Test C, Tren A, Oxandrolone cycle log

Day 44 Update:

The main point of this thread was to catalogue and maintain a document of my experiences and side effects with the cycle that I am running. With that said, apparently mood sides are creeping in and I didn’t realize it.

Apparently I am rude or sarcastic a lot and don’t realize it. In my head I feel like I am fine, but according to my wife I have been kinda shitty lately. I guess this is due to whatever tren does with dopamine and dopamine receptors. So any input I could get with that would be excellent. I think I have heard of prami (pramipexole?) but I know with stuff like that the sides can be worse than the cure sometimes. As of today I have been actively trying to alter my behavior, and so far I am doing fine, but it is also only about 3 hours into my day. If I can manage it well enough that it is not an issue, then I won’t worry too much about it (and I prefer that to taking more drugs) otherwise tren may not be in my future.

I haven’t irreparably damaged or ruined my relationship with my family, but apparently I am having a clear mood shift.

Anyways, on to last night’s training.

front SSB pause squat (2 second pause in the hole) top double at RPE 7, 340 lbs

700 lb yoke run… now this was pretty terrible, I made it about 12 feet on my first run and 25 feet on my second run, competition distance is 100 ft. HOWEVER, this is the first competition prep I have been in that I have even been able to run competition weight for any distance at all. So I am making pretty good progress. I will definitely hit 100 ft on competition day.

2 pick and runs (only ran about 10 ft) with 250 keg and 300 sandbag. This was more to work on my pickup and take off, since that is the weakest part of my medley, but I am still fast enough that I believe I have a good chance of winning the medley, or at least place high.

chest supported low machine row, 4 plates per side 3x8

banded prone hamstring curls 3x20

reverse hypers 4x20

I am pretty much at my peak right now, which is perfect timing since I am two weeks out from the competition. A good deload and I’ll be ready to go kill it.
Day 44 Update:

The main point of this thread was to catalogue and maintain a document of my experiences and side effects with the cycle that I am running. With that said, apparently mood sides are creeping in and I didn’t realize it.

Apparently I am rude or sarcastic a lot and don’t realize it. In my head I feel like I am fine, but according to my wife I have been kinda shitty lately. I guess this is due to whatever tren does with dopamine and dopamine receptors. So any input I could get with that would be excellent. I think I have heard of prami (pramipexole?) but I know with stuff like that the sides can be worse than the cure sometimes. As of today I have been actively trying to alter my behavior, and so far I am doing fine, but it is also only about 3 hours into my day. If I can manage it well enough that it is not an issue, then I won’t worry too much about it (and I prefer that to taking more drugs) otherwise tren may not be in my future.

I haven’t irreparably damaged or ruined my relationship with my family, but apparently I am having a clear mood shift.

Anyways, on to last night’s training.

front SSB pause squat (2 second pause in the hole) top double at RPE 7, 340 lbs

700 lb yoke run… now this was pretty terrible, I made it about 12 feet on my first run and 25 feet on my second run, competition distance is 100 ft. HOWEVER, this is the first competition prep I have been in that I have even been able to run competition weight for any distance at all. So I am making pretty good progress. I will definitely hit 100 ft on competition day.

2 pick and runs (only ran about 10 ft) with 250 keg and 300 sandbag. This was more to work on my pickup and take off, since that is the weakest part of my medley, but I am still fast enough that I believe I have a good chance of winning the medley, or at least place high.

chest supported low machine row, 4 plates per side 3x8

banded prone hamstring curls 3x20

reverse hypers 4x20

I am pretty much at my peak right now, which is perfect timing since I am two weeks out from the competition. A good deload and I’ll be ready to go kill it.
Thats what it does. You think your fine but your not
I am seriously considering trying anavar at the same dose 50mgs I was wondering whats your opinion on it? What does it do and how does it compare to other steroids given its lofty price point?
Re tren mood: it took quite a bit of tren before I realized I was getting snappy. For me, I had to work on being more empathetic because tren definitely lowers that personality trait for me. Just enough that you seem like you're being kind of shitty. I had to avoid saying what immediately came to my mind also, it doesn't help your communication filter.

