Can touching a barbell in the gym get you sick with the coronavirus?

The man, 62, was in hospital in France being treated for coronavirus, when he started experiencing the erection, known as priapism.

While coronavirus is known to cause blood clots in up to a third of Covid-19 patients, this is believed to be the first case in which the clots developed in a patient’s penis.

The man, who is unnamed, had been in intensive care at the Centre Hospitaliser de Versailles in Le Chesnay for two weeks, initially experiencing the typical symptoms of a fever, dry cough and difficulty breathing.

His condition quickly deteriorated, and he was placed on a ventilator.

However, the researchers were shocked to discover ‘previously unidentified priapism.’

While the tip of his penis was flaccid, the two chambers of tissue in his penis were rigid, due to blood clots.

Thankfully, the doctors were able to remove the blood from his penis using a needle.

The doctors are fairly certain that his priapism was triggered by Covid-19.
Covid19 is a lie. Ignore the recommendations now before we starve ourselves to death

If it's an outright hoax, i challenge you to go to your local supermarket and video record yourself licking the handles of every shopping cart and door in the entire store.

i'm aware it will be quite the departure from your norm of licking windows, but boy will you sure ever be able to say 'i told you so'.

Snap to it, junior. This is for science. Blur your face out before uploading the video too.
[OA] Challenges in the Practice of Sexual Medicine in the Time of COVID-19

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the world as we knew it has changed in almost every respect. The attempts to understand this crisis have created more than 9,500 scientific articles in 4 and a half months featuring “COVID-19” and more than a hundred about “COVID-19 challenges.”

Challenges and unmet needs are not new in our field. As noted by Cellek and Giraldi, struggling with taboos and misconceptions, difficulty with funding and conducting basic and clinical research have been our struggle for years. At this moment in time, there is a new level of complexity because of the ongoing dramatic changes in people's lives and health-care systems.

We have identified major challenges, based on the literature, our own personal experience, and the constant hearty interchange within our professional community.

Luria M, Peleg Nesher S. Challenges in the Practice of Sexual Medicine in the Time of COVID-19. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. Redirecting
If it's an outright hoax, i challenge you to go to your local supermarket and video record yourself licking the handles of every shopping cart and door in the entire store.

i'm aware it will be quite the departure from your norm of licking windows, but boy will you sure ever be able to say 'i told you so'.

Snap to it, junior. This is for science. Blur your face out before uploading the video too.

That's weird. I would get arrested for terrorism too.

HOUSTON – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Emergency Use Authorization for the Kroger brand’s COVID-19 Test Home Collection Kit, the grocery chain announced Wednesday.

Here’s how Kroger Health’s COVID-19 Test Home Collection Kit works, as described by the company:

The home collection is performed under the supervision of a licensed healthcare professional. The process is simple and is available at no cost to eligible patients who meet established clinical criteria for likely COVID-19 infection or exposure.

Patients will be provided access to a website where they will answer screening questions, input their organization’s benefit code and an individual code, like an employee ID, and complete a clinical assessment. If a patient qualifies, a healthcare professional will issue a prescription and the home collection kit is shipped to their home within 24-48 hours.

The home collection kit includes a nasal swab, transport vial, instruction sheet, prepaid shipping label, and packing materials for return shipment of the sample to the laboratory.

· Upon receipt of the home collection kit, a healthcare professional guides the home collection process via telehealth – a two-way video chat. The direct observation helps to ensure the proper technique is used for sample collection.

· The patient will then overnight ship their sample to the laboratory for processing, which on average will take 24-48 hours.

· At the laboratory, the collection undergoes a molecular diagnostic test – a test which detects parts of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and can be used to diagnose active infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

· If test results are negative for an active infection, results are released to the patient’s electronic medical record portal. Alternatively, patients may be called if they do not consent to use of the portal. For a patient whose test result is positive, a health care professional will contact him or her via phone to provide a recommended course of care.

· Test results will only be accessible to the patient and only shared with their organization if the patient authorizes the release of his or her results. All results are reported to government health agencies as required by law.

[Saved by COVID-19: "It's a gym so it's been closed."]

A three-story building housing a gym collapsed today in Carroll Gardens.

FDNY confirmed to Gothamist that 348 Court Street, where Body Elite Gym was located, collapsed around 4:40 p.m. on Wednesday. Dozens of firefighters are currently at the scene, and could not confirm whether or not anyone was injured in the collapse. We'll update as we learn more information.

