Can touching a barbell in the gym get you sick with the coronavirus?

"tricky" or not, its got the planet all stirred up. And with data all over the place:
  • USS Theodore Roosevelt had 4,800 crew, mostly young males. Confined space relatively speaking. When tested, only 660 tested positive. Of these 60% had no symptoms. One died. That is just slightly more than the US death rate for 'normal' flu (0.7 person per 4,800). Sounds mild. Only a couple parents will cry ... and the captain who lost his job for seeking help for his men.
  • China reports 4,632 deaths out of a population of 1.4 billion. So the 'standard' flu is 45 times more lethal than Covid19.
  • Worldwide 'closed cases' 898,676 with 183,491 deaths. That's 20% death rate ... 1333 times more deadly than 'regular' flu.
  • USA 'closed cases' 130,986 with 47,227 deaths. That's 36% death rate ... 2400 times more deadly than 'regular' flu.
So does the world have an accurate understanding of this little microbe? What is all the fuss about? Are the tests accurate? Do the statisticians know what they are doing? What numbers would we look at? Should everyone go back to normal right now? Shall people fight over toilet paper? Ugly women keep protesting about their right to go to their hairdresser? Shall India shut down their whole economy? Or Trump suggested restrictions then tweet in support of protest about restrictions? And more health care workers keep dying over a fictitious problem? Shall the Surgeon General keep telling us that masks don't help the general public while the CDC tells us how to make our own? (Origami?) Shall governments sue China over such a little thing? ... after all its only got a diameter of ~60–140 nm. Shall a medical problem continue to be turned into political arguments? Why seek a cure or vaccine for it? And why is it taking so long with all these 'brilliant' minds at work? What's wrong with the Kenya governor putting Hennessy bottles in coronavirus care packages?

What's so "tricky" about this all? Influenza A and B sure missed the party.
So what did you do to help people move forward with life today? Keep in mind penciling in editorials don't count :)

It's not as deadly a virus as anticipated. It's a good thing. Time to move forward. It's a good thing. Doesn't have to be a movie theater door handle licking contest but it's time

Don't forget why the quarantine was needed: to keep the curve down so the medical community could keep up with the speed at which the virus spread and caused issue. It worked to a large degree in this country, and now it's time to move forward.

Screenshot_20200423-061741~2.png Screenshot_20200423-061750~2.png Screenshot_20200423-061757~2.png Screenshot_20200423-061807~2.png Screenshot_20200423-061819~2.png

As scared as many people are, there's an extremely large (and growing daily) contingent of Americans that want to deal with it head on. The numbers are showing the end doesn't justify means when compared to past virus outbreaks. I strongly feel that the healthy, low risk category of people should be put back to work and exposed to the elements. The numbers don't lie, and the tale they tell regarding that demographic is profoundly obvious.

Again, the quarantine is a byproduct of an effort to keep the curve down. At my states PEAK the hospitals are at 50% capacity, all the while covid stats are coming out saying that the infection rate is in all actuality 25 - 50 times more widespread that thought.

That's easy math.
So what did you do to help people move forward with life today? Keep in mind penciling in editorials don't count :)

It's not as deadly a virus as anticipated. It's a good thing. Time to move forward. It's a good thing. Doesn't have to be a movie theater door handle licking contest but it's time

Don't forget why the quarantine was needed: to keep the curve down so the medical community could keep up with the speed at which the virus spread and caused issue. It worked to a large degree in this country, and now it's time to move forward.

View attachment 128986
"Not as deadly" with a 20% mortality rate? WTF?

