Test C, Tren A, Oxandrolone cycle log

Day 10 Update:

Well my impatience and lack of discipline got me again today. I bumped it up to 35 mg/day this morning. I told myself to wait until Tuesday but just decided I couldn’t wait longer. I Feel like I started too low in the first place though. I’m not going to promise to wait X amount of days before bumping it up again, but I do feel better about 1 mg/lb. I am probably comparing this too much to the NPP, but I felt that after 3 days and I was at 1 mg/lb on that.

I am leaning out. I am not sure if it is a continuation of just getting back on TRT or if it is the tren working. I was making a lot of steady, linear progress on TRT only before jumping on tren, so it’s not like I’m busting plateaus.

I weighed in at 248.2 today, and I already hate this cut lol. But I am going to drop the weight… or just get fucking shredded and more or less maintain weight, I’m not sure which will happen yet, but I am good with either.

Overall no noticeable tren sides except for very mild insomnia and a little indigestion. I have been taking 250-500 mg magnesium about an hour before bed which seems to help tremendously, and I am still getting 7-8 hours sleep a night, and I eat clean enough that the indigestion doesn’t stick around too long and I have no problem getting all of my calories for the day. I think my mood has been fine (verified by my wife) and I haven’t had sweats. My BP is still good, has been measuring around 125/80 for the last few days and RHR is always right around 60.

I’m an asthmatic (specifically, exercise induced asthma) so my cardio has always sucked, I doubt I’ll notice a difference on tren.
Day 13 Update:

Currently running 245 mg/wk Tren A and 210 mg/wk Test C. Just this morning, I started Oxandrolone at 50 mg/day. Still running 500 IU HCG / wk as well.

I have noticed a little bit of a bump from the tren (by bump I mean my warm ups don’t take as long, my workouts feel better, and I don’t feel as wiped out after a hard workout), but overall I still feel like, 2 weeks into my NPP cycle, I was getting a lot more from the NPP than I am with the tren. I have only been running 245 mg/wk Tren A for 3 days. I’ll try to give it another week (If I’m being completely honest with myself it’ll most likely be 3-5 days) to see if the oxandrolone makes a difference, if it does not, I’ll bump up the test to probably 420 mg/wk.

I will say that my recovery has definitely improved while on tren vs just TRT alone, but I felt stronger with NPP, I do not necessarily feel stronger on tren.

I still haven’t really dealt with any sides. My junk still operates normally, I haven’t had night sweats, my mood is actually improved vs TRT only, no gyno (or at least not more than I have had since I was 11-12 yrs old), blood pressure is still in the 125/80 range, RHR is usually right around 60 BPM. I do have mild insomnia and indigestion, but they’re both so mild that it is easily dealt with. magnesium helps with my insomnia and as long as I eat whole foods (I’m on the vertical diet, which also happens to be a low FODMAP diet) and keep eating a low FODMAP diet, indigestion is very easily manageable. It only acts up when I start getting off my diet, so it’s even more reason to eat clean.
Day 14 Update:

I hit a pretty big PR on the viking press last night, managed to get 385. Previous best from about 3 weeks ago was 345. This is the one lift I feel like the tren is actually doing something. As I have previously mentioned I do believe it is helping my overall recovery, so I definitely like that. I think I can actually keep it at 35 mg/day for longer than a day or two, although I do plan to increase my test to 385 mg/wk soon.

Still no issues with sides other than the small things already mentioned, Oxandrolone gave me indigestion last time I ran it, I have not run it long enough yet to know if it still will this time around.

Here is a progress pic. I cannot take a good freakin pic to save my life though. My gut is not distended despite what the photo looks like, but pushing my stomach out was the only way I could get my abs to show in the poor lighting, and you can see my obliques really starting to pop out. For reference, my arms are 18.5-19", and chest is 53-53.5". I have a bit of a wide frame.

Left is February 26, right photo is yesterday, March 15th

15 March
Day 16 Update:

Well my coach has me on a taper for the next few days to let my body rest a little bit before going into the final block of competition prep. I am not entirely certain I needed it, but I’m sure in about 5 weeks from now I’ll be begging for a deload, which is exactly where I want to be.

With that said, I have been following my “RPEs” a lot more closely instead of just pushing everything to RPE 9-10 all the time. I think that was the single most significant factor with regards to my previous eye injury.

