Bulking on GLP1 agonists


I've seen multiple posts on bulking with GLP1 agonists, which on paper makes a lot of sense due to nutrient partitioning and better insulin sensitivty. I understand that for high responders bulking on these may be very hard, but I only have mild appetite supression and no nausea from either Sema or Tirz. Fairly confident I can be in a caloric surplus, especially with liquid carbs and extra fat.
Would be very interested in bulking experiences on AAS and GLP1. Did it meaningfully change the ratio of fat v muscle gain?
Out of curiosity, if greater insulin sensitivity is what someone's after on a bulking phase, why not take berberine, chromium, metformin, etc and aim for an expensive injectable that potentially will hinder your appetite?
I've seen multiple posts on bulking with GLP1 agonists, which on paper makes a lot of sense due to nutrient partitioning and better insulin sensitivty. I understand that for high responders bulking on these may be very hard, but I only have mild appetite supression and no nausea from either Sema or Tirz. Fairly confident I can be in a caloric surplus, especially with liquid carbs and extra fat.
Would be very interested in bulking experiences on AAS and GLP1. Did it meaningfully change the ratio of fat v muscle gain?
The biggest problem you’ll have will be the gastric emptying delay, the appetite suppression will pass but as far as anecdotal evidence point out, being full longer would deter the point of bulking.

However, I guess you can still try, maybe it will still work for you.

What are you trying to get out of it anyway, when there are proven ways to improve insulin sensitivity like metformin and mini cuts.
It will be different for everyone. It depends on your genetics and how much surplus you are doing. It should be very minimal imo

Out of curiosity, if greater insulin sensitivity is what someone's after on a bulking phase, why not take berberine, chromium, metformin, etc and aim for an expensive injectable that potentially will hinder your appetite?
Effects are different for everyone. I ran both Sema and Tirz on multiple cuts. I am not very sensitive to either in that there is only rather slight appetite supression, but they certainly work in melting fat faster through whatever mechanisms. My guess is by better nutrient partitioning and maintaining of higher metabolic rate, which would normaly be reduced in a deficit.

I can certainly be in a surplus on either sema or tirz, as I have done it for a few days. There must be others who have tried it for a full bulk already.
The biggest problem you’ll have will be the gastric emptying delay, the appetite suppression will pass but as far as anecdotal evidence point out, being full longer would deter the point of bulking.

However, I guess you can still try, maybe it will still work for you.

What are you trying to get out of it anyway, when there are proven ways to improve insulin sensitivity like metformin and mini cuts.
My anecdotal experience is quite the opposite. Both sema and tirz give me a mild diarhea. All food comes through in 24hr. I eat beetroot every other day or so, and it is very noticeable :oops:
seems like a great way to waste a ton of money for the same effect some berberine and cardio would have, on top of risking serious life threatening side effects

Sema is dirt cheap. Max dose would be around $2 / week and likely far less than that would be used.

"Serious life threatening side effects".

Lol, I know a lot of folks and the media have been desperately looking for those, so fatties will get the "punishment they deserve" for "cheating", but it's a crock of shit. Tens of millions of GLP users over decades, literally millions of patient years worth of experience, and there's ONE death weakly associated to use, a single case of necrotic pancreatitis.
Sema is dirt cheap. Max dose would be around $2 / week and likely far less than that would be used.

"Serious life threatening side effects".

Lol, I know a lot of folks and the media have been desperately looking for those, so fatties will get the "punishment they deserve" for "cheating", but it's a crock of shit. Tens of millions of GLP users over decades, literally millions of patient years worth of experience, and there's ONE death weakly associated to use, a single case of necrotic pancreatitis.
your logic absolutely astounds me.

cope however you want
your logic absolutely astounds me.

cope however you want

Not my logic, my facts.

The only thing I'm coping with is the profound ignorance of GLP haters.

Not my logic, my facts.

The only thing I'm coping with is the profound ignorance of GLP haters.

my fasted BG went from high 90s - low 100s to steady mid/low 80s with no dietary or cardio changes after adding 500mg or berberine twice a day.

and guess what? absolutely zero cases of gastroparesis ever. amazing.

there is copious research showing it as being similarly effective as metformin for managing BG.

im not even hating on GLP1s here, im just correctly pointing out that this is the entirely wrong application for them.

you just seem positively desperate to justify ozempic like all the middleaged white women that think going to zumba once a month counts as working out.
My anecdotal experience is quite the opposite. Both sema and tirz give me a mild diarhea. All food comes through in 24hr. I eat beetroot every other day or so, and it is very noticeable :oops:
Jeez, that side effect is shitty, pun intended lol. At least it’s mild, imagine if it goes full explosive diarrhea.

I guess you really have to find which glp works for an individual and consider the dose too.
Doesn't seem like a good idea. If you're trying to eat a lot of food, then why would you want to kill your appetite and slow your digestion? There could be a use case for a proper recomp or maybe a low dose of Tirz for insulin sensitization, but as others have pointed out, I think there's better compounds that don't negatively affect your appetite that can achieve improving insulin sensitivity.

These are obviously much better suited for cutting.
Not my logic, my facts.

The only thing I'm coping with is the profound ignorance of GLP haters.

What is it about GLPs that makes all of the "hard work bros" so angry?

They consider taking GLPs "cheating" and "weak" but taking tren and steroids isn't cheating? :)
What is it about GLPs that makes all of the "hard work bros" so angry?

They consider taking GLPs "cheating" and "weak" but taking tren and steroids isn't cheating? :)
I don’t think anyone is angry about glps, it’s that they saw the rise of people abusing the drug as crutch, lots of guys/karens actually take it so they can still like an asshole bit let the appetite suppression side effects take care of the problem instead of letting it help them learn better nutritional habits.

It is not different about gym bros using peds as band aid to offset what they lack in their training and nutrition.

And to be honest most will soon realize that it’s not magic too, you still need to have work ethic and consistency to achieve a great physique, injecting glps and peds without proper nutrition, training and recovery will not end well.
What is it about GLPs that makes all of the "hard work bros" so angry?

They consider taking GLPs "cheating" and "weak" but taking tren and steroids isn't cheating? :)
Some people seem to mainly be motivated by the desire to feel superior to others. Pretty much everything they see and hear will be skewed to fit this narrative, that things are working for them because they are doing things the Right way, without empathy or understanding of the fact that every individual's experience is just that- individual.
What is it about GLPs that makes all of the "hard work bros" so angry?

They consider taking GLPs "cheating" and "weak" but taking tren and steroids isn't cheating? :)

Why do I think I have heard this from someone else.

I hate this stuff.

Fyi, PROS take these drugs as part of their prep, as a tool.
Not as a crutch, like Declan said.
It is a very different scenario.
If you have a health issue that requires you to take these drugs, it's awesome they are there for you.
I don't think anyone here would criticise you for that or call you a cheater.
Maybe the issue is more to do with what Declan calls abuse and a very blasé attitude towards them.
One takes them, they make their life better, but no learning occurs.
Do they make you change your ways, if those are what got you in trouble, in the first place?

Some people seem to mainly be motivated by the desire to feel superior to others. Pretty much everything they see and hear will be skewed to fit this narrative, that things are working for them because they are doing things the Right way, without empathy or understanding of the fact that every individual's experience is just that- individual.

This is/was supposed to be a forum where peds are discussed within the framework of bodybuilding and training.
A lot of people who are discussing these drugs, on Meso, do not strictly (or at all) form part of that demographic.
This is where a lot of the clashes originate, I think.