You should calculate the death rate the following way:

Dead people / (Recovered patients + Dead people)

Stay away from stupid MSM (no matter if left or right wing) peddling stupid reopening BS.
They count a fake, low mortality rate using the total cases and that's stupid because we don't know the outcome yet.
"tricky" or not, its got the planet all stirred up. And with data all over the place:
  • USS Theodore Roosevelt had 4,800 crew, mostly young males. Confined space relatively speaking. When tested, only 660 tested positive. Of these 60% had no symptoms. One died. That is just slightly more than the US death rate for 'normal' flu (0.7 person per 4,800). Sounds mild. Only a couple parents will cry ... and the captain who lost his job for seeking help for his men.
  • China reports 4,632 deaths out of a population of 1.4 billion. So the 'standard' flu is 45 times more lethal than Covid19.
  • Worldwide 'closed cases' 898,676 with 183,491 deaths. That's 20% death rate ... 1333 times more deadly than 'regular' flu.
  • USA 'closed cases' 130,986 with 47,227 deaths. That's 36% death rate ... 2400 times more deadly than 'regular' flu.
So does the world have an accurate understanding of this little microbe? What is all the fuss about? Are the tests accurate? Do the statisticians know what they are doing? What numbers would we look at? Should everyone go back to normal right now? Shall people fight over toilet paper? Ugly women keep protesting about their right to go to their hairdresser? Shall India shut down their whole economy? Or Trump suggested restrictions then tweet in support of protest about restrictions? And more health care workers keep dying over a fictitious problem? Shall the Surgeon General keep telling us that masks don't help the general public while the CDC tells us how to make our own? (Origami?) Shall governments sue China over such a little thing? ... after all its only got a diameter of ~60–140 nm. Shall a medical problem continue to be turned into political arguments? Why seek a cure or vaccine for it? And why is it taking so long with all these 'brilliant' minds at work? What's wrong with the Kenya governor putting Hennessy bottles in coronavirus care packages?

What's so "tricky" about this all? Influenza A and B sure missed the party.

Honestly, a lot of people talk about recovery like that's the end of it.

What those same people fail to realize is that the virus and ventilators are causing long term damage to the lungs and likely the mind.

Look up ICU Delerium and Post ICU disorder. It seriously fucks people up.
"Not as deadly" with a 20% mortality rate? WTF?

You should calculate the death rate the following way:

Dead people / (Recovered patients + Dead people)

Stay away from stupid MSM (no matter if left or right wing) peddling stupid reopening BS.
They count a fake, low mortality rate using the total cases and that's stupid because we don't know the outcome yet.
stop talking. You're wrong. So, so wrong. I won't even entertain the idea of having this conversation, I don't live in stupidland. It's almost as if you're not tall enough to get on this ride.
Honestly, a lot of people talk about recovery like that's the end of it.

What those same people fail to realize is that the virus and ventilators are causing long term damage to the lungs and likely the mind.

Look up ICU Delerium and Post ICU disorder. It seriously fucks people up.
Its true that with a serious infection there can be lasting damage. Survivors of SARS are reported as having PTSD and other emotional difficulties. Covid19 can affect every part of the body - heart, lung, brain, skin, etc. Some young people with little or no symptoms have had strokes afterward - so its not just the old or seriously ill. And it hasn't been straight forward as with 'normal' flues.

For me it was a couple weeks of weird feeling in the lungs. I already have had a chronic cough for years, a type of asthma. It seems over now for me. But my wife is still suffering 8 weeks now because of other health complications include asthma. Seems to be getting better but too soon to celebrate. I'm very worried about her. Neither of us are afraid of death. Like others we don't want it but it comes to all in time. And my wife would rather not die from struggling to breathe. Its definitely messing with her mind ... and I could easily just say she is just being a 'woman'. But I doubt she will ever enter the store where we caught this in the first place. That's fine. The world is a bigger place than a store or town.

People don't like reality and want it to be different so much that they delude themselves with a partial reality that feels better for them. People are afraid of death and that's ok. On the flip side, one can't sit in terror about worst case scenarios either. Just be vigilant, positive, and work toward a successful outcome with what powers one has.

Most people will probably survive this one way or another. Aside from the disease itself, one of the biggest problems is social which often gets diverted to political.

One cannot deal with a communicable disease without considering 'community' because that is how it is spread. It isn't political. It's social and medical.

The governor of New York put it succinctly:
"Economic hardship? Yes, very bad … not death.
Emotional stress from being locked in the house. Very bad … not death.
Domestic violence on the increase. Very bad … not death.
And not the death of someone else.
It’s not about me, it’s about we. Get your head around the ‘we’ concept."

