

How ya fuckin doin’

Just ate my breakfast: 6 hard boiled eggs, 2 Greek yogurts, 2 bananas, bowl of oatmeal, canned string beans and a cup of Joe.

Let me hear what everyone’s breakfast was this morning.
Ketoish coffee (whey protein, almond butter, splash of milk, coffee with immersion blender)

Scrambled eggs with spinach, cheese

2 cans tuna in olive oil
I have a 9 day old. I was able to slam a protein shake at 8am and then a bowl of honey bunches of oats with premier protein vanilla as the milk around 10:15.

Maybe if I’m lucky I’ll walk to the gym and randomly do things for 30 minutes then declare it a waste of time and go back inside lol
I have a 9 day old. I was able to slam a protein shake at 8am and then a bowl of honey bunches of oats with premier protein vanilla as the milk around 10:15.

Maybe if I’m lucky I’ll walk to the gym and randomly do things for 30 minutes then declare it a waste of time and go back inside lol
Congrats on even being awake!

I have a 9 day old. I was able to slam a protein shake at 8am and then a bowl of honey bunches of oats with premier protein vanilla as the milk around 10:15.

Maybe if I’m lucky I’ll walk to the gym and randomly do things for 30 minutes then declare it a waste of time and go back inside lol
Oh ur in zombie mode. Congratulations man.
400g egg white
2 whole eggs
100g cream of rice w/ 100g blueberries and 25g almond butter
1 Thomas everything bagel

Same thing every single morning, except low days i dont have the bagel.
3 eggs over hard, 3 chicken sausage links, 1 cup fat free lactose free milk and of course a black cup of coffee.
Ketoish coffee (whey protein, almond butter, splash of milk, coffee with immersion blender)

Scrambled eggs with spinach, cheese

2 cans tuna in olive oil

400g egg white
2 whole eggs
100g cream of rice w/ 10g blueberries and 25g almond butter
1 Thomas everything bagel

Same thing every single morning, except low days i dont have the bagel.

Those sound like some great breakfasts. We all seem to agree eggs and coffee are a must for breakfast.

Not quite sure what I’m going to have for lunch today yet. But it will most likely consist of chicken greens and oatmeal and another banana. Maybe another coffee as well.

Starting to get hungry thinking about it.

-how ya fuckin doin’
Current go to is

2 cans sardines
2 cans tuna in oil with lemon juice
Celery/beet/lemon juice combo made fresh
Maybe some almonds / pecans / cashews a little latter
All the fish That helps with the thin skin huh, makes u appear more vascular also.
2 cans tuna in oil with lemon juice
I eat canned tuna as well. Usually before bed. But no oil or lemon juice. Just plain.

But there has been some debate, or some conflicting information for better words, some people suggest not eating canned tuna because of the high mercury levels that can lead to mercury poisoning.

What are your thoughts on this ?

-how ya fuckin doin’
I eat canned tuna as well. Usually before bed. But no oil or lemon juice. Just plain.

But there has been some debate, or some conflicting information for better words, some people suggest not eating canned tuna because of the high mercury levels that can lead to mercury poisoning.

What are your thoughts on this ?

-how ya fuckin doin’
I cut the tuna with alot of sardines. Today is heavy tuna day though. For a large person you'd have to eat 20 or 30 cans a week for months on end to really have an issue IIRC.
Congrats on even being awake!


Oh ur in zombie mode. Congratulations man.

Thanks guys! (And all the others who “liked” my post).
Pretty happy with nutrition during this wild time. I made a “catering” order from tazikis day off. Got a giant pan of grilled chicken and giant pan of rice. Just ate that the whole time I. The hospital and first few days we got home.

Now gym time is a little different lol barely any but it’s getting better every day.
Thanks guys! (And all the others who “liked” my post).
Pretty happy with nutrition during this wild time. I made a “catering” order from tazikis day off. Got a giant pan of grilled chicken and giant pan of rice. Just ate that the whole time I. The hospital and first few days we got home.

Now gym time is a little different lol barely any but it’s getting better every day.
Seems like u may have a useful post u can make to help the community. "Fertility" I know some is genetics and luck but i have multiple freinds struggling with this issue after years of aas abuse. my dad had a bunch of kids in the 80s cycling test an decca an probably dbol , lucky me.
Usually a double scoop shake and coffee at 06:00 and then 4 eggs on seeded toast with a tin of sardines at about 09:00 at work. Needs to be quick and easy for me.
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2 cups Greek yogurt
2 cups blueberries
1 handful walnuts
3 cups green tea i save the higher octane stuff for when i need it
I cut the tuna with alot of sardines. Today is heavy tuna day though. For a large person you'd have to eat 20 or 30 cans a week for months on end to really have an issue IIRC.
Updated so no one gets potentially misled...

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