BG pharmaceutical drugs

I'll write a review, although I don't know if BG even needs reviews anymore. I've made 8-10 orders, something like that. I order a lot of regular items, like Salbutamol and Ketotifen and T3 and Bitiron etc. But I also stock up on things that I may need in the future.

I recommend that everyone consider what they may need, and stock up on it. You never know what's going to happen. You never know when you will need antibiotics. You never know when you will need some exotic medication but you aren't able to get it through the regular channels.

Shortages are already here in some countries will be here in the future in many more countries. Even if nothing happens, it's still worth it to have what you may need.

I've tried so many exotic medications that I may have never experimented with had I not of found BG. Without BG and his services and his fair pricing, I probably would have missed out on a lot of these things. I recommend everyone do the same thing: stock up on essentials. If you can't think of anything, then start brainstorming.

Once again, thanks to BG for such great service.
Pregabalin 150 mg * 60 is back in stock.

Citalopram is now Cipram from Lundbeck and price is lowered to $12.

Reminyl Galantamine 16 mg * 28 Janssen exp date 04/23 price lowered to $15.
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I'm expecting people to do their research and take the medications appropriately. It's better to have antibiotics at home than to not have them.
Speaking of, you’re probably a good one to ask about this. I got sick for the first time in 4 years about 10 weeks ago. I am pretty sure it ended up being Covid. But I acted hastily in the beginning and ended up running a course of antibiotics for 7 days. Pretty sure I didn’t need them and was the first time in several years I’ve used antibiotics.

my question is this: what is best way to restore the gut flora I killed off with the drugs? Anything I should avoid for a while until flora is restored?

if we need to go to PM to avoid hijacking thread I understand.
I'll write a review, although I don't know if BG even needs reviews anymore. I've made 8-10 orders, something like that. I order a lot of regular items, like Salbutamol and Ketotifen and T3 and Bitiron etc. But I also stock up on things that I may need in the future.

I recommend that everyone consider what they may need, and stock up on it. You never know what's going to happen. You never know when you will need antibiotics. You never know when you will need some exotic medication but you aren't able to get it through the regular channels.

Shortages are already here in some countries will be here in the future in many more countries. Even if nothing happens, it's still worth it to have what you may need.

I've tried so many exotic medications that I may have never experimented with had I not of found BG. Without BG and his services and his fair pricing, I probably would have missed out on a lot of these things. I recommend everyone do the same thing: stock up on essentials. If you can't think of anything, then start brainstorming.

Once again, thanks to BG for such great service.
Is there a good general purpose antibiotic in your opinion? I was thinking of picking up amoxicillin with my next order.
my question is this: what is best way to restore the gut flora I killed off with the drugs? Anything I should avoid for a while until flora is restored?

if we need to go to PM to avoid hijacking thread I understand.
This is a very good question. Better to start a new thread about it. Many athletes have digestive problems.Excessive protein intake can also damage the intestinal flora because it increases the pH value, which in turn leads to incorrect digestion because the digestive enzymes only work in a slightly acidic environment.
Speaking of, you’re probably a good one to ask about this. I got sick for the first time in 4 years about 10 weeks ago. I am pretty sure it ended up being Covid. But I acted hastily in the beginning and ended up running a course of antibiotics for 7 days. Pretty sure I didn’t need them and was the first time in several years I’ve used antibiotics.

my question is this: what is best way to restore the gut flora I killed off with the drugs? Anything I should avoid for a while until flora is restored?

if we need to go to PM to avoid hijacking thread I understand.
Sure we can PM, but I'll say that 7 days of antibiotics won't hurt you too much. You can get a probiotic. I like this one right now: 50 Billion CFU Probiotics, 90 Veggie Capsules. Are links allowed here? Remove space after www to use the link. It goes on sale at more discounts occasionally.
https://www Which one did you use?

For other people reading this, for covid-19 or anything viral, Azithromycin (Z-pack) and doxycyclin are the antibiotics to use. BG has them both at excellent prices. I would have a lot of Azithromycin, atleast 12-15 of them. It's probably good to have 20 doxycyclin on hand.
Is there a good general purpose antibiotic in your opinion? I was thinking of picking up amoxicillin with my next order.
Doxycyclin is incredibly versatile. It's an interesting antibiotic because people can take 100mg everyday long term for acne, but that same 100mg can treat everything else. You can microcose doxycyclin at 25mg for cognitive benefits and to protect your teeth and even regrow bone in your jaw. You can treat almost everything with it. Doxycyclin is also a prophylactic against covid-19, influenza, etc. If you feel sick, take doxycyclin. If you want to prevent illness, take doxycyclin. If you get bit by a tick, take doxy. Some people report esophagus issues with doxycyclin. I think if you swallow enough water and make sure it goes down, then there shouldn't be an issue for most people. Some people are concerned about teeth discoloration with tetracycline antibiotics, and in children, this can happen. In adults not so much, if at all.