Those who wish to protest about their 'rights' of freedom should stop wasting their time trying to mould the world to be the way they want it. Many are just making fools of themselves.

Instead they should man-up and make their own world just like the settlers did when they moved to America - they gave up revolt and stopped trying to reshape Europe. Instead they sought opportunities elsewhere. Many did so with very little money.

There are vast tracts of land still available in the country. Many farms closed and for sale. And there are other types of isolated communities as well - Amish, monks, nuns, etc. These communities live according to their wishes which are different that the majority. It is a way for a minority to reshape their situation.
Its true that with a serious infection there can be lasting damage. Survivors of SARS are reported as having PTSD and other emotional difficulties. Covid19 can affect every part of the body - heart, lung, brain, skin, etc. Some young people with little or no symptoms have had strokes afterward - so its not just the old or seriously ill. And it hasn't been straight forward as with 'normal' flues.
do me a favor and look up how many people this encompasses. It's an astronomically low number, I'll let you dig for it : )

The numbers don't justify continuing down the same path. It's being proven again and again as each day unfolds that the exposure vs issue list is overblown. Time to start public integration to some degree, sorry.

The governor of New York put it succinctly:
"Economic hardship? Yes, very bad … not death.
Emotional stress from being locked in the house. Very bad … not death.
Domestic violence on the increase. Very bad … not death.
And not the death of someone else.
It’s not about me, it’s about we. Get your head around the ‘we’ concept
says the governor that allowed his city to continue to operate well into the outbreak. Allowing subways cars to pack in like a sardine can, buses packed with people, etc. Real pillar of community safety there. You want to start a class action lawsuit against him on the behalf of New Yorkers? Only makes sense, right?
Ill just leave this here for FACTS

The recent Stanford University antibody study now estimates that the fatality rate if infected is likely 0.1 to 0.2 percent, a risk far lower than previous World Health Organization estimates that were 20 to 30 times higher and that motivated isolation policies.

In New York City, an epicenter of the pandemic with more than one-third of all U.S. deaths, the rate of death for people 18 to 45 years old is 0.01 percent, or 11 per 100,000 in the population. On the other hand, people aged 75 and over have a death rate 80 times that. For people under 18 years old, the rate of death is zero per 100,000.

Of all fatal cases in New York state, two-thirds were in patients over 70 years of age; more than 95 percent were over 50 years of age; and about 90 percent of all fatal cases had an underlying illness. Of 6,570 confirmed COVID-19 deaths fully investigated for underlying conditions to date, 6,520, or 99.2 percent, had an underlying illness. If you do not already have an underlying chronic condition, your chances of dying are small, regardless of age. And young adults and children in normal health have almost no risk of any serious illness from COVID-19.

We can learn about hospital utilization from data from New York City, the hotbed of COVID-19 with more than 34,600 hospitalizations to date. For those under 18 years of age, hospitalization from the virus is 0.01 percent per 100,000 people; for those 18 to 44 years old, hospitalization is 0.1 percent per 100,000. Even for people ages 65 to 74, only 1.7 percent were hospitalized. Of 4,103 confirmed COVID-19 patients with symptoms bad enough to seek medical care, Dr. Horwitz of NYU Medical Center concluded "age is far and away the strongest risk factor for hospitalization." Even early WHO reports noted that 80 percent of all cases were mild, and more recent studies show a far more widespread rate of infection and lower rate of serious illness. Half of all people testing positive for infection have no symptoms at all. The vast majority of younger, otherwise healthy people do not need significant medical care if they catch this infection.
Those who wish to protest about their 'rights' of freedom should stop wasting their time trying to mould the world to be the way they want it. Many are just making fools of themselves.

I cant breeze past your ignorant comment without responding. Are you freaking kidding me? Did our Patriots tuck tail and run from the British? Nope. Why should we roll over to Tyranny, in the guys of our safety. Nope, all this is unconstitutional and will be challenged, today or in the future.

