Bodybuilding vs. powerlifting

37 yrs old
Squat 550 before injury still hit 500 no problem
Bench 432 in comp
DL 617 in comp hot more in gym but still rehabbing my back

Powerlifting to me has been very satisfying much more than bodybuilding. You are competing against yourself and you cant fake strength its a never ending persuit chasing bigger numbers.

Competing lifting infront of a crowd feels amazing. The adrenaline the will power to pick up something heavy off the ground while your nose gushes blood is fucken amazing. Its very addictive you either love it or you hate it comes with alot of pain
I started in PL early on in my path to strength and size. It was all consuming to me back then
Its my base and always has been. Can still throw up nice numbers. Its just not my main focus any more
But its a tremendously destructive sport
And bodybuilding you can literally do forever. Assuming your not made of glass
I started in PL early on in my path to strength and size. It was all consuming to me back then
Its my base and always has been. Can still throw up nice numbers. Its just not my main focus any more
But its a tremendously destructive sport
And bodybuilding you can literally do forever. Assuming your not made of glass
Destructive is about right its definitely not good for you most powerlifters i know have a few screws loose. Only way at this point im stopping is if get severely hurt because all i dream about is being the best one day
Well were all about the same things
Strength & size
Just different ways of going about it
So lets jab some drugs and bend some bars! Lets go


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