Blacktop / Meditrope ~ IGF-1 Test Results


I've been running blacktops for probably about 6 months now... Greys before that.

I take 6iu per day split morning and night, I was taking 8iu for a while but backed off to 6iu a few weeks prior to this test.

The morning of the test, I pinned my normal dose of 3iu and bloods were drawn about 3 hours later.

Results are as follows:


Very happy with these results. When running 4iu I came back at an even 400, at 6iu I'm at 630... Curious if I was in the 800's when I was running 8iu. Might test again during next cycle if I decide to bump it up again.
Good results. What are you figuring your Blacks at dose wise for the entire vial (13,14 iu)?

Good question, I was originally dosing them lower but for the weeks leading up to this test I was actually treating them as 15iu vials and reconstituting @ 1.5ml.

I'm going to continue dosing at 1.5ml per vial I think...

Another item I forgot, I'm on batch 19 right now. I had a newer batch I was running prior to this but batch 19 has been what I've been on for a good while now. I've heard batch 27 is circulating now so this is somewhat of an older batch I guess.
Good question, I was originally dosing them lower but for the weeks leading up to this test I was actually treating them as 15iu vials and reconstituting @ 1.5ml.

I'm going to continue dosing at 1.5ml per vial I think...

Another item I forgot, I'm on batch 19 right now. I had a newer batch I was running prior to this but batch 19 has been what I've been on for a good while now. I've heard batch 27 is circulating now so this is somewhat of an older batch I guess.

Good information. Thanks for posting your lab results. I'm about done with my "break" from GH and going to be using the Blacks myself so I'm gathering legit info on dosing from MESO members I know have their shit together.
Good information. Thanks for posting your lab results. I'm about done with my "break" from GH and going to be using the Blacks myself so I'm gathering legit info on dosing from MESO members I know have their shit together.

From what I'm hearing, blacks are becoming more difficult to get ahold of. Seems there is a bit of a wait time lately...

Anyways, I'm glad I could post them up... Hope more people do the same, the blood testing doesn't seem to be as frequent as it used to be.
From what I'm hearing, blacks are becoming more difficult to get ahold of. Seems there is a bit of a wait time lately...

Anyways, I'm glad I could post them up... Hope more people do the same, the blood testing doesn't seem to be as frequent as it used to be.

We've got some unfortunate news about international black tops, the factory producing them has to get some new machinery so we are told it won't be until at least late April/early May before production is back at full capacity. We realize that earlier this year we said it would be late Feb/early March but as some of you may know, dealing with Chinese labs are not the easiest things. So for now don't get your hopes up too high...

I got that from a reseller over on sst
Good stuff @Eman. We appreciate the feedback and your testing. How are you feeling on 6 iu's?


Pretty good! I honestly don't really notice any sides anymore... I was getting hit with sides pretty good when I was on cycle, but I stuck with it even when it got to be a little much. By the time cycle was over, the sides had subsided quite a bit... By the time I went up to 8iu, I really didn't feel much in the way of sides and now back down to 6iu... Nothing much at all.

I think my hands fall asleep a little bit faster than they normally would but it's been long enough on the GH it's completely normal to me now.
From what I'm hearing, blacks are becoming more difficult to get ahold of. Seems there is a bit of a wait time lately...

Anyways, I'm glad I could post them up... Hope more people do the same, the blood testing doesn't seem to be as frequent as it used to be.
I have most of mine already and the rest are on the way so I'm good. I am hearing 3-4 weeks for international and 2-3 weeks even on domestic lately.

One thing we all know for sure is everything changes so the time of the "blacks" is limited at best.
We've got some unfortunate news about international black tops, the factory producing them has to get some new machinery so we are told it won't be until at least late April/early May before production is back at full capacity. We realize that earlier this year we said it would be late Feb/early March but as some of you may know, dealing with Chinese labs are not the easiest things. So for now don't get your hopes up too high...

I got that from a reseller over on sst

Good to know!

I started reading that post and thought hmm... Is that PD under another handle lol.
It is true there is a limited supply of Blacks right now. They are still available from one supplier that I know. It is limited so you can't order like 6 months worth.

Just order a couple months worth is what I'm told.

Should be good in a couple months.

TP has halted all black top orders as of last night.

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Pretty good! I honestly don't really notice any sides anymore... I was getting hit with sides pretty good when I was on cycle, but I stuck with it even when it got to be a little much. By the time cycle was over, the sides had subsided quite a bit... By the time I went up to 8iu, I really didn't feel much in the way of sides and now back down to 6iu... Nothing much at all.

I think my hands fall asleep a little bit faster than they normally would but it's been long enough on the GH it's completely normal to me now.
Any changes in body comp at all? I'm assuming you are shoveling in the carbs?

Any changes in body comp at all? I'm assuming you are shoveling in the carbs?


During my cycle I felt full as fuck, but that was first time running NPP... So hard to say...

Holding onto muscle post cycle seems to be a shining point to GH for me. I'm going to put that to the test while I cut some weight here over the next few months.

Post cycle I've noticed some differences that I didn't notice while on cycle, which really surprised me. Arm size and chest size both look different. HGH is so subtle IME, it does change you but it's so gradual you don't notice right away. I should keep more pictures, measurements, etc to have more concrete data.

Carbs are rather moderate right now I'd say...
I've been running blacktops for probably about 6 months now... Greys before that.

I take 6iu per day split morning and night, I was taking 8iu for a while but backed off to 6iu a few weeks prior to this test.

The morning of the test, I pinned my normal dose of 3iu and bloods were drawn about 3 hours later.

Results are as follows:

View attachment 65350

Very happy with these results. When running 4iu I came back at an even 400, at 6iu I'm at 630... Curious if I was in the 800's when I was running 8iu. Might test again during next cycle if I decide to bump it up again.
First of all, Awesome Member.... Now we KNOW that ranking system doesn't mean shit around here.

Anyway, happy to see these good results. I know from our personal combos you've seen a lot of lean mass retention... This certainly explains one reason why.

Thanks for doing this! I have some Blacks on the way, I can get some bloods. @mands I am running Seros w/ my Black right now. How long should I discontinue the Seros for, before I can run bloods to determine the effectiveness of the Blacks alone? I don't want the Seros to skew anything.
Anyway, happy to see these good results. I know from our personal combos you've seen a lot of lean mass retention... This certainly explains one reason why.

Definitely seems to be my biggest benefit from it.

I do think my recovery is enhanced as well. Muscles stay fuller.

First of all, Awesome Member.... Now we KNOW that ranking system doesn't mean shit around here.

I sweet talked Millard for it... He said since you had one, fuck it, anyone can get it. :D
First of all, Awesome Member.... Now we KNOW that ranking system doesn't mean shit around here.

Anyway, happy to see these good results. I know from our personal combos you've seen a lot of lean mass retention... This certainly explains one reason why.

Thanks for doing this! I have some Blacks on the way, I can get some bloods. @mands I am running Seros w/ my Black right now. How long should I discontinue the Seros for, before I can run bloods to determine the effectiveness of the Blacks alone? I don't want the Seros to skew anything.
@Wunderpus I would say 1-2 weeks to be safe. I believe the serum IGF-1 half-life is 15 hours or around there. So actually 3-4 days to clear the Seros for comparison depending on how much you are running.

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