So what did you do to help people move forward with life today? Keep in mind penciling in editorials don't count"tricky" or not, its got the planet all stirred up. And with data all over the place:
So does the world have an accurate understanding of this little microbe? What is all the fuss about? Are the tests accurate? Do the statisticians know what they are doing? What numbers would we look at? Should everyone go back to normal right now? Shall people fight over toilet paper? Ugly women keep protesting about their right to go to their hairdresser? Shall India shut down their whole economy? Or Trump suggested restrictions then tweet in support of protest about restrictions? And more health care workers keep dying over a fictitious problem? Shall the Surgeon General keep telling us that masks don't help the general public while the CDC tells us how to make our own? (Origami?) Shall governments sue China over such a little thing? ... after all its only got a diameter of ~60–140 nm. Shall a medical problem continue to be turned into political arguments? Why seek a cure or vaccine for it? And why is it taking so long with all these 'brilliant' minds at work? What's wrong with the Kenya governor putting Hennessy bottles in coronavirus care packages?
- USS Theodore Roosevelt had 4,800 crew, mostly young males. Confined space relatively speaking. When tested, only 660 tested positive. Of these 60% had no symptoms. One died. That is just slightly more than the US death rate for 'normal' flu (0.7 person per 4,800). Sounds mild. Only a couple parents will cry ... and the captain who lost his job for seeking help for his men.
- China reports 4,632 deaths out of a population of 1.4 billion. So the 'standard' flu is 45 times more lethal than Covid19.
- Worldwide 'closed cases' 898,676 with 183,491 deaths. That's 20% death rate ... 1333 times more deadly than 'regular' flu.
- USA 'closed cases' 130,986 with 47,227 deaths. That's 36% death rate ... 2400 times more deadly than 'regular' flu.
What's so "tricky" about this all? Influenza A and B sure missed the party.

It's not as deadly a virus as anticipated. It's a good thing. Time to move forward. It's a good thing. Doesn't have to be a movie theater door handle licking contest but it's time
Don't forget why the quarantine was needed: to keep the curve down so the medical community could keep up with the speed at which the virus spread and caused issue. It worked to a large degree in this country, and now it's time to move forward.