As far as the eye injury goes, I was cleared to lift full bore on Jan 14, I just got back from my eye doctor about 30 minutes ago, and even running all 3 of these compounds and lifting pretty heavy, my eye is still good to go, which is very good to hear.

I am bumping up my test to 385 mg/wk starting tomorrow. I do believe the tren is working at 245 mg/wk, but I’ll be interested to see if the bump in test gives a more noticeable change in performance/recovery.

The cut sucks… I started at 248, and after 1 week I went up to 250.5 on Monday morning and as of this morning I was 247.5 (yesterday morning I was 249). So I am down a whopping half pound after one week in a ~600-700 cal/day deficit. I forgot that my body likes to really be shitty and hold onto the weight for a week any time I try to drop weight. But usually after the first week it’ll come off more quickly. So I fully expect a 2 lbs/wk loss for 3 weeks which will get me exactly where I want to be.
Day 17 Update:

Well I increased the test today to 385 mg/wk. Obviously there is nothing noticeable yet. The scale read 247 today, which is nice because now the weight is starting to come off a little bit, and from here I expect it to come off a little faster based on the moderately aggressive deficit that I am running.

I really don’t have much to say or update today.
Day 19 Update:

Well I had my first real run in with indigestion from tren usage. Friday night I had a cheat/refeed (large pizza and ice cream), and about half of the day Saturday I had pretty bad indigestion, even though I was eating clean all day yesterday (I actually under ate yesterday and still had a great workout).

There’s one other side effect that I get that I forgot to mention, but it happens with test, NPP, and tren: I get itchy fucking armpits. I have no idea why or what causes it, but it is the one side effect I can always count on when on cycle.

Current levels of gear are:

245 mg/wk Tren A
385 mg/wk Test C
50 mg/day Oxandrolone

Last night at the gym, I was underfed and dehydrated (I chugged probably a half gallon of water to start my workout to make sure I wouldn’t hurt myself or pass out) and I still managed to get an easy 460x4 on axle deadlifts, followed by 9 sets of back down triples, to start my workout. Then I ended the 3 hour workout with 4x2 with a 340 lb atlas stone loaded over a 50" bar. So I think I am definitely seeing results from the tren. That, coupled with the fact that I am leaning out and more or less maintaining my weight is a big win.

Progress pic from last night. I'm not super lean, I never have been, but this is about as lean as I have been in my adult life.


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Personally, I've never been super impressed with tren as a strength booster... You're on a somewhat moderate dose IMO, so it's possible you won't notice a big jump in strength output from it. I actually would notice more from the anavar I think.

Cool thread though, I love following strongman training logs... Keep it up!
Personally, I've never been super impressed with tren as a strength booster... You're on a somewhat moderate dose IMO, so it's possible you won't notice a big jump in strength output from it. I actually would notice more from the anavar I think.

Cool thread though, I love following strongman training logs... Keep it up!
Thanks for the feedback. What do you prefer as a strength booster, without gaining weight? I have to say that I think nandrolone (specifically NPP) may have worked as well for me as the tren is currently, but I think I’ll have a better idea at the end of this 9 weeks cycle. I was also running NPP at 350/wk. I always hear that nandrolone causes wet gains, but generally as long as I eat clean, I don’t put on much water weight.
Thanks for the feedback. What do you prefer as a strength booster, without gaining weight? I have to say that I think nandrolone (specifically NPP) may have worked as well for me as the tren is currently, but I think I’ll have a better idea at the end of this 9 weeks cycle. I was also running NPP at 350/wk. I always hear that nandrolone causes wet gains, but generally as long as I eat clean, I don’t put on much water weight.

Personally, if I were in your shoes, yes... NPP. I'd also consider boldenone. Tren just doesn't fit that well for a strongman cycle, IMO.

My personal strongman cycle would include a high testosterone dose, a moderate NPP dose and a lowish bold cyp dose. For orals, I'd run var and then add anadrol a week or two out from the meet.

But, that's just what I'd do. Cutting for a weight class kind of complicates what I posted about what I'd run but I also wouldn't cut for a weight class... At least not more than just an easy water cut.
Personally, if I were in your shoes, yes... NPP. I'd also consider boldenone. Tren just doesn't fit that well for a strongman cycle, IMO.

My personal strongman cycle would include a high testosterone dose, a moderate NPP dose and a lowish bold cyp dose. For orals, I'd run var and then add anadrol a week or two out from the meet.

