Bulking on GLP1 agonists


I've seen multiple posts on bulking with GLP1 agonists, which on paper makes a lot of sense due to nutrient partitioning and better insulin sensitivty. I understand that for high responders bulking on these may be very hard, but I only have mild appetite supression and no nausea from either Sema or Tirz. Fairly confident I can be in a caloric surplus, especially with liquid carbs and extra fat.
Would be very interested in bulking experiences on AAS and GLP1. Did it meaningfully change the ratio of fat v muscle gain?
Recent data suggests that injecting GLPs and doing nothing else generally yields better health outcomes. In that sense it is a bit of a cheat. Using anabolics without training and nutrition on the other hand generally does not.

From the perspective of this crowd, someone that has a shitty diet and doesn't exercise that goes from being obese to skinnyfat wouldn't constitute success, but they still may be healthier as a result.

Bringing things back around to OP's question, I ran a bulk on tirz earlier in the year. It was a bit unpleasant as a result of the delayed gastric emptying, but I was able to titrate my appetite to keep the weight gain in check. Without a GLP agonist in the mix and eating a relatively clean diet, my appetite tends to cause me to gain weight pretty steadily.

I'm about to start another bulk and will likely do the same.
I am hoping for leaner bulk (higher muscle/fat ratio gain) on GLP1 vs no GLP1 bulk. How did it go for you?
Gastric emptying delay is non-issue for me, very mild if any. Appetite suppression is also minimal if any, but sema/tirz kind of kill carb cravings for me, which otherwise are rather pronounced on a deficit.
With sema I had to ramp it up to 1mg for it do do anything, tirz seems to work at 2.5mg dose. On either main side effect is loose and more frequent stools and being more gassy. Still tollerable, though.
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How did it go for you?

I came off entirely a few weeks prior to beginning my cycle, ballooned up in the first 4 weeks and restarted tirz at a low dose. From there I was able to get in enough carbs to have good performance in the gym and gain weight slowly. Ultimately putting on something like 10lbs of lean tissue, maybe…. I don’t totally trust the dexa scan I did after, but progress was mad which is more than I can say for the prior decade.

Also, as a former fatass, this was the first time in my life I tried to gain weight. I was afraid of getting fat again, so I took it easy. Given the amount of lean muscle tissue I have presently I think I just don’t need that much food to grow relative to the bigger guys.

Also, as a former fatass it’s weird to refer to other people as “bigger guys”.

At a low dose I get mild appetite suppression and delayed gastric emptying. Much of my protein comes from whey, which I tolerate well. I also take care not to finish eating as early as possible with my last meal of the day being quite small.
Not my logic, my facts.

The only thing I'm coping with is the profound ignorance of GLP haters.

I love glp-1s. Have completely changed my life. I started with prescription Mounjaro and lost over 120 lbs. 1mg a week of semaglutide will give me great blood glucose but won't slow down my digestion at least that I can notice anymore. And I get heart health benefits and everything else glp-1s offer. Given the price of Chinese semaglutide I think it's the better choice over metformin or berberine provided you don't get debilitating sides. I used to get sides a year and a half ago when I started this journey but I no longer do. I've also drastically upped my salad and green veggie intake so that may be helping with my gut flow too
then you must not be tracking and weighing your food

The point is to use a GLP1 RA to titrate appetite to achieve the desired amount of growth which obviates the need to track and weigh my food. I have so many other obligations on my time, particularly around meals, that preclude me from being able to do that.

Some can kill an entire pizza & more.

“Some” sure. I don’t personally have cheat days of any sort. I don’t eat fast food, or drink calories outside of whey protein. My family eats out typically once a week or less.

My diet is clean. Nonetheless, if my appetite were unconstrained, I’d gain fat. I’m not suggesting this is some kind of magic workaround to CICO, but rather the product of having been in a deficit for much of the past 18 years. I suspect my NEAT is pretty low much of the time and that nutrient partitioning is off.

I’m not saying I can’t control it or that I need GLP1 RAs to do so, but it’s the best tool I’ve tried so far.
They might track it and weight it but then just eat way too much of it. Sometimes only once or twice a week is enough to reverse a week's worth of good dieting.

Like family pizza night, overconsuming thousands of kcals one night a week. Some can kill an entire pizza & more.
if they do that and cant even calculate the right amount of calories to eat , they dont take bodybuilding seriously and i dont even acknowledge those typa people
This thread seems insane to me just on it's face. Why on Earth would I take something to suppress my hunger hormones at a time (a bulk) when I need said hunger in order to achieve a mass target I am shooting for? Conversely, would I take a known appetite stimulant like MK-677 if I am trying to cut weight? That would also make little sense. You use the right tool for the job at any given time.

I have messed around a bit with GLP1's, but they are not really my cup of tea. My GI system does not seem to tolerate them well at all. My personal take is that suppressing appetite is all well and good, but at some point I think a person needs to be able to man up and control their caloric intake on their own. Some people clearly disagree, which is fine. I have a aunt who certainly does. She is hooked like a crackhead on GLP1's and says she legit can't function without them and would quickly balloon back up if they were removed. I guess I will never quite understand this level of helplessness, but if that is what it takes to help her or people in her then I am all for it. Good luck and God speed. As a person that takes a number of sketch as fuck compounds, it would be pretty hypocritical of me to harshly criticize people for their drug use.

