BJJ Cycle Log


Well-known Member
Thought it would be Interesting to do a log about my cycles for BJJ as the principles for training and cycling are a little different.

This will be a recomp geared cycle. I'm currently 6'0 198lbs fasted and looking to cut back down to 180ish pounds (middle weight).

Cycle will be 12 weeks long starting 02/27/2023

300mg test c
150mg tren e
Pinned daily

Have all ancillarys OH will be running 5mg Cialis ed+ run of the mill vitamins

I eat primarily the vertical diet and calories will be around 2500ish avg break down

Strength and conditioning will be based around Phil Daru & Chad Wesley Smith's training philosophys mainly the conjugate method. Accessory work will be submaximal weight in the 15-20rep ranges to support joint health and local muscular endurance.

Really interested in the effects of trens nutrient partitioning and how much it will effect my cardio overall. If I have to bail on the tren I'll front load bold cyp and carry out the rest of the cycle with that.

I'll try and update as much as I can
thanks for reading!
Thought it would be Interesting to do a log about my cycles for BJJ as the principles for training and cycling are a little different.

This will be a recomp geared cycle. I'm currently 6'0 198lbs fasted and looking to cut back down to 180ish pounds (middle weight).

Cycle will be 12 weeks long starting 02/27/2023

300mg test c
150mg tren e
Pinned daily

Have all ancillarys OH will be running 5mg Cialis ed+ run of the mill vitamins

I eat primarily the vertical diet and calories will be around 2500ish avg break down
View attachment 252082

Strength and conditioning will be based around Phil Daru & Chad Wesley Smith's training philosophys mainly the conjugate method. Accessory work will be submaximal weight in the 15-20rep ranges to support joint health and local muscular endurance.
View attachment 252084

Really interested in the effects of trens nutrient partitioning and how much it will effect my cardio overall. If I have to bail on the tren I'll front load bold cyp and carry out the rest of the cycle with that.

I'll try and update as much as I can
thanks for reading!
Keep us updated on how your breathing is on 150 Tren a week during your BJJ training. Tends to affect breathing and cardio big time.
Thought it would be Interesting to do a log about my cycles for BJJ as the principles for training and cycling are a little different.

This will be a recomp geared cycle. I'm currently 6'0 198lbs fasted and looking to cut back down to 180ish pounds (middle weight).

Cycle will be 12 weeks long starting 02/27/2023

300mg test c
150mg tren e
Pinned daily

Have all ancillarys OH will be running 5mg Cialis ed+ run of the mill vitamins

I eat primarily the vertical diet and calories will be around 2500ish avg break down
View attachment 252082

Strength and conditioning will be based around Phil Daru & Chad Wesley Smith's training philosophys mainly the conjugate method. Accessory work will be submaximal weight in the 15-20rep ranges to support joint health and local muscular endurance.
View attachment 252084

Really interested in the effects of trens nutrient partitioning and how much it will effect my cardio overall. If I have to bail on the tren I'll front load bold cyp and carry out the rest of the cycle with that.

I'll try and update as much as I can
thanks for reading!
Best of luck man. Please keep us updated on how your breathing is or is isn't affected by the tren.
Keep us updated on how your breathing is on 150 Tren a week during your BJJ training. Tends to affect breathing and cardio big time.

Best of luck man. Please keep us updated on how your breathing is or is isn't affected by the tren.
Thanks it's definitely the number 1 thing I'll be keeping an eye on. Some people at my gym have slight to no effect at all so hopefully I'm a lucky one.
Also going to see if Ventolin puffers will offset any negative effects of they come up.
Thanks it's definitely the number 1 thing I'll be keeping an eye on. Some people at my gym have slight to no effect at all so hopefully I'm a lucky one.
Also going to see if Ventolin puffers will offset any negative effects of they come up.
How has the training been bro? Any noteworthy effect? Good or bad?
How has the training been bro? Any noteworthy effect? Good or bad?
Training been going very well so far. I don't reach steady state untill end of next week. I didn't feel anything different the first 5 days but yesterday and today feeling more motivation/urge to weight train and roll harder than usual kind of the same feeling as ephedrine gives me.

Maybe @Type-IIx knows more about how tren could effect the sympathetic nervous system?

I'm down 4 pounds fasted this morning so may have to up calories to 3k to not lose weight to quickly. Recovery is going well but I'm really focusing on staying in the recoverable range for the weight training and not over doing it.
Been super busy this last week but finally have some time to update been a week since I should have hit max serum concentration side effects arnt as bad as expected as of yet. I am getting the night sweats but no other sleep disturbances that I was worried about. my vascularity has increased significantly, blood pressure is still always below 120/80 and resting pluse has been low 60s.
Probably the worst side effect I'm experiencing right now is the hypoglycemia. Intermittent fasting is impossible now.No breathing issues but I do have to take carbs intra workout/rolling or my muscles feel like they get fatigued faster. Hopefully it gets better as my body get used to the compound and not worse.
Curious about the tren, my guess is that it will be harmful for you cardio.
I also practice BJJ and my cruise is focused on my BJJ training. I do test primo and nandrolone. Works great for recovery and joint pain.
Curious about the tren, my guess is that it will be harmful for you cardio.
I also practice BJJ and my cruise is focused on my BJJ training. I do test primo and nandrolone. Works great for recovery and joint pain.
It hasn't effected my cardio in any significant way yet. I use HIIT on the airdyne as a measurable metric on how my cardio is doing and I'm still able to keep the same intensity as before starting tren.
I cruised on test/deca for almost a year before starting this cycle definitely worth it for the joints.
Why do you use the primo?
It hasn't effected my cardio in any significant way yet. I use HIIT on the airdyne as a measurable metric on how my cardio is doing and I'm still able to keep the same intensity as before starting tren.
I cruised on test/deca for almost a year before starting this cycle definitely worth it for the joints.
Why do you use the primo?
Any updates over the past 3 weeks? How has your recomp progressed and did the tren ever begin to bother your bjj game?
sorry everyone for not updating my newborn became very colicky and kept me and my wife very busy he's significantly better now so that make life's easier.

shortly after my last update.. I developed a rash on my ribs which I thought was ringworm or impetigo but then rapidly spread over my body it turned out to be shingles... stopped the cycle on April 14 as no point BC I couldn't train anymore.

Almost 7 weeks on tren I can say it's probably going to be a new favorite compound and I'm going to run it again for a full cycle. The vascularity is unmatched I had new veins popping out everywhere l looked harder overall. Felt stronger than ever while rolling. I did have brutal night sweating and my sweat did stink more but nothing serious no breathing issues whatsoever

Mentally I felt great but one thing that did change is I absolutely could not stand cocky people usually I'd just take em with a grain of salt but I would get irrationality bothered and end up rolling them way to hard.

The hypoglycaemia stopped almost instantly after adding 16mg ephedrine x3 a day (started taking it for a stuffy nose) did a quick Google search if ephedrine effects blood glucose levels and found this
Mentally I felt great but one thing that did change is I absolutely could not stand cocky people usually I'd just take em with a grain of salt but I would get irrationality bothered and end up rolling them way to hard.
That sounds awesome to me lol
You mentioned that you felt strong and you didn't have any breathing issues, but what about your overall endurance? Did you find the tren helped you keep the intensity going for longer?