But, that's just what I'd do. Cutting for a weight class kind of complicates what I posted about what I'd run but I also wouldn't cut for a weight class... At least not more than just an easy water cut.
Noted, I’ll keep that in mind for my next cycle. I’ve never run boldenone (and I know nothing about it) and I’ve never run anadrol, but anadrol does intrigue me a lot. My last cycle was 500 test, 350 NPP and 50/day anavar and I like it a lot. I leaned out quite a lot on that cycle as well.

I’m going to try to be at 242 before I start my water cut down to 231.4 (currently sitting at 247) but I know a lot of guys that water cut 20+ lbs to make weight, but I don’t care to cut that much.
Day 20 Update:

Well I had planned to go give blood today. My last blood draw had my hematocrit at 53%. In retrospect, I believe I was probably fairly dehydrated going into it, but I was still going to give blood anyways. Well I canceled my blood draw simply because I do not want to forfeit any training days going into my competition since I am just a few weeks out (from a little reading it looks like I should expect to be down from REAL training for about 48 hours or more after donating blood), and I know I won’t pull back enough in training and potentially injure myself.

Also, it is starting to get to the point that even eating clean isn’t enough to stop the indigestion. It’s not terrible, but I constantly have an uneasy stomach. I can still eat, but it’s not because I am hungry, even though I am cutting, I just know that I have to eat. But I don’t necessarily feel like I am force feeding either. This may be from the introduction of the oxandrolone, because I remember on my last cycle, this happened when I introduced it then too, and went away after a week or two.

Sleep, mood, and libido are all still good to go.

I have been training for a heavy 1RM deadlift since August and I never got to test it (training for a max deadlift bar deadlift for October last year, but missed the competition, and now I am training for a max axle deadlift for May) so I am trying to convince my coach to program one in… if he doesn’t I’ll probably just do it on my own anyways.
So I just got a 3rd vial of tren today, since I bumped it up I had to get a 3rd vial.

I don’t think this is against the rules to post this pic since I have the labels marked out, but I have to ask: Why is one vial brown and one vial yellow? The first two vials I got were brown and the one I just got in the mail is yellow. Both vials are tren ace

Day 22 Update:

So far everything seems to be going ok. This cycle hasn’t been too intrusive on my life. The indigestion from Friday night surprisingly bled over into Monday, but I have been good since then. Wife is ovulating and I have had zero issues performing, so that is all good to go. It seems both trenbolone and nandrolone increase my libido and create zero ED issues. Something that is very odd to me is that I have a much better mood on Tren than I did with NPP. I remember feeling constantly agitated and aggravated on NPP (I was able to control it, but it wasn’t always easy). With tren I feel a lot more level and normal, and even more odd is I feel like I have more patience with my children (5 yr old and 3 yr old).

I have been tracking my blood pressure daily, and today was 126/82, which is a good representation of my tracking for the last two weeks. and my RHR is sticking to right around 60 BPM still.

My body weight was being stubborn initially when I started cutting. It actually went up for most of the first week. I started at 249, but as of today I am at 246. I started on the 11th, and I am down 3 lbs in 12 days so I am happy with that, especially after the slow start. I believe by Friday morning I can be about 245.5. I need to try to be about 242 by April 9th, which is very doable. I really don’t want to cut past that date because I want to give my body plenty of time to acclimate to the new set point before my competition.

Overall I do know that the tren is working, which is something I was unsure of at first. But my workouts are becoming easier and I find that warming up is much faster. Usually it takes me a long time to warm up, even at only 33 yrs old. It is almost embarrassing the amount of time it takes to warm up. I don’t necessarily have joint relief like I did with the NPP, but I do feel like I do have less aches and pains, maybe due to better recovery? As of right now I am planning to bump the tren up to 280 mg/wk, but I want to give it a little more time at 245… well hell I just counted out the time I have been at 245/wk and it has been 2 weeks. I may bump it up tomorrow, because I definitely feel like I am still wanting more, and the sides are mostly unnoticeable/nonexistent.
You are a strongman competitor, and your goal is strength.

I can assure you that your competition is not using the same low dosages that you are.

You should probably have doubled the test dose.

The weight increase you are experiencing is water. That always happens.

Cutting fat, which kind of sort of appears to be a goal, or at least you are discussing it, is done in the kitchen and with cardio. Simply injecting tren is not going to cut that fat.