Azithromycin is also great. It's not as versatile as doxycyclin, but it is extremely versatile and it is stronger in some situations. It's worth having for when you absolutely must get better immediately. It hits harder.

Amoxicilan is ok but it has a narrow range. It's good for some things, like your basic sinus/chest congestion/dental etc. It has its uses. BG has it cheap enough that it's good to have a few packs.

There are a lot of other antibiotics that are really useful and are good to have. For the most part, doxycyclin and Azithromycin will work on nearly everything.
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Doxycyclin is incredibly versatile. It's an interesting antibiotic because people can take 100mg everyday long term for acne, but that same 100mg can treat everything else. You can microcose doxycyclin at 25mg for cognitive benefits and to protect your teeth and even regrow bone in your jaw. You can treat almost everything with it. Doxycyclin is also a prophylactic against covid-19, influenza, etc. If you feel sick, take doxycyclin. If you want to prevent illness, take doxycyclin. If you get bit by a tick, take doxy. Some people report esophagus issues with doxycyclin. I think if you swallow enough water and make sure it goes down, then there shouldn't be an issue for most people. Some people are concerned about teeth discoloration with tetracycline antibiotics, and in children, this can happen. In adults not so much, if at all.

Azithromycin is also great. It's not as versatile as doxycyclin, but it is extremely versatile and it is stronger in some situations. It's worth having for when you absolutely must get better immediately. It hits harder.

Amoxicilan is ok but it has a narrow range. It's good for some things, like your basic sinus/chest congestion/dental etc. It has its uses. BG has it cheap enough that it's good to have a few packs.

There are a lot of other antibiotics that are really useful and are good to have. For the most part, doxycyclin and Azithromycin will work on nearly everything.
Thanks a bunch mate much appreciated!
Sure we can PM, but I'll say that 7 days of antibiotics won't hurt you too much. You can get a probiotic. I like this one right now: 50 Billion CFU Probiotics, 90 Veggie Capsules. Are links allowed here? Remove space after www to use the link. It goes on sale at more discounts occasionally.
https://www Which one did you use?

For other people reading this, for covid-19 or anything viral, Azithromycin (Z-pack) and doxycyclin are the antibiotics to use. BG has them both at excellent prices. I would have a lot of Azithromycin, atleast 12-15 of them. It's probably good to have 20 doxycyclin on hand.
Oh ok. Didn’t know that and those were the drugs I used. But I was thinking that they (antibiotics) were ineffective against anything viral. So I thought I used them pointlessly
Oh ok. Didn’t know that and those were the drugs I used. But I was thinking that they (antibiotics) were ineffective against anything viral. So I thought I used them pointlessly
Welcome to the new world of antibiotics. Everyone is told that antibiotics are only useful for bacterial infections, but that's not true.

The memo came about twenty years ago, pushing everyone away from using antibiotics due to so called "antibiotic resistance". That logic and argument was then adopted by mainstream medicine, and because of that, people have wrong ideas about how antibiotic drugs work.

Most people don't know, but many antibiotics have strong antiviral activity. Many antibiotics also have strong anti-inflammatory activity and certain positive immunomodulator activity. They aren't just for beating down bacteria.

Of course, it's wise to use antibiotics responsibly because.......they are not consequence free. Damaged gut flora is a big thing to be concerned about for sure, but that can be remedied with probiotics, time off, and a healthy diet. Each antibiotic has its own set of issues. There are a lot of natural substances with strong antibiotic activity that don't harm gut flora, but pharmaceutical antibiotics are reliable and work more quickly usually, and sometimes you just don't have the time to mess around and wait for other things to work.

Here's a paper on doxycyclin and SARS-CoV-2:

"In conclusion, doxycycline showed a high in vitro antiviral effective activity against SARS-CoV-2 with IC50 (4.5 µM) compatible with oral uptake and intravenous administrations. Doxycycline interacted both on SARS-CoV-2 entry and in replication after virus entry. Besides its in vitro antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2, doxycycline has anti-inflammatory effects by decreasing the expression of various pro-inflammatory cytokines and could prevent co-infections and superinfections due to broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity."

Got my second order today by this guy. Shipping took 4 days after he sent.

I’m pretty satisfied. Also his way of packaging things is 10/10.