moment. Bloat and gas has disappeared after two weeks. Will report back at my next blood to check on my BG.

Imho I plan to use HGH long term so if I have to trade a bit of IGF for a better BG I don't care. All.the studies have been done on normal ppl or obese etc.

No studies have been done on ppl.using AAS, the negative effect of Metformin on building muscle for me is exaggerated if you are on AAS etc.

The positive effect are much imho.
Btw I believe on Metformin is easier to lose fat or to.not gain it. At the same time it could be harder to gain weight.. but it's just come from readings ppl opinions there aren't any studies on it I guess.

Anyway we will see
How would you compare the fat loss on gh with and without metformin?
Or have you always used it with gh?
How would you compare the fat loss on gh with and without metformin?
Or have you always used it with gh?
I just started Metformin and it's hard to say I'm doing HGH + tren and I'm at the end of the cycle and tired of dieting down and slacking a bit on cheat meals.
So my bf is jumping up and down ahaha

To really know the difference one should do one month eating always the same calories intake with metformin and then compare it to a month without Metformin.

I'll probably do it, just not this time.
Again all these are just speculation, even if it has no other benefit except lowering my BG and increasing insulin sensitivity, I would be more then happy, those two things are already very very good.

Especially on a bulk were insulin resistance will increase with all those carbs + the HGH...
I just started Metformin and it's hard to say I'm doing HGH + tren and I'm at the end of the cycle and tired of dieting down and slacking a bit on cheat meals.
So my bf is jumping up and down ahaha

To really know the difference one should do one month eating always the same calories intake with metformin and then compare it to a month without Metformin.

I'll probably do it, just not this time.
Again all these are just speculation, even if it has no other benefit except lowering my BG and increasing insulin sensitivity, I would be more then happy, those two things are already very very good.

Especially on a bulk were insulin resistance will increase with all those carbs + the HGH...
That’s actually sounds like a good idea
Currently I’m off berberine and have metformin but haven’t started
I’ll probably do like you said take 4 weeks see what happens with body fat I won’t touch my diet and then go into metformin 500mg twice a day for a month and reassess
Yeah I’mma try and get my trt dr to prescribe it to me in my upcoming visit
Wel see how it goes cause with ins that shit is dirt cheap like 5$ lol
I’ve tried berberine and it did not make me go hypo upon dosing so will not buy again. I have an issue with carbohydrate consumption so I know that effect means glucose will be shuttled properly . Kind of messed with my stomach too.

I plan on try R-Ala next so will update.

currently on 1-2 IU of gh
I’ve tried berberine and it did not make me go hypo upon dosing so will not buy again. I have an issue with carbohydrate consumption so I know that effect means glucose will be shuttled properly . Kind of messed with my stomach too.

I plan on try R-Ala next so will update.

currently on 1-2 IU of gh
Wait you wanted to go hypo??
I mean going hypo sucks, but if it’s suppose to lower blood sugar, shouldn’t that occur? So when we eat carbs , they’re shuttled properly?
I believe (don’t quote me here) but even an rx drug like metformin it’s hard to go hypo with cause your body will shuttle glucose from the liver if it gets too low
That doesn’t mean it’s not working
A better indicator would be eat a Normal carb meal let’s say your pre wo meal wait 20/30 min test blood sugar
Then do the same thing the next day with either berberine or metformin or what ever
It should be significantly lower but not hypo
Ie 160 without 105 with
At least this is my understanding
Never intentionally make your self hypo especially alone
You will go into a coma or die