Tren also interferes with sleep (and therefore recovery)

Judging by the pictures you could drop about 30 pounds. BUT, extra weight is an advantage in some strongman events due to momentum, so . . . I guess you need to decide what advantage there is and select the right amount of body fat based on your goals . . .

April 9 does not leave you much time to do much of anything with respect to fat, more manipulating water.
You are a strongman competitor, and your goal is strength.

I can assure you that your competition is not using the same low dosages that you are.

You should probably have doubled the test dose.

The weight increase you are experiencing is water. That always happens.

Cutting fat, which kind of sort of appears to be a goal, or at least you are discussing it, is done in the kitchen and with cardio. Simply injecting tren is not going to cut that fat.

Tren also interferes with sleep (and therefore recovery)

Judging by the pictures you could drop about 30 pounds. BUT, extra weight is an advantage in some strongman events due to momentum, so . . . I guess you need to decide what advantage there is and select the right amount of body fat based on your goals . . .

April 9 does not leave you much time to do much of anything with respect to fat, more manipulating water.
I agree with you 100% about the dosages. I prefer to maximize small dosages instead of relying on huge doses to overcome some shitty aspect of my training/diet/recovery. I am sure that eventually I will be running huge doses if I get to where I want to be as a strongman.

I am currently in about a 700 kcal/day deficit, I am strictly following the vertical diet. I am eating only 95% ground beef, rice, sweet potatoes, eggs and spinach everyday, and hydolyzed whey protein shakes to fill in the protein gaps. I don't eat donuts or doritos in the pantry at night hoping no one sees me. I measure and weight all of my food. 300p, 75f, 120c for my cut. About a year ago I cut from 265 to 241 in 14 weeks. I understand the importance of nutrition for this. I am not using the tren to cut, I am using it to build strength and maintain lean tissue while cutting.

The tren has not affected my sleep and I am recovering fine... even better than on TRT alone, so I am not sure where that comment came from.

Unfortunately I carry more or less all of my fat in my midsection, so I look sloppy in photos pretty much always. but I don't think I could lose 30 lbs without going into single digit BF%. I would agree that I could drop 20 lbs of fat and get close to ~10-11%. I really need to hop into the bod pod at the gym to see what my BF% is, but I know 100% that I am not 25% BF. I was 25% BF a year ago at 257 with MUCH less lean tissue... as measured by the bod pod.

I only need to get down to 242 by April 9th, which I am very much on the way to doing so (that's only 4 lbs away from my current weight), and that is by cutting fat. I will water cut from 242 to 231.4 at the beginning of May.

Also I am not sure which photo you saw, but the most recent one was posted on Sunday March 21st, but you have to click on it to see it. No I am not LEAN, but you can see abs and obliques coming through.
It just came from a desire to pitch in with helpful advice, wsmwannabe, that's all. Tren causes most to suffer sleep disturbances. You are lucky not to be one of those.
Ok, I didn't know if maybe you had misread my comment about recovery. I do appreciate your input. My response may have come across as shitty, but that was not my intent, I was genuinely curious.

The tren has not affected my sleep, but there are things I have to actively do in order to control that aspect (Magnesium glyinate, avoiding sugary foods, which has been easier since I am cutting, and controlling my room/bed temp), and the nights that I do not, insomnia does creep in. But luckily I have been able to manage it on this low-ish dose.
Day 23 Update:

Upped the tren from 245/wk to 280/wk today. Also I bumped the test just a hair from 385/wk to 402.5/wk. I want to try to keep it close to a 1.5:1 test:tren. I know that’s not exactly that ratio but it’s close enough for now. If sides start creeping in and I cannot control them, I will dial it back. But as of right now I feel very comfortable jumping up to this number. I do not believe I will go any higher than this, and even from day 1, I kinda knew this would be the max I would run.

I’m going to try to make time to hop in the bodpod tomorrow at the gym to see where I am BF% wise. It really doesn’t matter for my purposes, but it would be nice to see where I am almost exactly 1 year after I last got in it.

Gym lifts are progressing. Last night I was moving the 300 lb sandbag and my pick up time was cut to less than half of what it was a month ago. It went from 7-8 seconds to 2.5-3 seconds, which is HUGE when you’re considering how fast the timed events go. This improvement is a combination of the training, the gear that I am running and I think, most importantly, just getting more comfortable with the movement itself.