bloodwork during pct

You could say bunk clomid and nolva but that's a guess.... know your pituitary ain't clicking.....

Leading up to Pct what where doses/esters?
How long after last pin start Pct?

Regardless 3 weeks in I'd be getting pharma grade coming on the asap....

GL bro
esthers where either test cyp or enanthate at 750mg per week
i already contacted pharmacist because they give good feedback on here..any opinions on his clomid/nolva maybe?
@nervje, if you haven't already. You could research "Power PCT" protocols on your own. Or, you could try and contact Dr. Scally. He is a member of this board. Last thing, I have not personally read a bad review on the pharmacist thread. Take it for what it's worth. Best of luck. Hope everything works out.
Well op your pct meds have a long half life. That's why a lot of people front load the first week.
So say it takes a week to kick in and start working, you only really have 2 weeks of treatment by the time these bloods were taken. I would finished it out and take bloods 4 half lifes after your last pct pill.
And order pharm grade asap.
esthers where either test cyp or enanthate at 750mg per week
i already contacted pharmacist because they give good feedback on here..any opinions on his clomid/nolva maybe?
I'm on both right now. I'll get bloods when it's all said and done, I will say there is a lot more feed back in his thread.
hello, im currently in 3rd week of pct (1st week 100mg clomid/day, 20mg/nolva, then 6 weeks of 50 clomid, 20 nolva per day.)
I come off of a 2 year blast and cruise..i have used hcg for 2 weeks (500iu e2d) before i started the tablets.
I havent done bloodwork before unfortunately but did today (started taking the tablets at nov 21st) and my results were
testosterone 2.02 ng/ml
(norm. range 2.53-8.03)
lh 0.1
(norm range 0.6-12.1)
fsh <0.05
(norm. range 1.0-12.0)

wgat shall i do now? does this mean thw clomid/nolva is bunk? is this normal bloodranges for pct? do i have to blast more hcg? please help

And a 2 YEAR blast and cruise most of that was more likely a BLAST rather than a cruise and you're looking for a several week pituitary recovery interval, come again!

Using AAS for such an extended period GUARANTEES a more difficult and prolonged HTPA recovery interval AND for SOME that interval is MANY MONTHS if not YEARS and that's NO BS but is rarely even mentioned on PED forums.

How long from your last pin did you start your pct?

Nonetheless this question is critical bc HTPA recovery can NOT commence in the presence of EXOGENOUS TT or AAS

To simplify matters, the fact your TT level is VERY low are LH and FSH implies PRIMARY (testicular) HYPOGONADISM, SECONDARY HG due to the presence of exogenous AAS or the "stunning" effect of AAS on the HTPA after years of use.

IMO you're a NEEDFUL candidate for @Michael Scally MD "power PCT" but do it correctly rather than attempt to cut corners and follow the instructions EXACTLY .

Of course the other options, exclusive of the "blindly" blasting HCG, or legitimate TRT, would be to WAIT a couple months and repeat the blood work at that juncture with specific treatment being dependent upon those results.
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yes i think too that im in need of more than just a regular was a very bad idea to do this and obviously not much brain behind it.
To answer, i basically did the typical last pin, shoot hcg for 2 weeks, wait 3 days, start serms. I frontloaded with 100mg clomid for one week, nolva at 20mg dose, and then continued at 50mg clomid, 20mg nolva. I do think that I am indeed could have gotten fake pills, i will get real ones of course and restart the whole thing asap.
one more thing, i think it is awesome i actually get help in here instead of getting bashed. I know its fucked up what i did, mostly it was out of insecurities ive gotten in my head over the years due to bad puberty life/family life and it is not worth it for anyone seeking to start something like this.
one more thing, i think it is awesome i actually get help in here instead of getting bashed. I know its fucked up what i did, mostly it was out of insecurities ive gotten in my head over the years due to bad puberty life/family life and it is not worth it for anyone seeking to start something like this.
There is a time for bashing, and a time for guidance.
To simplify matters, the fact your TT level is VERY low are LH and FSH implies PRIMARY (testicular) HYPOGONADISM, SECONDARY HG due to the presence of exogenous AAS or the "stunning" effect of AAS on the HTPA after years of use.

So does that mean I would be infertile for life with primary hypogonadism?
The reproductive system is way to complex for anyone to make the call of your fertility.

You'll have to get a s/a done .... but mostly likely if you got one now it would just freak you out----- you gotta recover.... Test when you feel ready but plan on 1yr or better....
definitely not gonna hop on aas again so i have lots of recovery basically, i hope i wasnt too young to start and i hope im young enough to get my natural system back up..
You'll be shooting loads in no time

Well i am 5'8 and 220 with visible abs so thats definately gonna change soon enough but im aiming to be at least lean still. Of course i continue training and proper dieting but i gotta get off the roids permanently, its gotten to my head and most likely used to be the most important thing to me all the time (the whole training and sh*t) but if you look at it from a normal point of view, it doesnt mean shit how strong you are or how good looking. I rather focus on saving all the money i would have used for juice and get healthy again lol