Those that trade freedoms for safety will get neither. I wish you weak fearful pussies would all move to California and let the rest of America live by our Constitution.
I 100% understand and appreciate the social distancing model, even if some folks think 6' was a joke. There is direct evidence it worked.

I also 100% understand and appreciate the numbers regarding who is getting sick and to what degree. It's clear what's happening in real life based on these figures.

I also understand the economic side of it just like most everyone else does. You'd have to be an invalid to not grasp it tbh.

The risk group is the issue to me, at this point, based on the learned knowledge. The virus is here and isn't going away so we have to deal with it, from every angle. That means both medically and economically. Sorry guys, the Feds shitting money out isn't the solution, working is. Keep the risk group isolated and cater to their needs. The rest of us bums start to integrate again.

I mean, a vaccine is only a year or more away from now. I'm sure the inkwells at the money printing factories will never run dry...

Oh and fwiw, there are dozens of tiktok videos coming out of the Boston hospitals with nurses dancing and doing all sorts of fun quirky shit. Yeah, about that heavy hitting pandemic.

Isolate the risk group ffs.
A few facts:

Five-month-old baby girl of NY firefighter dies from coronavirus | Daily Mail Online

5-year-old daughter of Detroit first responders dies after being diagnosed with coronavirus - CNN

COVID-19 causes sudden strokes in adults younger than 50, doctors say
"The new coronavirus appears to be causing sudden strokes in adults in their 30s and 40s who are not otherwise terribly ill, doctors reported Wednesday."​

Now for sake of argument, lets say that the lockdowns are an over reaction. Will it matter 100 years from now?

Does the library of congress have it wrong? America as a Religious Refuge: The Seventeenth Century, Part 1 - Religion and the Founding of the American Republic | Exhibitions (Library of Congress)
"Many of the British North American colonies that eventually formed the United States of America were settled in the seventeenth century by men and women, who, in the face of European persecution, refused to compromise passionately held religious convictions and fled Europe."​

Doesn't really compare to: Some of the signs held by protesters calling for end to coronavirus lockdown raise eyebrows

A few wack-jobs want to take arms against the government over Covid-19 ... let them do what they'll do. But they'll not go down in history as heros. They are just malcontents looking for meaning through violence.

Patriots? LMAO Thirteen colonies united against Britain hardly compares to today's whineage.
Its true that with a serious infection there can be lasting damage. Survivors of SARS are reported as having PTSD and other emotional difficulties. Covid19 can affect every part of the body - heart, lung, brain, skin, etc. Some young people with little or no symptoms have had strokes afterward - so its not just the old or seriously ill. And it hasn't been straight forward as with 'normal' flues.

For me it was a couple weeks of weird feeling in the lungs. I already have had a chronic cough for years, a type of asthma. It seems over now for me. But my wife is still suffering 8 weeks now because of other health complications include asthma. Seems to be getting better but too soon to celebrate. I'm very worried about her. Neither of us are afraid of death. Like others we don't want it but it comes to all in time. And my wife would rather not die from struggling to breathe. Its definitely messing with her mind ... and I could easily just say she is just being a 'woman'. But I doubt she will ever enter the store where we caught this in the first place. That's fine. The world is a bigger place than a store or town.

People don't like reality and want it to be different so much that they delude themselves with a partial reality that feels better for them. People are afraid of death and that's ok. On the flip side, one can't sit in terror about worst case scenarios either. Just be vigilant, positive, and

Most people will probably survive this .
I 100% understand and appreciate the social distancing model, even if some folks think 6' was a joke. There is direct evidence it worked.

I also 100% understand and appreciate the numbers regarding who is getting sick and to what degree. It's clear what's happening in real life based on these figures.

I also understand the economic side of it just like most everyone else does. You'd have to be an invalid to not grasp it tbh.

The risk group is the issue to me, at this point, based on the learned knowledge. The virus is here and isn't going away so we have to deal with it, from every angle. That means both medically and economically. Sorry guys, the Feds shitting money out isn't the solution, working is. Keep the risk group isolated and cater to their needs. The rest of us bums start to integrate again.

