Part of me wants to shit on you, part of me wants to be nice...Alright so here are my findings:
Total time on gear: 180 days
Total amount spent: 1680$
With sale price if purchased now in bulk: 840$
Total savings: 840$
Cost of needles and BAC water: 120$
Type of gear: TopTrope Yellow Caps
Cost of mini-fridge: 120$
Budget range: 3900$
IU's Per day: 4 IU's
Taken in two injections, one before eating at 5:30 a.m. and after workouts or at 8:25 p.m.
Total Cost Range: 1120$-1960$ + 5%
Edit: Does not include cost of monthly blood tests, working on getting a fixed price for this.
Do more research into what brand of GH you are going to buy. I know of a domestic source that has great results all the time at the same price point, maybe lower depending. The source isn't fake or hidden. Just read some more, and no the tops are not yellow.