Re anadrol: I love it, but I don't recommend it for your situation in making weight and experimenting with it at this stage of the game. It'll throw you off. Regarding halo, I've personally never gotten anything out of it that I couldn't get with a scoop of pwo. It was disappointing.

I really like TNE, that's the only thing I would consider in your shoes. I'd actually probably do a test base on meet day, as well as the week of your peaking block. I'd also apply high dose test cream on meet day in between events. But, that's a bit exotic and based on my experience...

What weight class are you in again and where are you at now? Little confused with all the bw numbers.
I am seriously considering trying anavar at the same dose 50mgs I was wondering whats your opinion on it? What does it do and how does it compare to other steroids given its lofty price point?
I like the anavar. It’s all dry gains, I feel like it helps me lean out a little and give me a mild to moderate strength boost. I highly recommend it to anyone who can get it. Anadrol gives me better strength gains but damn do I hold water.
Re tren mood: it took quite a bit of tren before I realized I was getting snappy. For me, I had to work on being more empathetic because tren definitely lowers that personality trait for me. Just enough that you seem like you're being kind of shitty. I had to avoid saying what immediately came to my mind also, it doesn't help your communication filter.

Re anadrol: I love it, but I don't recommend it for your situation in making weight and experimenting with it at this stage of the game. It'll throw you off. Regarding halo, I've personally never gotten anything out of it that I couldn't get with a scoop of pwo. It was disappointing.

I really like TNE, that's the only thing I would consider in your shoes. I'd actually probably do a test base on meet day, as well as the week of your peaking block. I'd also apply high dose test cream on meet day in between events. But, that's a bit exotic and based on my experience...

What weight class are you in again and where are you at now? Little confused with all the bw numbers.
Yea I feel better and since I’m actively working on it, my mood isn’t as big of a deal.

with the anadrol, the only days I’m taking it are day of weigh ins (after I make weight of course) and the day of the competition. I did it last weekend and it worked great.

I am a middle weight competitor, which is under 231.5 lbs. I made it down to 244 and I’ll water cut the rest of the weight down to 231.4 or less. Then on competition day I’ll most likely weigh about 246-248
Yea I feel better and since I’m actively working on it, my mood isn’t as big of a deal.

with the anadrol, the only days I’m taking it are day of weigh ins (after I make weight of course) and the day of the competition. I did it last weekend and it worked great.

I am a middle weight competitor, which is under 231.5 lbs. I made it down to 244 and I’ll water cut the rest of the weight down to 231.4 or less. Then on competition day I’ll most likely weigh about 246-248

That's why I asked, I was thinking you were within a reasonable water cut territory.

You might have mentioned before but, what are the events at your comp?
That's why I asked, I was thinking you were within a reasonable water cut territory.

You might have mentioned before but, what are the events at your comp?
1) Max reps Viking press at 300 lbs
2) 700 lb yoke 100 ft run
3) Last man standing axle deadlift
4) Sandbag/keg/sandbag medley (220 sandbag for 50 ft, 250 keg for 25 ft and 308 sandbag for 10 ft all loaded over a 50” bar)
5) Max reps 320 lb atlas stone over 50” bar

what I think will happen if I perform optimally:

1) 20 reps
2) 45 seconds
3) 615-635 lbs
4) 23 seconds
5) 8-10 reps depending on my efficiency
Day 48 Update:

Today starts my deload, Saturday night was my last heavy lifting session. As of today I am 13 days out from my competition. I need it. My body is trashed, but if the past is any indicator how future performance, I am in a perfect spot right now and should go in the competition and smash it. I am not guaranteeing a win, but I know that I’ll do very well with respect to previous versions of myself, and in strength sports I think that’s all you really ask for/expect.

