Test C, Tren A, Oxandrolone cycle log

Also, no posting hardcore gay porn action gifs into a bad sources thread... Makes me sad.

@wsmwannabe You can also read Tren's "decrease in cardio" side effect as "diminished work capacity" which seems likely to be working in conjunction with your cut to start impacting your workouts as you just mentioned.

Just a thought. Enjoying your log.
Interesting, I'll have to keep that in mind.

Also I am glad there are a couple people getting something out of this (everyone can teach you something, sometimes they teach you what to do, other times they teach you what not to do). There has been so little interaction, relative to the number of posts I have made, that I feel like I am largely just speaking into the abyss haha.

Also, you were too specific when you said gifs, that still leaves a lot of room for lots of other hardcore gay porn in other forms of media ;)
There has been so little interaction
In general I rarely comment into the logs I follow unless I have some sort of legitimate thing to "contribute" alongside my usual inane glibber.

I think a lot of folks tend to treat logs similarly as though they were "read-only".
In general I rarely comment into the logs I follow unless I have some sort of legitimate thing to "contribute" alongside my usual inane glibber.

I think a lot of folks tend to treat logs similarly as though they were "read-only".
Fair enough. I guess if there isn't a ton of input that means I'm not totally fucked up o_O
Day 37 Update:

I added about 150 cals of carbs back into my diet this past Saturday because I didn’t feel like the 700 cal/day deficit was doing me any favors. I had low energy during my workouts after the first exercise and I was overeating to compensate for the lack of energy after my workout. There is no way I was eating 4900 calories to make up for a full week deficit, but I might’ve only been around 1500-2000 cal deficit by the end of the week. I woke up Monday morning at 251.6 and woke up today at 244 even (I know that was mostly water weight, but it was definitely some fat as well) and now I am ahead of my adjusted plan (the adjusted plan is 242 by next Friday, the 16th). I initially planned to be 242 by tomorrow, but I screwed myself up with the huge deficit. Depending on how things go I may try to hop back in the bodpod once I get down to 242.

Last night’s workout went great, I hit 3x3 at 300 lbs on safety squat bar front squats. This was follow by a 625 lb yoke run for 100’ in 29s. This is by no means record breaking speed, but for me this is a HUGE breakthrough. I have always been slow as fuck with the yoke and I am finally learning how to drive/push with my hips. I am still 75 lbs off of competition weight, but now I think I can do the full comp run in about 35-40s with 700 lbs instead of the planned 59.99999s. This was followed by several medley pick ups and runs. I don’t feel trashed today, and this is the first time I have ever run a heavy yoke without feeling absolutely crushed the next day. This has very little to do with the gear I am running and a lot more to do with learning proper technique.
So I’m gonna throw another dumb question/idea out here. Anyone have any thoughts about adding 100-150 mg anadrol on the day of weigh-ins and the day of the competition? On top of all of the other compounds I’m using, but do it for 2 days only? This competition is actually a pretty big one and the winner gets a bid to the Arnold Amateur Strongman World Championships, so I’m looking for any reasonable edge I can get. I thought about giving it a go tomorrow and Saturday to see how my deadlift/stones day turns out on Saturday. I think this will give me an idea of viability/usefulness.

I also have Tbol. I haven’t touched either of these orals yet, but I’m throwing ideas out.

I guess I could ask the same question about upping the tren ace for the last 3-5 days before the competition.
I doubt Tbol would do much for you, but the anadrol might be quite useful?

I would NOT up Tren for the comp.
So I’m gonna throw another dumb question/idea out here. Anyone have any thoughts about adding 100-150 mg anadrol on the day of weigh-ins and the day of the competition? On top of all of the other compounds I’m using, but do it for 2 days only? This competition is actually a pretty big one and the winner gets a bid to the Arnold Amateur Strongman World Championships, so I’m looking for any reasonable edge I can get. I thought about giving it a go tomorrow and Saturday to see how my deadlift/stones day turns out on Saturday. I think this will give me an idea of viability/usefulness.

I also have Tbol. I haven’t touched either of these orals yet, but I’m throwing ideas out.

