Best digestive enzyme supplements?


Well-known Member
I'm having trouble digesting some foods, and am wondering what others have taken for digestion issues.

Yesterday I did ~10.5k calories and didn't really have trouble. Today, I only managed 7k and I'm unable to digest my second meal, which is fucking with my blood sugar and bulk.

I've gotten some digestive enzymes and plan to take 2 with each meal, but wondering if I need more given my propensity to eat more than a family… and what others have had success with.
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A fiber supplement like Metamucil will speed the transit of food through your digestive system quickly making room for more.

One glass a day for a few days and any initial boating should subside and you'll literally feel yourself "emptying out" more comprehensively than usual.

A small amount of fat will bind to the fiber and go undigested but not enough to make a difference.
A fiber supplement like Metamucil will speed the transit of food through your digestive system quickly making room for more.

One glass a day for a few days and any initial boating should subside and you'll literally feel yourself "emptying out" more comprehensively than usual.

A small amount of fat will bind to the fiber and go undigested but not enough to make a difference.
Oh shit. That’s what I did differently yesterday… fiber supplements.
I’m not super versed on the subject, but fresh sour dough and Greek yogurt? They would be more of long term dietary additions so you get more fermented foods in your diet.
I used to have bloating and digestions issues etc you name it. I definitely don’t eat close to those calories though.
But I take psyllium husk fiber just in caps, or powder in water form. Helps so much! With everything. Stomach has been way better ever since.
Hopefully it helps you as well. Solid info from others.
GHRP 2 boosts Ghrelin, the primary hunger hormone, stimulating increased production of natural digestive enzymes as well as appetite. It's used to treat anorexics and others lacking appetite (and lacking digestive enzymes), and like an anti-GLP, speeds up digestion and stomach emptying. QSC has it in the Us warehouse. It's cheap, like $40 a kit.

Because it boosts growth hormone, it encourages the loss of fat despite increasing calorie intake.

I'm having trouble digesting some foods, and am wondering what others have taken for digestion issues.

Yesterday I did ~10.5k calories and didn't really have trouble. Today, I only managed 7k and I'm unable to digest my second meal, which is fucking with my blood sugar and bulk.

I've gotten some digestive enzymes and plan to take 2 with each meal, but wondering if I need more given my propensity to eat more than a family… and what others have had success with.
Do you really need 10.5k calories to grow?
Do you really need 10.5k calories to grow?
Honestly? Maybe not. But I gained over 70lbs of lean muscle in 1.5 years of cycling. It’s working… I don’t think I need to bulk much again after this. I am not really a body builder, I just like to lift heavy shit without pain.

Steroids have given me some really good health benefits that are difficult to overstate. Simply put, I’ve had a lot of injuries over the years and roids + gym take away the pain.
I'm having trouble digesting some foods, and am wondering what others have taken for digestion issues.

Yesterday I did ~10.5k calories and didn't really have trouble. Today, I only managed 7k and I'm unable to digest my second meal, which is fucking with my blood sugar and bulk.

I've gotten some digestive enzymes and plan to take 2 with each meal, but wondering if I need more given my propensity to eat more than a family… and what others have had success with.
I think digestive enzymes are somewhat placebo, however I take them anyways if I eat anything other than chicken/beef and rice. I use DigestGold. In addition, I take fiberlyze 20g every night, 30g of “Bubbies” brand sauerkraut (must be refrigerated) twice a day, pepzin gi fasted once a day, berberine 3x daily and 10-15minute walk after every meal along with morning cardio and limit any non whole foods or sugars. This all together does seem to really help

This diet style was given to me by chris tuttle. The reason he put me on sauerkraut and pulled out my otc probiotics is because they can really mess the gut up in some people, whereas naturally fermentable foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, etc don’t overpopulate your gut with the wrong balance of probiotics and only supply what you need? According to him (He’s much more knowledgeable on the topic than me lol)
I think digestive enzymes are somewhat placebo, however I take them anyways if I eat anything other than chicken/beef and rice. I use DigestGold. In addition, I take fiberlyze 20g every night, 30g of “Bubbies” brand sauerkraut (must be refrigerated) twice a day, pepzin gi fasted once a day, berberine 3x daily and 10-15minute walk after every meal along with morning cardio and limit any non whole foods or sugars. This all together does seem to really help

This diet style was given to me by chris tuttle. The reason he put me on sauerkraut and pulled out my otc probiotics is because they can really mess the gut up in some people, whereas naturally fermentable foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, etc don’t overpopulate your gut with the wrong balance of probiotics and only supply what you need? According to him (He’s much more knowledgeable on the topic than me lol)

Not gonna lie, I checked into this myself because I was curious if enzymes would be useful. There's very little hard evidence they help, except in cases where someone doesn't produce proper amounts naturally due to some rare medical conditions.

That said, something like Bean-o clearly works to break down certain foods, so may very well be another case of formal research lagging behind what non-scientists observe.
Not gonna lie, I checked into this myself because I was curious if enzymes would be useful. There's very little hard evidence they help, except in cases where someone doesn't produce proper amounts naturally due to some rare medical conditions.

That said, something like Bean-o clearly works to break down certain foods, so may very well be another case of formal research lagging behind what non-scientists observe.
As I understand (and as Chris tuttle told me), you’d be correct. However, these studies were not ran on bodybuilders taking tons of gear potentially interacting with their gut, eating tons of food requiring more digestion than what their bodies are normally requiring. Because of that, and since there’s no harm in digestive enzymes, I take them anyways and they do seem to do SOMETHING at least
As I understand (and as Chris tuttle told me), you’d be correct. However, these studies were not ran on bodybuilders taking tons of gear potentially interacting with their gut, eating tons of food requiring more digestion than what their bodies are normally requiring. Because of that, and since there’s no harm in digestive enzymes, I take them anyways and they do seem to do SOMETHING at least

Yeah another weakness in research is always the limited demographics that are the natural limitation of even a few thousand subjects being studied.

One of the limiting factors in the absolute mountain of GLP research is that the vast majority involves diabetics, more recently the non diabetic obese, but increasingly, they're including normal weight subjects, because often the same outcomes, like heart remodel reversal, are observed in non weight loss / diabetics as well, but no one thought to look for that earlier.
You’re eating 10,000 calories of fast food and pure junk. A feel good suppliment from your local health food store is not gonna help.