Can touching a barbell in the gym get you sick with the coronavirus?

Researchers publish scathing critique of a hydroxychloroquine study touted by the White House
Hydroxychloroquine: Researchers publish scathing critique of Henry Ford study touted by the White House - CNN

Problems with the analysis in “Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin and Combination in Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19”

Clarifying the record on hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of patients hospitalized with COVID-19

The continued dilemma about usage of Hydroxychloroquine: Respite is in randomized control trials

According to health authorities, mask-wearing can greatly reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Harvard doctors are even recommending people wear masks during sex with anyone who is not a long-term partner. Sexual Health in the SARS-CoV-2 Era

The May 2020 study doesn’t stop there, as it also suggests we limit how many people we have intimate contact with, and refrain from kissing or engaging in “sexual behaviors with a risk for fecal-oral transmission or that involve semen or urine.”

Thankfully, as we’re encouraged to wear masks in public and during private sexy times, creatives with a penchant for the erotic are stepping in with both fun and racy mask designs.

Here we share a roundup of some of our favorites.

While they are not all medically guaranteed to prevent droplet transmission, with some masks being more sexy and kooky than outright protective, they bring some levity and creativity to an item that’s now become a staple of everyday life.
[OA] Sexual Health in the SARS-CoV-2 Era

Sexual contact carries some risk for exposure to infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. This commentary provides clinicians with guidance on how to address sexual health and activity with patients in this context.

Turban JL, Keuroghlian AS, Mayer KH. Sexual Health in the SARS-CoV-2 Era [published online ahead of print, 2020 May 8]. Ann Intern Med. 2020;M20-2004. doi:10.7326/M20-2004 Sexual Health in the SARS-CoV-2 Era

How did it come to this? A virus a thousand times smaller than a dust mote has humbled and humiliated the planet’s most powerful nation. America has failed to protect its people, leaving them with illness and financial ruin. It has lost its status as a global leader. It has careened between inaction and ineptitude. The breadth and magnitude of its errors are difficult, in the moment, to truly fathom.
“Results from a Controlled Trial of Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19”

“The data in this study revealed that after 5 days of hydroxychloroquine treatment, the symptoms of patients with COVID-19 were significantly relieved, manifesting as shorten(ing) in the recovery time for cough and fever," Zhang and colleagues reported.”

The masks were called muzzles, germ shields and dirt traps. They gave people a “pig-like snout.” Some people snipped holes in their masks to smoke cigars. Others fastened them to dogs in mockery. Bandits used them to rob banks.

More than a century ago, as the 1918 influenza pandemic raged in the United States, masks of gauze and cheesecloth became the facial front lines in the battle against the virus. But as they have now, the masks also stoked political division. Then, as now, medical authorities urged the wearing of masks to help slow the spread of disease. And then, as now, some people resisted.

In 1918 and 1919, as bars, saloons, restaurants, theaters and schools were closed, masks became a scapegoat, a symbol of government overreach, inspiring protests, petitions and defiant bare-face gatherings. All the while, thousands of Americans were dying in a deadly pandemic.