Here’s the latest on the ones I’ve covered before and with new efforts added. There are now so many of these running that unless the program is especially noteworthy I’ll only touch on the ones that are in trials right now, or about to start soon. And I’m going to arrange them by vaccine class – the April 15 background post goes into some more detail on these, but I’ll start each group off with a short scientific summary.
Neither the order in which these different mechanisms are presented nor the order in which companies are listed within them is meant to reflect any horserace handicapping on my part.
OK, sheesh. There’s the state of the business as of today. I hope to use this post as a standing reference point for a little while to come, so I will be coming back in to update it as more news shows up. Right now we’re at an awkward age for vaccine development against this pathogen. Not all of these approaches are going to work, or at least not well enough to be useful. And we don’t have enough data on any of them to even start to guess which those might be. We can’t even do Phase II data comparisons, and the crucial Phase III data don’t even exist yet. So we’re going to be hanging in this limbo of “lots of things going, not sure about any of them yet” for quite a while. It’s going to get exhausting – what’s that, you say it’s kind of exhausting already? Hah – just you wait. . .