Let’s do the math then, shall we?
All values are for 100g + shipping
Other Dom source
Test E/C $135 + $35
Test E/C $130 + $80
NPP $315 + $35
NPP $250 + $80
Stanozolol $240 + $35
Stanozolol $200 + $80
Mast E $600 + $35
Mast E $550 + $80
Test P $135 + $35
Test P $120 + $80
So what becomes obvious is that on some of these products your model works out just fine. On others—like testosterone in various esters—it’s a colossal ripoff. It’s also a model that does not work at all if you’re selling to home gamers. When buying (other than test) in large enough volumes your prices aren’t too bad, even with the shipping. But for the guys who brew their own they simply don’t need 100g of nandrolone at a time. 100g of stanozolol is 2,000 doses at 50mg. That’s enough to cover a bro for almost 5 1/2 yrs if they take 50mg/d every single day. That’s not your clientele here, friend. If your pitch is that in volume you can beat other domestic suppliers then you may be able to make that argument. But then you’re selling to labs or clandestine operations that went from home brewing to sourcing, maybe locally, or even online somewhere. That’s...not the majority of members here. You may end up with a dozen or so solid clients with this model, but it’s not going to be the same as the other operations out there that allow for the small time, personal use guys to buy from you. You’ve effectively shut them out. You declared that you don’t want those kind of buyers, which is a weird strategy for a new operation.