An update on the previously mentioned mood sides, I feel like it is a non-issue now. Now that I know and I am able to better manage my emotions, everything seems fine in my house, and the wife and kids seem much happier. This was obviously without the assistance of any additional drugs.

Saturday’s training session:

top single @ 515 on axle DL (was supposed to be a top triple at 565 or so)
Back off single at 470

Front banded axle deadlifts 1x2 @ 360 (This has REALLY helped with me learning how to pull back and up so that the axle doesn’t get too far in front of me and pull me over)

SSB Anderson good morning (from DL stance and starting position), 3x6 @ 175

Westside inverse hamstring curl 3x10

wide grip neutral seated row, 3x6 @ 190

Stone over 50" bar, 5x2 w 30s rest between sets @ 340, 1x2 @ 300

Machine single leg glute bridge 30 reps/leg

Honestly this cycle with tren went MUCH better than I expected. I expected to have to deal with tons of crazy side effects, but the reality is the only side effect I had was the mood issues, and that was easily handled once I realized it was going on. Blood pressure and HRR were both good during the entire cycle. Even acne wasn’t that bad and on most AAS I seem to have moderate acne flare ups. I guess my genetics are good enough that I don’t have to deal with most of the stuff most others do with respect to tren sides. Even NPP had more sides than tren did. I do feel like eating such a clean diet really does help mitigate side effects as well.

Tren will definitely be in my future so long as I continue to compete in strongman.
1) Max reps Viking press at 300 lbs
2) 700 lb yoke 100 ft run
3) Last man standing axle deadlift
4) Sandbag/keg/sandbag medley (220 sandbag for 50 ft, 250 keg for 25 ft and 308 sandbag for 10 ft all loaded over a 50” bar)
5) Max reps 320 lb atlas stone over 50” bar

what I think will happen if I perform optimally:

1) 20 reps
2) 45 seconds
3) 615-635 lbs
4) 23 seconds
5) 8-10 reps depending on my efficiency

You wearing a deadlift suit for axles? That seems to be almost universally allowed from all of the comps I've seen.

I hope you do another log after you wrap this one up for the comp, would love to see more training specific updates. Would really like to compare/contrast how you perform with a different cycle too.
You wearing a deadlift suit for axles? That seems to be almost universally allowed from all of the comps I've seen.

I hope you do another log after you wrap this one up for the comp, would love to see more training specific updates. Would really like to compare/contrast how you perform with a different cycle too.
I am not wearing a deadlift suit, and for that reason I fully expect to take mid pack with a low to mid 600 lb axle deadlift. I am wearing squat/deadlift briefs and they probably added 20 lbs to my deadlift.

To the best of my knowledge, deadlift suits have not been and will not be allowed at nationals either.

I fully intend to run another cycle log. Itll probably be for my nationals workup, so long as I qualify for nationals at the upcoming competition

2 years ago when I started strongman, I thought it was a pipe dream to go in a platinum plus show and just not zero any lifts. Now I’m gunning for the win, and I think I have a good shot of at least getting on the podium if not winning middle weight open, which could get me an Arnold bid.
Day 49 Update:

7 weeks into the blast and it is still going very well. I could talk about it, but it would just be a repeat of everything I have already said.

Yesterday’s training session went really well despite my body just being destroyed and needing a deload:

Max reps in 60s viking press at 305 (16 reps)
Max reps in 60s viking press at 275 (23 reps)
Competition weight is 300 lbs

Dumbbell push press 2x6 with 60 lbs/hand
Only did one set, something happened during Viking press and my left wrist became painful and swollen as soon as I was done

Standing T-bar row, neutral grip. 3x5 at 160

3x6 single arm incline dumbbell bench, 65 lb dumbbell
Somehow my left wrist was fine with the movement but I couldn’t hardly stand the 60’s in my hands while standing.

3x8 bird dog row with 35 lb dumbbell.

