bloodwork during pct


hello, im currently in 3rd week of pct (1st week 100mg clomid/day, 20mg/nolva, then 6 weeks of 50 clomid, 20 nolva per day.)
I come off of a 2 year blast and cruise..i have used hcg for 2 weeks (500iu e2d) before i started the tablets.
I havent done bloodwork before unfortunately but did today (started taking the tablets at nov 21st) and my results were
testosterone 2.02 ng/ml
(norm. range 2.53-8.03)
lh 0.1
(norm range 0.6-12.1)
fsh <0.05
(norm. range 1.0-12.0)

wgat shall i do now? does this mean thw clomid/nolva is bunk? is this normal bloodranges for pct? do i have to blast more hcg? please help
From my experience you should have gotten your blood work after your PCT is completed, possibly couple weeks after that even to get a good idea of what your actual levels are.

Secondly those number's don't look good, maybe someone whose more helpful will chime in and give you some advice. Was your Clomid & Nolva pharma grade or ?

If I was you I would continue your PCT and get blood work after that.
Mate I'm not sure about those references because the only ones I've seen referred to are like "8.00nmol - 28nmol" ... either way your LH & fsh are severely low. I reckon it is bunk meds get some pharma grade pal.
I blasted and cruise for about 4 years... I blasted my testis with hcg @ 2500 iu eod for a few weeks when I stopped. I done that a few times to regain any function.
well i was on for 3 years, and did 500mg e5d most of the time, sometimes i went higher and threw in just worried about fertility, if this whole thing means trt for life, then so be it but i want a kid with my girlfriend, thats why im coming off. what are your chances of fertility now? and should i blast hcg again now or wait ?
Mate I think I had a very low sperm count. Didn't get checked but I could tell (not going in to detail). 2 years off the juice I believe it's rising again (again not going in to detail haha). I had 4grams of test a week some weeks... completely shut myself down for years. But I have mid range test now And I think it's slowly rising again. The massive amounts of hcg I've had in the past definately aided recovery. How are the testis? Soft mushy? If so I recommend you hammer the hcg. Maybe at a lower dose because the amounts I taken are not recommended by anyone. But they worked for me. I did have hmg mixed in with the hcg @ 150iu e4d (75iu LH 75 oi FSH) but it was sooooo expensive!!! Aromasin if your taking big amounts of hcg.
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Infact I did have a girlfriend and was trying for a kid about a year ago.. check this we split up and she was pregnant with another guy a few weeks later ahhhhhhhh
amd are you cpnfident you can get kids/ have you ever been to doctor? sorry for asking but seems like were in the same boat haha
I've recovered that's all u need to know. You are able.. but yea I've seen professors of endocrinology a couple of times. Impressed with my progress
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well i was on for 3 years, and did 500mg e5d most of the time, sometimes i went higher and threw in just worried about fertility
-Used for 3 years
-Is worried about fertility
Haha, this made my day. Maby think before hopping on blast&cruise, this is what happens when people suggest B&C for everyone, you see that on some forums
Shut up kimpe have some respect kid, we did so because we didn't want to be small like yourself and got brilliant gains unlike yourself.