
The guy on the left is cute and looks like a fun project. The guy on the right looks like one of those dudes that refers to himself as "alpha". Obviously, the guy on the left.
A lot of younger women *think* they want the feminine guy. He's non-threatening, they've been conditioned to prefer feminine men. Once they get a taste of masculinity, not abusive, just strong, confident, assertive, protective, provides, if they ever end up back with the indecisive soft spoken wuss, she'll always hold him in contempt, and he'll always know he's settling for some man's leftovers. In those relationships her voice drops an octave because she becomes her own strong man.
Whichever guy who has a better lifestyle/gives image of more money.

Well in that case the guy on the left smokes cigarettes (a near certainty of working class demographic) and his poor fitting clothes are not the kind of intentionally poor fitting clothes that the cool wealthy would wear. In fact that pic looks like it was taken during a smoke break from his cash under the table unstable painting job. Probably has a minor criminal record for meth possession.

Meanwhile the dude on the right looks like he gets his workouts in after a day at his corporate accounting job, lives in a modest house in good condition but with outdated decor, probably has a million in the bank, but good luck getting him to spend any of it, so she'd have to hang in there playing on his muscle dysmorphia ("You're looking kind of small lately babe...") so he pins such high doses of AAS and works out so hard his heart gives out 2 years into the relationship and she can have the guy on the left move in.
A lot of younger women *think* they want the feminine guy. He's non-threatening, they've been conditioned to prefer feminine men. Once they get a taste of masculinity, not abusive, just strong, confident, assertive, protective, provides, if they ever end up back with the indecisive soft spoken wuss, she'll always hold him in contempt, and he'll always know he's settling for some man's leftovers. In those relationships her voice drops an octave because she becomes her own strong man.

By comparison, I should prefer attractive, well adjusted women with no daddy issues, but put me in a room full of 100 well-adjusted women and one that's, let's just say, "less so" then you'll find out that I'm a pro at playing Where's Waldo.

People like what they like.
The one with more money
Hello angel, just seen the message you sent me on that controversial facts thread.
Thank you, you are always really sweet.

Look at how many thumbs up you got for this.
I am not giving you one until you explain it to me.
I am not quite sure how you mean this.
Is this something that you have personally seen, or it happened to you?

Do you literally mean money as the main driver, aside from any other consideration?
Hello angel, just seen the message you sent me on that controversial facts thread.
Thank you, you are always really sweet.

Hey iris, nice to see you're still around!

or it happened to you?

Yes, i'm still mad. :D

I love women, it just seems most of the time they prefer money over everything, at least that's my current experience.

All your muscle and looks doesn't mean shit if you don't make enough money. It was a hard and important lesson for me for sure. Can't blame them, it's just how things are. Something for the younger guys to keep in mind.
Hey iris, nice to see you're still around!

Catching up a little, there's a million notifications, after a few days.

All your muscle and looks doesn't mean shit

if you don't make enough money. It was a hard and important lesson for me for sure. Can't blame them, it's just how things are. Something for the younger guys to keep in mind.
If you are sure that it was just about money, she is now with a person she has to relate to, still. She also has to sleep with him, after all.
And there is always someone better around the corner.
Can't take it for granted. He may discard her just as quickly as she discarded you.
If it's about money it's not a relationship, it's transactional bullshit.
It doesn't mean anything.

I would like to think that most people would trade money for loyalty, honesty and someone that truly adores and cares about them.
But this is probably just wishful thinking.
You are right and I am just deluded.
In reality, stuff like that is hard to come by.
It's much easier to be taken advantage of.

I hope the next one will be kinder and appreciate the beautiful human you are.
The little glimpses of you I' ve had here suggest you are as beautiful on the inside, as you are on the outside.
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