Can touching a barbell in the gym get you sick with the coronavirus?

New IHME COVID-19 Model Projects Nearly 180,000 US Deaths
New IHME COVID-19 Model Projects Nearly 180,000 US Deaths

SEATTLE (June 24, 2020) – In its first projections comparing different actions to control COVID-19 transmission, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington is forecasting nearly 180,000 in the United States will die by October 1.

The forecast shows 179,106 deaths (with a range of 159,497 to 213,715). Those numbers drop to 146,047 (with a range of 140,849 to 153,438), if at least 95 percent of people wear masks in public.
Bretthauer M. Randomized Re-Opening of Training Facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. medRxiv 2020:2020.06.24.20138768. Randomized Re-Opening of Training Facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic

Background: Most countries closed training facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. This may have negative consequences for peoples health and wellbeing. We investigated SARS-CoV-2 virus transmission and COVID-19 disease attributable to training facilities.

Methods: we randomized members 18 to 64 years with no COVID-19 relevant comorbidities at five training facilities in Oslo, Norway to access or no access to their facility. Facilities were opened from May 22, 2020 for individuals randomized to training, applying increased social distancing (1 meter for floor exercise, 2 meters for high-intensity classes), enhanced hand and surface hygiene. Locker rooms were open, showers and saunas were closed. We compared SARS-CoV-2 PCR status by self-administered naso-, oropharyngeal and sputum sampling after two weeks and clinical disease by linkage to electronic patient records after three weeks.

Results: 3,764 individuals were randomized and included in analyses; 1,896 in the training and 1,868 in no-training arms. In the training arm, 81.8 percent trained at least once at the facilities. Out of 3,016 individuals who returned the SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests, there was one positive test. The positive individual was randomized to training, but had not used the facility before testing day. Contact tracing revealed the workplace as transmission source. A total of 106 individuals had outpatient hospital visits, and six individuals were admitted to hospital during the three weeks after intervention start, with no differences between arms. There were no outpatient visits or hospital admissions due to COVID-19 in either group.

Conclusions: Provided good hygiene and social distancing measures, there was no increased COVID-19 spread at training facilities.


The maddening aspect of #RealMenWearMasks isn’t the message but what’s behind it: We’ve reached the point of this polarized pandemic where our current plan for salvation is convincing certain recalcitrant men that wearing masks is the testosteroney thing to do.

“People need face coverings that make them feel stylish, cool, and — yes — even manly,” a Harvard epidemiologist wrote in the Atlantic.

Men, otherwise, are less inclined to wear masks. A recent study, co-authored by professors at Berkeley and the U.K.’s Middlesex University, found that men resisted for several reasons: They were less likely to believe they’d get sick with the coronavirus (they are actually more likely to get sick), and “Men more than women agree that wearing a face covering is shameful, not cool, a sign of weakness, and a stigma.”


What masks really are is a pain in the neck. Chafing, uncomfortable, uncool in every imaginable way. You don’t wear them because Dick Cheney decided he can pull it off in a cowboy hat. You do it because nobody can make a mask look cool, but we’re going to do it anyway: be chafed and dorky together, all of us, because doing that saves lives. You can call that being a hero, but you can also call it being a responsible adult.
Nope, they're just doing more fake tests.

You're profession and a lot of what you've been taught is bullshit. Sorry bro.

Everybody: prepare to starve to death. And no crying, you did it to yourself.
Think about it. That also means no more meth. So your out of luck too.


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