I guess I could ask the same question about upping the tren ace for the last 3-5 days before the competition.
Get Some Halo, Anadrol would be good also but just do 50/100mg cause you haven't done it before. Anadrol has some CNS stimulus that could help you. But taking for 1-2 would be kinda like taking pre workout tbh and in that case HALO would be better
Get Some Halo, Anadrol would be good also but just do 50/100mg cause you haven't done it before. Anadrol has some CNS stimulus that could help you. But taking for 1-2 would be kinda like taking pre workout tbh and in that case HALO would be better
I don’t know anything about HALO, I mean I’ve heard of it but that’s about it
I’m curious, why not with the tren? I assume the risk:benefit ratio isn’t there?
Exactly... you aren't going to get some huge boost to strength but would run the risk of picking up sides for no gain, in my opinion anyway.
I don’t know anything about HALO, I mean I’ve heard of it but that’s about it
Halo is Pure aggression and Strength no extra weight. Very androgenic. Extremely Harsh on liver and body but if your gonna use something for such a short time it would be halo. Cheque Drops would also be good for game day also game day only tho. Or TNE would be good for Instant Stimulus but ai protocol would need to be upped.
Halo is Pure aggression and Strength no extra weight. Very androgenic. Extremely Harsh on liver and body but if your gonna use something for such a short time it would be halo. Cheque Drops would also be good for game day also game day only tho. Or TNE would be good for Instant Stimulus but ai protocol would need to be upped.
Man after I read about flying spaghetti plates, I don’t think halo is for me lol. I have a wife and 2 kids and I don’t want to do some crazy shit like that with them. I’ll still with the anadrol I think, unless there are other suggestions. I’m not sure I wanna inject a shit pot of TNE and then have to worry about aromatization
I’m not sure I wanna inject a shit pot of TNE and then have to worry about aromatization
I have used TNE, TrNE, TBase susp, and Tren susp as PWO.

NONE of them have as much effect as a strong cup of coffee or a whiff of good ammonia does in terms of raw strength during that workout.

Never tried Halo or Cheque drops so I can't speak to those.
Day 40 Update:

The anadrol experiment went very well. Friday I took 50mg preworkout, it was a pretty light workout so I didn’t draw any conclusions from that. Yesterday I took 75 mg preworkout and damn did I have a helluva deadlift/stone load workout.

I hit a double at 580 on the axle deadlift it was about an RPE 7.5-8 (the biggest double I have ever hit before yesterday was 551). Just 8 days prior I hit an all time PR at 586 on the axle and it was RPE 9. I would guess it is a combination of lifting progression and the anadrol. I’m starting to think mid 600’s will be possible on competition day, but the way the weight jumps will go, most likely it’ll go from 615 to 665 (Based on the wording of the rules, 635 is a possibility for a weight jump, but I think based on adding either a 25 or 45, it’ll end up going from 615 to 665. The axle is 75lbs not 45lbs). I’ll hit 615, but I don’t think 665 is there on an axle. After this training block I’ll be disappointed if I can’t hit 650-675 on a DL bar.

For stones I hit an 8x2 on the 300 lb atlas stone with 30s rest between sets at the end of my workout. This is a huge deal for me because it was flawlessly executed AND I didn’t have to deal with my inhaler at all.

The only other question I have regarding the anadrol is: how much is enough/too much? I am thinking 75/100mg the day-of-weigh-ins/day-of-competition. I don’t plan to run anadrol again until then.
Day 40 Update:

The anadrol experiment went very well. Friday I took 50mg preworkout, it was a pretty light workout so I didn’t draw any conclusions from that. Yesterday I took 75 mg preworkout and damn did I have a helluva deadlift/stone load workout.

I hit a double at 580 on the axle deadlift it was about an RPE 7.5-8 (the biggest double I have ever hit before yesterday was 551). Just 8 days prior I hit an all time PR at 586 on the axle and it was RPE 9. I would guess it is a combination of lifting progression and the anadrol. I’m starting to think mid 600’s will be possible on competition day, but the way the weight jumps will go, most likely it’ll go from 615 to 665 (Based on the wording of the rules, 635 is a possibility for a weight jump, but I think based on adding either a 25 or 45, it’ll end up going from 615 to 665. The axle is 75lbs not 45lbs). I’ll hit 615, but I don’t think 665 is there on an axle. After this training block I’ll be disappointed if I can’t hit 650-675 on a DL bar.

For stones I hit an 8x2 on the 300 lb atlas stone with 30s rest between sets at the end of my workout. This is a huge deal for me because it was flawlessly executed AND I didn’t have to deal with my inhaler at all.

The only other question I have regarding the anadrol is: how much is enough/too much? I am thinking 75/100mg the day-of-weigh-ins/day-of-competition. I don’t plan to run anadrol again until then.
100mg Is good 150mg If your willing
50mg between events
Day 42 Update:

The anadrol experiment went well with my strength, but I managed to put on and keep 6 lbs of water weight since last Friday morning. I weighed 243.8 Friday, then I weighed 248.2 Sunday morning and 249.2 Monday morning and 249.0 today… I’m not in full panic mode, but I really wanted/needed to be 242 by this Friday. This is certainly a WTF moment. It’s normal for me to be 6 lbs heavy on Sunday morning’s, but usually by Tuesday I am only a pound or two heavy, not 6.