Sara Pekow, a resident in the neighborhood, said she witnessed the collapse. She told Gothamist, "I just went out of my building to go to the car and saw the building collapse and a big storm of dust rise in its place—sounded like what you'd expect."

When asked if anyone was in the building, Pekow said she "wasn't close enough to see. It's a gym so it's been closed, but I have seen an employee or two in there in the past, not today though. Often it's barred closed with window gates and nobody inside."

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As Jacinto Salazar can attest, the Lord works in mysterious ways.

The Brooklyn gym worker, after crawling from the wreckage of a collapsed three-story building, credited his improbable escape to fervent prayer — and a broken paper towel dispenser.

“I don’t know why I was fixing it,” the fortunate Salazar told the Daily News one day after surviving his Wednesday brush with death inside the rubble of the Body Elite Gym. “If I hadn’t been there, I probably would have been smashed. I just thank God for my life.”

Salazar, 52, recounted his harrowing tale Thursday while recovering from a head bruise and an assortment of scrapes and cuts all over his body, inflicted as the walls and ceilings collapsed around and on top of him. He was treated and released at Methodist Hospital after finding his own way to safety, a walking miracle amidst the gawkers on the street.

The 15-year veteran gym employee was repairing the second-floor towel dispenser Wednesday afternoon when the 120-year-old Carroll Gardens building began creaking ominously. Moments later, Salazar said, the entire structure collapsed. Within seconds, he was lying on the first floor, buried beneath a light fixture and sheet rock as dust swirled everywhere.

SARS coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) isolates encoding a D614G mutation in the viral spike (S) protein predominate over time in locales where it is found, implying that this change enhances viral transmission. We therefore compared the functional properties of the S proteins with aspartic acid (SD614) and glycine (SG614) at residue 614. We observed that retroviruses pseudotyped with SG614 infected ACE2- expressing cells markedly more efficiently than those with SD614. This greater infectivity was correlated with less S1 shedding and greater incorporation of the S protein into the pseudovirion. Similar results were obtained using the virus-like particles produced with SARS-CoV-2 M, N, E, and S proteins. However, SG614 did not bind ACE2 more efficiently than SD614, and the pseudoviruses containing these S proteins were neutralized with comparable efficiencies by convalescent plasma. These results show SG614 is more stable than SD614, consistent with epidemiological data suggesting that viruses with SG614 transmit more efficiently.
Exclusive of masks, social distancing and high risk isolation, what other "sufficient" options are there Dr Hotez, run and hide in a corner awaiting the arrival of a vaccine ? Been there done that and NO THANKS.

Back to data that matters.

Robust T-Cell Immunity in Convalescent Individuals with Asymptomatic and Mild COVID-19

Although preliminary this study involving 200 subjects and is one of very few that investigated the T-cell immune response in asymptomatic and mild COVID-19 cases.

"The researchers performed T-cell immunological analyses of samples from over 200 people many of whom had mild or no symptoms of COVID-19, ..... to include asymptomatic family members who had been exposed to a loved one admitted to the hospital for SARS CoV-2."

- The results demonstrated a T-cell response that was consistent with measurements taken after vaccination with approved vaccines for other viruses.

- This data suggests that public immunity to COVID-19 is probably significantly higher than antibody tests have suggested.

- All of which is good news from a public health perspective !



Exclusive of masks, social distancing and high risk isolation, what other "sufficient" options are there Dr Hotez, run and hide in a corner awaiting the arrival of a vaccine ? Been there done that and NO THANKS.

Back to data that matters.

Robust T-Cell Immunity in Convalescent Individuals with Asymptomatic and Mild COVID-19

Although preliminary this study involving 200 subjects and is one of very few that investigated the T-cell immune response in asymptomatic and mild COVID-19 cases.

"The researchers performed T-cell immunological analyses of samples from over 200 people many of whom had mild or no symptoms of COVID-19, ..... to include asymptomatic family members who had been exposed to a loved one admitted to the hospital for SARS CoV-2."

- The results demonstrated a T-cell response that was consistent with measurements taken after vaccination with approved vaccines for other viruses.

- This data suggests that public immunity to COVID-19 is probably significantly higher than antibody tests have suggested.

- All of which is good news from a public health perspective !


OMGz their T-cells were slightly different!!

What a bunch of crap