I mean, a vaccine is only a year or more away from now. I'm sure the inkwells at the money printing factories will never run dry...

Oh and fwiw, there are dozens of tiktok videos coming out of the Boston hospitals with nurses dancing and doing all sorts of fun quirky shit. Yeah, about that heavy hitting pandemic.

Isolate the risk group ffs.
A few facts:

Five-month-old baby girl of NY firefighter dies from coronavirus | Daily Mail Online

5-year-old daughter of Detroit first responders dies after being diagnosed with coronavirus - CNN

COVID-19 causes sudden strokes in adults younger than 50, doctors say
"The new coronavirus appears to be causing sudden strokes in adults in their 30s and 40s who are not otherwise terribly ill, doctors reported Wednesday."​

Now for sake of argument, lets say that the lockdowns are an over reaction. Will it matter 100 years from now?

Does the library of congress have it wrong? America as a Religious Refuge: The Seventeenth Century, Part 1 - Religion and the Founding of the American Republic | Exhibitions (Library of Congress)
"Many of the British North American colonies that eventually formed the United States of America were settled in the seventeenth century by men and women, who, in the face of European persecution, refused to compromise passionately held religious convictions and fled Europe."​

Doesn't really compare to: Some of the signs held by protesters calling for end to coronavirus lockdown raise eyebrows

A few wack-jobs want to take arms against the government over Covid-19 ... let them do what they'll do. But they'll not go down in history as heros. They are just malcontents looking for meaning through violence.

Patriots? LMAO Thirteen colonies united against Britain hardly compares to today's whineage.

Man you are just affraid of crapping out with this but it’s no use, if you have to go you will go, and there is no wall of text you post that will make the virus or people that want to move on with their lives stop, I get it you are old and don’t want to die but younger people have been their lives ahead of them and won’t stop living them because of you and others in your situation...
Man you are just affraid of crapping out with this but it’s no use, if you have to go you will go, and there is no wall of text you post that will make the virus or people that want to move on with their lives stop, I get it you are old and don’t want to die but younger people have been their lives ahead of them and won’t stop living them because of you and others in your situation...
If you read my posts, you'd note I'm not afraid of dying from this virus. It didn't get me when I had it so instead it will likely be either cardiovascular or cancer in the end - as it is for most.

As far as my case goes, mostly its been inconvenient. And though I have less life ahead compared to most on this forum, I'd like to get on with it too.

Furthermore, I seriously wonder how effective the whole lockdown will have been since the people need to work, etc. long before any cure is found. It is entirely possible that dragging it out could lead to a worse mutation (though there is little point worrying about what one cannot control).

I distrust governments and politicians. But I would never advocate a "Timothy McVeigh" response. Just work with it and it will be over.

But I do find it ironic that 'proponents' of liberty tell me to "stop" and declare that I'm afraid. That their viewpoints are somehow more brave, more correct, and more important than mine - or anyone else that doesn't agree with them. What? No freedom of speech in USA and on an unmoderated PED forum? LOL

This forum is somewhat about "Harm Reduction". This thread is about catching the virus from gym equipment. The virus is a medical problem with inconvenient social consequences beyond the deaths of whatever the number will be.

Most of my posts are responses:
#392 Someone suggested only the old and sick are at risk. Also that immigrants that settled America were all fighters.
#386 A member expressed concern about long lasting problems from the virus. I acknowledged that and said "Most people will probably survive"
#380 A member suggested low risk and I responded with how ridiculous all these numbers are since we don't have accurate info. Along with a variety of illogical behaviours on account of even 'experts'.
#360 Shows different responses to Covid19 by 4 various governments.
#349 A response to two members arguing about going back to gyms. An attempt to illustrate that actions have consequences beyond just getting a bug. That liability is real and the president threatens it frequently.
#335 A response to a member suggesting I'm an vaccine idiot and also saying that people don't die from HIV
#301 A reply to a direct question
#299 An answer to your question post - how would it be worse. (Perhaps I should have also illustrated how it could get better)
#297 A joke and my opinion that the economy will survive.
#294 A reiteration that we don't know the facts and the media is all over the place (unreliable).
#289 A correction for a member. Opposite messages between the Surgeon General and CDC ... and most important: how such a mixed message only furthered shortages of PPE for health care workers.​
So on and so forth.

