Bridge with Testo and ?


New Member
Hello everyone and this wonderful forum
On December 15-20 I will finish my cycle of Ment (trestolone) + Testo Cpy and go into bridge...
Here my doubt arises, I would like to use 150mg of testo per week to be associated with 150mg of deca or 150mg of dhb... What do you recommend?
I'm lucky enough to produce little e2 though, so aromatized molecules is not a problem
I excluded primobolan because it leads to a lowering E2 and this is not good for me, using the little testosterone indicated above
Do you have any other tips/molecules you would use in bridge?
Haha… that’s not finishing your cycle, that’s just continuing with different drugs.

In fact I didn't mention TRT, but rather "bridge" between one cycle and another with relevant doses, for me 300mg total week is not relevant with testo/dhb or testo/Deca
I am unsure whether to use testo/deca or testo/dhb from a more conservative point of view for recovery and safety
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Test 200mg + deca 100mg for the joints
No DHB ? last year i run 750 testo and 750 deca a week
And I found myself well and very manageable e2 , even prolactin
I wanted to try DHB , but lowering the e2 for me is a problem (im lower aromaziter )
I don't understand if the dhb lowers e2 or not... I've searched and searched in various forums and on the web, but it's not clear whether it acts as an EQ or not on the e2
DHB is inherently inflammatory and not advisable for long term usage. Nandrolone on the other hand is the second most researched and used aas in medical literacy
DHB is inherently inflammatory and not advisable for long term usage. Nandrolone on the other hand is the second most researched and used aas in medical literacy

Instead NPP 2 times a week? Too much peaks? Is Phenyl Propionate suitable for use 2 times a week? Like an enanthate?