Test C, Tren A, Oxandrolone cycle log

would it be worth it to cut the dose in half and run it until the end of the week just for the sake of recovery?
Frankly very doubtful it will make any difference whatsoever.

These really aren't acute action drugs like that.
Just few quick ones. Day 8 and you are thinking of raising dosages when your gear hasn't even started to work? You will notice more gains by raising your food intake rather than your steroids. Atleast 3500+kcal clean food. Your macros seem to be right. 9 weeks is too short blast. I would do something like 12weeks minimum and leaving the tren for plateau busting.
Yeah....props from me, on initial post, with 6'1", 247, 18%. We all lift. You're doing the work at the dinner table.
I made weight today, I weighed in at 230.6. As of right now I am around 245 after refeeding and rehydrating, I still have a little more eating and drinking left to be done.

I took my 75 mg anadrol today and I have 100 more on standby for tomorrow.

Anyone ever have their kidney’s ache during/after a water cut?
Well here is a competition recap:

I took 3rd in my weight class out of 10 guys, not because I did poorly, but the other 2 guys that beat me were animals. Even if I had executed perfectly, I still would’ve ended up in 3rd.

Event 1, Viking press 300 lbs:

I hit 14 reps here and took second. First place got 15 reps. I was consistenly hitting 15-20 reps in training, but our viking press was A LOT more stable than the one used at the competition, and that instability ate up 6-8 reps for me.

Event 2, yoke run 700 lbs for 100 ft:

By far my weakest event, however, I crushed it compared to how I normally perform with the yoke. I hit 100 feet (the farthest I have ever taken 700 was 25 ft) in 42 seconds. However this was still only good enough for a 5th place finish. I had two drops which cost me about 4-5 seconds, but I was 6 seconds behind 4th place, so even a perfect run would’ve had me in 5th place. This was probably my most surprising event

Event 3, max axle deadlift:

I hit 615 on axle at like RPE 7.5-8, which put me in a 4 way tie for 3rd. First place tie was at 665. I attempted 665 and got it 2-3 inches off the ground but after blowing my load on the yoke, 665 just wasn’t there. If there had been no yoke run before hand, I may have hit 665. Hopefully by the end of the year I’ll be a 700 lb deadlifter on a power bar or DL bar.

Event 4, sandbag/keg/sandbag medley:

Took 2nd on this event at 32 seconds. 2 last minute changes in weight. we ended up with a 265 bag, 225 keg, 308 bag instead of 220 bag, 250 keg and 308 bag. First place guy CRUSHED this event at 27 seconds. 3rd place finished in 56 seconds. Unfortunately I tweaked my bicep when lapping the 308 bag, which didn’t affect me during the medley, but greatly impacted my stone loading.

Event 5, 320 lb stone over 50" bar:

Took 3rd in this event in 30 seconds (everyone got 60s but I cut it short). I was 4 points behind 2nd place at this point and short of him zeroing the stones I knew I wouldn’t catch him. I was one point ahead of 4th place, so I knew if I tied him I would keep my one point lead. I could feel a small tweak in my bicep going into this but on the very first rep I felt a sharp, tearing pain in my left bicep, so I did as many reps as I needed to keep 3rd place (4 reps) and called it there. I could’ve easily taken first with 8-10 reps had I not had a bad bicep (winner got 7 reps), but that still wouldn’t have moved me up enough in points to get into 2nd place.

Overall I did really well and hit pretty much all of the numbers I expected to outside of the viking press. Even if I had won stones and viking press and not had two drops on yoke, I still would’ve taken third. I would’ve been 1 point behind 2nd instead of 6.5, but 3rd is 3rd. I was expecting more like 23s on the medley, but the weight change on the first sandbag, combined with the fact that our 300 lb sandbag is actually only about 270 (I learned this about a week before the competition) really slowed me down a lot compared to what I thought I would do. I took top 3 in 4 out of 5 events and my weakest event killed my point total about as much as I expected it to. Hit PRs in 3 out of 5 events too so I can’t be upset about that.

With all of that said, you’ll never hear me make an excuse for losing, I got beat fair and square by two really solid competitors.

Now time to heal the bicep and start prepping for nationals in October. I’ll have another shot at an Arnold bid then.
I have already mentioned a few times that this cycle was a huge success. I ended up running 315 mg/wk tren A, 420mg/wk test C, 50 mg/day Oxandrolone, 500 IU/wk HCG and ran anadrol on comp day at 50 mgx2 (total 100 mg)

One thing to note, my kidneys ached pretty intensely when I was down 20 lbs of water. I wonder how much of that had to do with the oxandrolone that I was running. From what I understand it is largely processed by the kidneys instead of the liver.

I think for my next blast I may either front load the orals, or just avoid them altogether for the sake of water cutting. Apparently a dull ache in your kidney (or in my case both of them) is an early sign of kidney failure, as is reduced urine production, both of which were issues I was dealing with for about 36-48 hours. Luckily I never peed blood, but I was likely on the verge of damaging them. I feel fine now, but the water cut and the refeed were both certainly pretty shitty.
I have already mentioned a few times that this cycle was a huge success. I ended up running 315 mg/wk tren A, 420mg/wk test C, 50 mg/day Oxandrolone, 500 IU/wk HCG and ran anadrol on comp day at 50 mgx2 (total 100 mg)

One thing to note, my kidneys ached pretty intensely when I was down 20 lbs of water. I wonder how much of that had to do with the oxandrolone that I was running. From what I understand it is largely processed by the kidneys instead of the liver.

I think for my next blast I may either front load the orals, or just avoid them altogether for the sake of water cutting. Apparently a dull ache in your kidney (or in my case both of them) is an early sign of kidney failure, as is reduced urine production, both of which were issues I was dealing with for about 36-48 hours. Luckily I never peed blood, but I was likely on the verge of damaging them. I feel fine now, but the water cut and the refeed were both certainly pretty shitty.
Tren is tough on the kindness as well. Only time I ran it my blood work was terrible
Gonna blast some BP-157 into that bicep? Or go see a doc? Or ?
I'm gonna give it a couple of days and have my coach take a look at it. His day time job is as a PT so he'll give me a pretty good idea of what is going on. He leans very conservatively when it comes to health so if he has the slightest inclination of a tear, he will send me to a doc to get it looked at/scanned


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