Now how does one accurate conclude that I am afraid of dying??? If anything, that response to my posts indicate denial, which is fear. Or people are just sick of the topic or otherwise unhappy.

There are fine members here. I wish them all well and minimum consequences from the bug. I am also sure that few could care less about what I post. Just another crazy old man ...
There are fine members here. I wish them all well and minimum consequences from the bug. I am also sure that few could care less about what I post. Just another crazy old man
and we wish you well, too. Just different opinions on how to handle current issues being delivered by passionate people.
  • China reports 4,632 deaths out of a population of 1.4 billion. So the 'standard' flu is 45 times more lethal than Covid19.
  • Worldwide 'closed cases' 898,676 with 183,491 deaths. That's 20% death rate ... 1333 times more deadly than 'regular' flu.
  • USA 'closed cases' 130,986 with 47,227 deaths. That's 36% death rate ... 2400 times more deadly than 'regular' flu.
This isn't so much "data all over the place" but rather different manipulations of the data.

Who the hell if really arguing things such as :

The regular flu is 45x as deadly as covid-19?!


Covid-19 is 1333x more deadly than regular flu (20% death rate)?!

"Not as deadly" with a 20% mortality rate? WTF?

You should calculate the death rate the following way:

Dead people / (Recovered patients + Dead people)

As of 4-24-20

925k confirmed cases in the US
52k deaths
That's around a 6% death rate.

When you then start to find out that these areas with outbreaks are testing somewhere around 25/30% exposure/infection and not the low single digit number that has been theorized, well dang, that really moves the needle now doesn't it? Also stands to reason that infection rate is already another generation of reproduction past the point it was at when these numbers were published, again, driving the mortality rate lower and lower and lower.

Not exactly shocking news but it's good to see actual data on the viruses life cycle under certain circumstances:

This however is a little shocking to me. Is it very contradictory to what china reported. There are multiple studies that point to a lower infection rate in smokers, but no "smoking gun" as to say why. Like what I did there?
Smokers 'four times less likely' to contract Covid-19, prompting nicotine patch trials on patients

And then you read stories like this, causing so much anxiety and fear. Why wouldn't it? It scares me to the high heavens tbh. But if you stop and look at the actual numbers involved here (12 total patients in NYC and Philly) it really puts that risk group percentage into perspective. 160k cases between the 2 cities, 12 strokes. Not exactly staggering numbers. If the author included the mathematical stats in the headline, the story would get so few clicks the internet would auto delete the story from its own GUI. It's better to glorify the bad for ratings, you know, to keep dudes like @master.on entertained while his toll booth has no cars passing through it.People in 30s and 40s, barely sick with COVID-19, are dying from strokes |
I think every single person has an “underlying health condition” in general, it is almost impossible for you not to.
This isn't so much "data all over the place" but rather different manipulations of the data.

Who the hell if really arguing things such as :

The regular flu is 45x as deadly as covid-19?!


Covid-19 is 1333x more deadly than regular flu (20% death rate)?!

Absolutely right! manipulated. But some just through ignorance. I've heard news reporter citing Italy and claiming 13% death rate, Belgium at >15%. But that is the media - a really bad source of information. Perhaps this is where the 'fake-newsers' can be vindicated. But saying it's just the flu would also be 'fake'.

The numbers I used compared the death rate from regular flu in USA as 15 per 100,000 - or 0.015%. The 20% and 36% death rates come from Coronavirus Update (Live): 2,855,699 Cases and 198,532 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer but are ridiculously high because it doesn't include all of the 80% or so who simple don't get very sick at all. Hardly any of them.

As for accuracy of tests there are some problems. Foremost IMO not enough antibody tests ... or even a reliable one.