Ultimately however, nutrition and training is the backbone of everything we do here. Nothing else even matters unless you have this dialed in, and no amount of drugs will ever be able to help you.
I have enough trouble pushing 4+ plus calories per day with Tren, why would I want to do something that could potentially make it even more difficult?

1. Why are you bulking on tren?

2. As Chase points out in that video, you’d do it to enjoy the other health benefits associated with GLP1 RAs. In his case he had NAFLD and is looking to bulk without increasing liver fat. The added insulin sensitivity and other benefits are gravy.

3. Individual response varies in terms of appetite suppression. I wager that most would be able to run a low dose, enjoy the health benefits and still be able to gain.

4. Seems like you’re a hard gainer so maybe it’s not for you.
1. Why are you bulking on tren?

2. As Chase points out in that video, you’d do it to enjoy the other health benefits associated with GLP1 RAs. In his case he had NAFLD and is looking to bulk without increasing liver fat. The added insulin sensitivity and other benefits are gravy.

3. Individual response varies in terms of appetite suppression. I wager that most would be able to run a low dose, enjoy the health benefits and still be able to gain.

4. Seems like you’re a hard gainer so maybe it’s not for you.
Indeed we are all different in how we respond to various compounds, Tren bulking for me is mainly due to the capacity I become capable of in the gym compared to baseline. Nothing I have messed with comes even close to my overall strength levels on Test + Tren. I have missed this godlike feeling of power and explosiveness pretty much since I last came off cycle of it.

Yes, the choking down 4K to 4500 calories per day is challenging, but not insurmountable. It just requires proper planning. Of course it would be far easier if I just ate like shit, but that is not really my style either outside of cheat meals.

Per my last blood work I really have no significant issues that need to be addressed at present or that are a cause for concern for my upcoming cycle, so I can't see blowing money on a kit of GLPs just because. I manipulate my hormones plenty already.

That said, if people see benefit, then go for it and report back your results. It's your money, not mine. As I mentioned previously, I do way too much sketch ass shit with sketch ass compounds to be in a position to be high and mighty.
Tren bulking for me is mainly due to the capacity I become capable of in the gym compared to baseline. Nothing I have messed with comes even close to my overall strength levels on Test + Tren. I have missed this godlike feeling of power and explosiveness pretty much since I last came off cycle of it.

Thanks for this. It satisfies some of my curiosity about tren in a way that's easy for me to understand. Have you tried anadrol?

Yes, the choking down 4K to 4500 calories per day is challenging, but not insurmountable. It just requires proper planning. Of course it would be far easier if I just ate like shit

Eating like shit would be counterproductive, though.

Per my last blood work I really have no significant issues that need to be addressed at present or that are a cause for concern for my upcoming cycle, so I can't see blowing money on a kit of GLPs just because. I manipulate my hormones plenty already.

I'm glad you're healthy. However, fatty liver isn't going to show up on blood work. Not suggesting you might suffer that, but that was the specific issue that Chase had and I suspect many body builders do that push hard on a bulk.

As for "blowing money" the cost isn't really substantial at the type of doses one would consider. At 2mg/wk the most expensive of the GLP1 RAs, retatrutide, would run about $6/wk.

That said, if people see benefit, then go for it and report back your results.

Doing that presently. I'm an easy gainer and I've added ~15lbs in the past month. I suspect the first 10 were just water as I was filling up as my carb intake went up substantially. Now I'm adjusting things so I gain ~.5lb/wk from here on out.
Yeeahh ....riiiiight....

And the fact that retatrutide is the most expensive of the insulin sensitizing compounds and he gets a cut from every sale is glossed over by you guys?

Chase has found a honey pot in the morons that follow him now after his "amazing" growth last year and is now just getting the hang of milking it with advice from Vig Steve:))

Sure I want to feel even more full and bloated while I am bulking this time around and spend even more money ...wonderfull....

Glp, Gip and glucagon might be insulin sensiting in a deficit and might be even in a maintenance diet but in a surplus with GH and insulin.... The effect will be neglijabile I am willing to bet...
To keep BG in check during a bulk there are other more efective and cheaper ways to do it.
Chase is fun to watch as far as experimentation and what absurd amounts of gear can do to your body but I wouldn't take ANY advice coming from him since he change his opinion for gear related things every couple weeks.. Considering now he has sponsors and affiliates for these GLP's and some other useless shit coming in expensive packages, it's a bigger no from me.

Yeeahh ....riiiiight....

And the fact that retatrutide is the most expensive of the insulin sensitizing compounds and he gets a cut from every sale is glossed over by you guys?

Chase has found a honey pot in the morons that follow him now after his "amazing" growth last year and is now just getting the hang of milking it with advice from Vig Steve:))

Sure I want to feel even more full and bloated while I am bulking this time around and spend even more money ...wonderfull....

Glp, Gip and glucagon might be insulin sensiting in a deficit and might be even in a maintenance diet but in a surplus with GH and insulin.... The effect will be neglijabile I am willing to bet...
To keep BG in check during a bulk there are other more efective and cheaper ways to do it.

100% agree. You could buy all the berberine, chromium, metformin and the rest GDA's in the world..