BG pharmaceutical drugs

Yes I have, the t4 is legit. It's a cheap drug, no reason for it to be fake.
Just wanted to make sure it was dosed properly as i have not switched brands in over a year but the brand im using now started suspending in alcohol and i cant stand that shit lol and cant afford to have lower energy levels right now like i get when i come down off the dose. Thanks!!
Just wanted to make sure it was dosed properly as i have not switched brands in over a year but the brand im using now started suspending in alcohol and i cant stand that shit lol and cant afford to have lower energy levels right now like i get when i come down off the dose. Thanks!!
I started to question if it's worth to be on it. know hgh lower t4, but it's cause it increases to t3 conversion.

But to each their own. I don't feel different from stopping t4
Aniracetam 750 mg * 60 Iasis Pharma Hellas A.B.E.E. added to the store.

Just got my order from these guys today. Wasn't expecting for EU to EU to take this long for delivery (Ordered June 26), but everything looks solid, the pricing was nice and got some extra product, so I'm happy.
Just wanted to make sure it was dosed properly as i have not switched brands in over a year but the brand im using now started suspending in alcohol and i cant stand that shit lol and cant afford to have lower energy levels right now like i get when i come down off the dose. Thanks!!
Well I have ran many labs on it. Here is my take. Compared to USA pharmacy I gotta run double the dose to get my thyroid dialed in but it's legit. So if the doctor has you on 50 mcg. You may need 100mcg of his stuff. I like my tsh below 2 so like 1.5. USA pharma kept me there on 50mcg. I need 100 of his to reach this goal. 50mcg had my tsh at 3 point something but when I doubled the dose everything is good. You may be different. This is just my labs and I ran 5 labs on his stuff. Also the USA stuff from Walmart could be overdosed I have no idea. Lol