Here is a USA number thing:
  • 5,000,000 tested, 52,000 died = >1%
But this isn't true for various reasons

Here is yet another numbers thing, where I live - New York
  • ~21,000 deaths out of ~275,000 cases that's 7.6%
  • 3,000 antibody test yield ~20% have antibodies (been exposed to virus). NYS has 19.4 million population. So that only 0.5% death rate.
Problems with these number:
  • Of 275,000 cases, 225,000 are still active - so deaths are still coming in.
  • The NY deaths numbers does not include people who died at home.
  • I used the states population yet upstate NY has only tested 3.5% antibodies (low exposure). Using NYC its 1.3% death rate - but that is high because the total include populations around the city.
  • NYC has a lot of urban poverty - does it's % represent the whole nation?
  • Don't know the test used for antibodies in NY ... and 3,000 is rather low.
The test kits used in Santa Clara were from Hangzhou Biotest Biotech in China. These kits were banned in China because they aren't accurate. New Covid-19 Antibody Study Results Are In. Are They Right?
"A representative for Premier Biotech confirmed to WIRED that the same test was used by the Stanford and USC researchers. (On Monday, a USC spokesperson emailed WIRED a statement from Neeraj Sood, the lead researcher, acknowledging the test’s origins and noting they were exported legally, prior to the ban.)"​
So not sure how confident we can be regarding Stanford

But all these number are way below the 13% cry

I think every single person has an “underlying health condition” in general, it is almost impossible for you not to.
The main underlying conditions listed are:
  • 57% high blood pressure
  • 41% obese
  • 34% diabetes
As for high blood pressure, often it is diet/weight. But not always.

With regard to this forum, probably not many obese or diabetic. But in spite of good diet, some have high blood pressure. Also AAS usually increases blood pressure.

The good doctor has posted a few articles suggesting testosterone is to blame for the higher death rate in males. Another risk factor.

Given the age and health from the disciple of bodybuilding (provided one applies disciple and isn't just 'cheating' with AAS) - IMO the members of this forum are likely to ride this out very well.

Some members have posted they have Covid 19 and so far its very mild. Any who died from it ... well their friends would have to post that - we can hardly assume a 'disappeared' member actually died.

I'm optimistic and will take a stab at saying the death rate in USA will not exceed 1 millions (0.3%) and that perhaps only a couple members here. Maybe one of the UGLs can set up a contest guessing the end-of-year casualty number and some award ... or would that be in poor taste?
Number games....

As of 4-24 the CDC lists covid deaths at 24,555 but the media is reporting over 50k. Why?

What is happeningis the CDC is articulating what deaths have been covid driven, pneumonia driven, influenza driven and "other".

The media is seemingly taking all respiratory related deaths and reporting them as covid without making the distinction that the person officially died from another cause. Talk about muddying the waters. I assume they think all of those other folks would have lived if it weren't for covid somehow, and that's why they counted the deaths as covid? Idk.

It is like a guy getting shot during a robbery and his ambulance crashes on the way to the hospital. They all die, but the victim died prior to the crash. Fuck it, lump his shooting death in as a automotive crash death. Why not?


So what is it @master.on ? Are we at 50% death rate yet or what?Screenshot_20200426-063823.png Screenshot_20200426-063751.png
Number games....

As of 4-24 the CDC lists covid deaths at 24,555 but the media is reporting over 50k. Why?

What is happeningis the CDC is articulating what deaths have been covid driven, pneumonia driven, influenza driven and "other".

The media is seemingly taking all respiratory related deaths and reporting them as covid without making the distinction that the person officially died from another cause. Talk about muddying the waters. I assume they think all of those other folks would have lived if it weren't for covid somehow, and that's why they counted the deaths as covid? Idk.

It is like a guy getting shot during a robbery and his ambulance crashes on the way to the hospital. They all die, but the victim died prior to the crash. Fuck it, lump his shooting death in as a automotive crash death. Why not?


So what is it @master.on ? Are we at 50% death rate yet or what?View attachment 129194 View attachment 129195

95% or more of our cases are in Cook County and 3-4 surrounding counties. We're barely into double digits here and many nearby counties are still in single digits. Even Saint Clair County only has a few hundred and it's part of the Saint Louis metro area.