Hit a top triple at 345 yesterday on the Viking press at RPE 8.5, then one set at 305 for 12 reps in 60s and one set at 295 for 13 reps in 60s. It should’ve been a bit higher than this. Probably 3-5 reps more on each set. So I know that I am peaking at exactly the right time. The fatigue from this training block is catching up, but that is the point of a deload heading into a competition. I am less than 3 weeks out now. The rest of the workout was fine, but nothing else was really all that heavy.

2x6 dumbbell push press with the 60’s
3x5 neutral grip row machine with 205 loaded on
3x6 single arm dumbbell incline bench super set with 3x10 dumbbell pullovers
3x8 bird dog row

I also had by far my worst bout with tren cough yesterday. It is only the 3rd time I have had it in 42 days, but this one was cold sweats, it felt like I was having an asthma attack (I wasn’t but that was kind of the feeling), coughing up the water I accidentally inhaled and trying not to puke all at the same time. Any other time it has just been a moderate “itchy throat” type of cough.
Day 42 Update:

The anadrol experiment went well with my strength, but I managed to put on and keep 6 lbs of water weight since last Friday morning. I weighed 243.8 Friday, then I weighed 248.2 Sunday morning and 249.2 Monday morning and 249.0 today… I’m not in full panic mode, but I really wanted/needed to be 242 by this Friday. This is certainly a WTF moment. It’s normal for me to be 6 lbs heavy on Sunday morning’s, but usually by Tuesday I am only a pound or two heavy, not 6.

Hit a top triple at 345 yesterday on the Viking press at RPE 8.5, then one set at 305 for 12 reps in 60s and one set at 295 for 13 reps in 60s. It should’ve been a bit higher than this. Probably 3-5 reps more on each set. So I know that I am peaking at exactly the right time. The fatigue from this training block is catching up, but that is the point of a deload heading into a competition. I am less than 3 weeks out now. The rest of the workout was fine, but nothing else was really all that heavy.

2x6 dumbbell push press with the 60’s
3x5 neutral grip row machine with 205 loaded on
3x6 single arm dumbbell incline bench super set with 3x10 dumbbell pullovers
3x8 bird dog row

I also had by far my worst bout with tren cough yesterday. It is only the 3rd time I have had it in 42 days, but this one was cold sweats, it felt like I was having an asthma attack (I wasn’t but that was kind of the feeling), coughing up the water I accidentally inhaled and trying not to puke all at the same time. Any other time it has just been a moderate “itchy throat” type of cough.
The anadrol could be causing the extra weight even if your only it taking a few time a week
The anadrol could be causing the extra weight even if your only it taking a few time a week
Yea, I kinda chalked it up to that. I don't plan to take the anadrol again until right after I weigh in and the day of the competition. What I did was more to see how I react to it, and it was perfectly fine minus the water retention
Well I am not cutting weight past Friday. I want to maintain my weight for at least a couple weeks so my body can acclimate to it. Unfortunately I didn’t drop as much weight as I wanted. I started at 249 and for down to just under 244 (wanted 242) but I think the sub 244 was just being glycogen depleted and dehydrated. I am sitting closer to 245-246 currently.

The way I see it is that there is 2 possible reasons I didn’t cut the weight I wanted to:

  1. I wasn’t in a big enough caloric deficit (most likely)
  2. tren uses every single calorie you put in your body. What I mean by this is: I know for a fact I went from eating about 3100 calories per day to around 2350, however with refeeds and feeling gassed I kept over eating the 2300 cals mark, but I really don’t believe I was eating enough to make up a damn near 5000 cal deficit per week. So let’s adjust it and say I was eating 2600 cals/day. Is it possible that at 3100 cals my body was only utilizing 2800 cals without tren? There is no way the human body is 100% efficient to use 100% of the cals ingested. And with tren at 2600 cals/day my body is utilizing 2500 cals? Everyone constantly mentions nutrient partitioning as one of the largest benefits of tren.
Here is the only known fact, I was eating too much to lose as much weight as I wanted to. I am not trying to make excuses as to how or why I didn’t lose the weight. It is my fault. but I wonder if I need to be at an even greater deficit when running tren to lose the weight. (If I had stuck with 2350 instead of 2600 I’m sure I would’ve lost the weight I wanted to). I did drop 3-4 lbs over 5 weeks, but I needed to drop 7 and that didn’t happen.