BG pharmaceutical drugs

So you think the weight loss is because Ozempic is reducing your appetite, leading to less eating, or is the Ozempic doing something special on its own?
ozempic improves insulin sensitivity / blood sugar and "metabolic syndrome"
But i would say 98% of the weight loss is due to a caloric deficit (supported by ozempics appetit suppressing effect)
Rimobolan is back in stock, 100 boxes at the moment.

I'm second week on Ozempic. Injected 0.33 mg the second week as there was almost no sides on 0.25 ml the first week in which I didn't lose any weight but I stopped gaining, and was gaining a lot. The second week the hunger is still there but decreases. Lost 500 grams in 4 days.
Ozempec is amazing also for maintaining leptin, which drops during heavy deficits. If Leptin is maintained the body won't hold onto fat as we experience while cutting.
Ozempec is amazing also for maintaining leptin, which drops during heavy deficits. If Leptin is maintained the body won't hold onto fat as we experience while cutting.
Do you have any paper proving your statement?

As far as I know Leptin has nothing to do with losing more or less fat by itself. Just related to hunger and satiety.
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Do you have any paper proving your statement?

As far as I know Leptin has nothing to do with losing more or less fat by itself. Just related to hunger and satiety.
I'm on my phone but this gives a decent intro.

I may have misspoke about the levels & their correlations. Seems leptin resistance is associated with obesity, which the GLP-1 products assist with. again I'm on my phone so if I'm wrong, apologies.
How much weight loss do you think is from the calorie reduction/diet vs the Ozempic itself? I'm really curious about trying this.

That's the thing. Ozempic makes you eat less without realizing it. Search PubMed for semaglutide and appetite or energy intake. Almost always reduced (eg, PMID 28266779, 33269530, & 33184979).
Rimobolan is back in stock, 100 boxes at the moment.

I'm second week on Ozempic. Injected 0.33 mg the second week as there was almost no sides on 0.25 ml the first week in which I didn't lose any weight but I stopped gaining, and was gaining a lot. The second week the hunger is still there but decreases. Lost 500 grams in 4 days.
Are there specific side effects you are looking to avoid that are dose related. Is Ozempic pretty well tolerated by most people??
I may have misspoke about the levels & their correlations. Seems leptin resistance is associated with obesity, which the GLP-1 products assist with. again I'm on my phone so if I'm wrong, apologies.
That what I wanted to let you know. And that is an opinion article, not a paper.

Indeed leptin is important when dieting, but has more to do with hunger, satiety and cravings. After all it is a balance between Leptin/Ghrelin.
Are there specific side effects you are looking to avoid that are dose related. Is Ozempic pretty well tolerated by most people??
if you overdo it with the dosage you will experience strong nausea, cramps etc.
always start with 0,25mg weekly and tirate upwards slowly.
You could also do more frequent shots which for me did reduce the sides (e.g. 0,15mg daily instead of 1mg weekly)
That what I wanted to let you know. And that is an opinion article, not a paper.

Indeed leptin is important when dieting, but has more to do with hunger, satiety and cravings. After all it is a balance between Leptin/Ghrelin.
it's Healthline full of citations, not some off-label blog. Leptin resistance is a very real thing and IIRC is one pathway that the GLP products address. regardless I think we are mostly on the same page so let's not get caught up in semantics lol.