BG pharmaceutical drugs

Hi, what's your minimum order for Ireland? It says on front page 30 dollars but on your site it's prompting me to checkout with at least 60e worth. Cheers
I originally had trouble checking out with the link it tried to send me through your cite to coinbase. I guess because I couldn't remember my password and my phone saves it so I can stay logged in on my phone and send money to a wallet but when it tries to go to that link and ask me for the password again. I couldn't really remember lol. For future payment can I simply just copy your wallet ID and send it to that wallet? So I can log into any coin app and use that same wallet address? Thanks again and I'll be using you again soon.
I originally had trouble checking out with the link it tried to send me through your cite to coinbase. I guess because I couldn't remember my password and my phone saves it so I can stay logged in on my phone and send money to a wallet but when it tries to go to that link and ask me for the password again. I couldn't really remember lol. For future payment can I simply just copy your wallet ID and send it to that wallet? So I can log into any coin app and use that same wallet address? Thanks again and I'll be using you again soon.
There are two options when you checkout with crypto. The first one is using coinbase and just below that button there is all the crypto currencies you can use to checkout direclty by sending the required coins to a wallet.


So if you want to pay with btc it will show you address and amount like that

There are two options when you checkout with crypto. The first one is using coinbase and just below that button there is all the crypto currencies you can use to checkout direclty by sending the required coins to a wallet.

View attachment 163495

So if you want to pay with btc it will show you address and amount like that

View attachment 163496
I'm guess I'm not very smart with coinbase so basically I always just copy a wallet address and send it from my app in my phone. Not buy any links. So can I just simply copy that wallet address right there in that picture for an example and then just send it my own way? Never been able to figure out the qr-code either. I'm getting better at it but usually I just get someone's wallet address and send it from my own app.
I'm guess I'm not very smart with coinbase so basically I always just copy a wallet address and send it from my app in my phone. Not buy any links. So can I just simply copy that wallet address right there in that picture for an example and then just send it my own way? Never been able to figure out the qr-code either. I'm getting better at it but usually I just get someone's wallet address and send it from my own app.
To that specific address no, but if you want you can PM me and I will give you btc address to which you can pay me. You have to do this every time when you make new order.
This retard of a source went through a different thread (the one that belongs to @pharmacist ) .. sees that I placed an order with pharmacist, and solicits me in PM out of nowhere for an alternate drug.

@Millard am I mistaken or is this a violation of rules? I've never in my life interacted with this clown until I told him to GTFO of my inbox.
happy to eat my words in spectacular fashion here. @BG pharmaceuticals didn't know it, but I ordered 12 calendar days ago and received today after seeing all of the great experiences others have had with him. comms were flawless and extremely responsive. product packed very well and arrived perfectly.

@BG pharmaceuticals looks like I am the retard here, apologies. thanks for a good trade.
happy to eat my words in spectacular fashion here. @BG pharmaceuticals didn't know it, but I ordered 12 calendar days ago and received today after seeing all of the great experiences others have had with him. comms were flawless and extremely responsive. product packed very well and arrived perfectly.

@BG pharmaceuticals looks like I am the retard here, apologies. thanks for a good trade.
Xaxa, don't worry about it. Glad you had good experience.

i see ampules for ephedrine, but any pill form ephedrine ? instead of ampules ?
I think pill form is not allowed for various reasons, there is only ampules.
First test order with BG - Fast communication and transport!
Had a little request regarding packaging, which he followed onto, so great service.


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