Can I slip my girl some AI so she can be emotional


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My girl had some serious mood swings.they are starting to where me down. I'm just kidding about the ai but it would be nice to have it something for anti bitchyness
My girl had some serious mood swings.they are starting to where me down. I'm just kidding about the ai but it would be nice to have it something for anti bitchyness
Grab her by the hair and slug her in the face. That will shut her up. JUST FUCKING KIDDING. GET A NEW GIRLFRIEND.

I know you are not serious.
you don't have to stay with her if she makes you miserable , get a different girlfriend, life is to short be unhappy when you don't need to.
Yeah I think I'm going to have to ride this one out she is prago maybe it will change after baby
Yeah if she is prego, you can't just buy a new girlfriend. Dip your cock in pickled cucumber sauce and fill her mouth. She is pregnant, am sure she will appreciate that.
Well brothers I got hitched over the weekend gained 3 more to my family over all she is a great girl . Even though women can drive us crazy but we still love them20160821_110724.jpg
Guys I wanna ask a real Question. So my wife is a little older then me. I'm a horny dog.

Her libido is bad. She really never came back totally after her hysterectomy. She took that years ago but didn't do much, so she doesn't take it now anymore What if I slip her a little Winstrol in her coffee. ??.
Guys I wanna ask a real Question. So my wife is a little older then me. I'm a horny dog.

Her libido is bad. She really never came back totally after her hysterectomy. She took that years ago but didn't do much, so she doesn't take it now anymore What if I slip her a little Winstrol in her coffee. ??.

get her hormones checked