bloodwork - kidney & chem


31, currently on 75 test/300 mast. Before these labs were pulled I was taking 200 test 500 dhb and stopped roughly 3 weeks before these labs, results:

egfr: 63 (I'm always between 85-55)

creatinine 129 (norm is 60-110)

urate 542 (norm is 220-512)

sodium 157 (norm is 136-146)

chloride 112 (norm is 95-108)

no protein or blood in urine.

I am holding water in my legs, not pitting edema but when I wear socks for the day I have a very obvious ring of where the socks were and weren't. This started maybe 2-3 months ago, Ive been on 3-5iu gh (now on 3iu) since the start of June.
How hydrated were you? Did you pull bloods fasted? I would take a week then go back in fasted and very well hydrated and get a cyastatin-c with eGFR to check. Your numbers are very mildly elevated and don’t seem to be a huge cause for alarm. Most doctors don’t get alarmed by eGFR until it’s around 40s. Get good sleep, stay hydrated, and retest
How hydrated were you? Did you pull bloods fasted? I would take a week then go back in fasted and very well hydrated and get a cyastatin-c with eGFR to check. Your numbers are very mildly elevated and don’t seem to be a huge cause for alarm. Most doctors don’t get alarmed by eGFR until it’s around 40s. Get good sleep, stay hydrated, and retest
Bloods were pulled fasted, at 730am. So I was most likely dehydrated.

How much water should I am to drink before the fasted blood draw for the most realistic picture? I often drink a gallon maybe 5L a day
@buzzingonaas is 100% correct.

You drink enough. Just make sure you hydrate night before and early day of. Be FULLY fasted. Not just 8 hrs. 10-12 seems to be sweet spot due to our eating habits and slow digestion of fats and proteins.
@buzzingonaas is 100% correct.

You drink enough. Just make sure you hydrate night before and early day of. Be FULLY fasted. Not just 8 hrs. 10-12 seems to be sweet spot due to our eating habits and slow digestion of fats and proteins.
On it - going tomorrow. Any suggestion on how much fluids I should have in me the morning of? OCD kicking in
GH commonly causes water retention. I wouldn't be worried about anything in this situation. Did you check A1c? That's the main thing I watch when taking GH.