Luckily my strongman coach is also an excellent physical therapist, so anytime anything comes up, he knows how to help me get better and how to work around certain injuries. Right now I have a few knots in my muscles around my right scapula, and he is able to do dry needling to get them to loosen up and go away. It is a phenomenal benefit for which he does not charge me a dime. He doesn’t charge me for anything above and beyond the coaching and programming. I basically have a free PT on standby.
Hey man, wanted to drop in and let you know I'm caught up on your log and excited for you that training seems to be going so well. You didn't cut as much weight as you had wanted but I'm sure you gained a shitload of muscle during this stretch that will help your metabolism going forward. Good luck with the show man.
Day 51 Update:

I took the night off from training last night, allergies and poor sleep caught up to me. The poor sleep was caused by having knots in my upper back muscles, nothing to do with insomnia. Got my coach to do some dry needling on my back, it fixed the left side but for some reason the right side is being super fucking stubborn and won’t release.

I started my water load today for my water cut. I woke up at 246.6 today, which was pretty much expected. Drinking an additional 2 gallons of water per day for the next 9 days is going to blow. But I’m going to do what it takes to make weight.

I am still not super lean (I leaned out more on NPP, but I was also on cycle for about 6 weeks longer) but here is a photo from yesterday morning

21 April
21 April1280×834 230 KB
Pretty damn lean for PL and SM!
Thanks man, I was thinking about it, when I started my NPP cycle last July, I actually started at about that same BF content that I am right now, but weighed 241 instead of 246. So of course I was leaner at the end of a 15 week NPP cycle than I am 7.5 weeks into a tren cycle, I started with a bit more BF on this tren cycle, as you can see from some of the progress photos in the thread. I was even running maintenance calories on NPP, and in a decent deficit on tren.

also, I’m not sure if you’re familiar with Anthony diehl, but that dude has a 6-pack at 260. He was America’s strongest 105k man last November. So I definitely have a lot of work ahead of me lol.
Hey man, wanted to drop in and let you know I'm caught up on your log and excited for you that training seems to be going so well. You didn't cut as much weight as you had wanted but I'm sure you gained a shitload of muscle during this stretch that will help your metabolism going forward. Good luck with the show man.
Thanks man, it’s good to know that people are following this. And if one person learns one thing from this, this thread has served its purpose
Day 56 Update:

I had to take a week off from the gym for nasty allergies/head cold. I still don’t feel 100% but I was probably feeling 85-90% in the gym last night. I guess deload came at a good time. We finally got 10 competitors in our weight class (middle weight) which means the winner will get a bid to the Arnold Amateur World Championships.

Last nights workout was a very short and simple workout:

Viking press, 1x20 @ 250. This felt harder than it should have but I’m certain it was because I’m still not 100%

2x8 incline dumbbell Y’s

3x5 neutral grip bent over machine rows

3x6 single arm incline dumbbell bench

3x8 bird dog rows

I am 6 days into my 10 day water load, weigh ins are on Saturday and competition is on Sunday. Now I just need to finish deloading, get better from this stupid sickness, and make weight and I’ll be ready to smash some weights.
My favorite cycle was my first tren run. It was pretty fucking fun. I was going to suggest you wait at least another week to up your tren dose but it seems like you are already going to do that. Especially, it being your first time with tren.

There are horror stories all over the internet regarding tren and it seems like it can always be pinpointed to an increase in tren too fast and they just can’t or have a difficult time dealing with the bad sides. It may also be a reason why they got the bad sides in the first place. In two weeks you should absolutely feel/know you are on tren.

I know you stated that you will weigh in at 242, what are your goals, numbers wise, for the meet?
Yea I've seen people either start too high or bump up to fast, they end up dropping the tren all together scared to touch it again.
Every time I compete, I am wiped out for the next 2-3 days. I mean absolutely useless. I had intended to cease use of the tren the day of my competition, but would it be worth it to cut the dose in half and run it until the end of the week just for the sake of recovery?