Can we all agree on at least ONE thing???

The guy you mentioned I've never even heard our definition of "national leaders" probably differs a little bit.

But I want you to make the number as HIGH as you can for the sake of your argument, because the argument is SO clearly devoid of reason.

You have a SEVERE minority which act a certain way and you use the actions of this minority to throw a blanket of emotion over the rest of the group.
blanket of emotion? as opposed to ur duvet of dissembling, or ur fitted sheets of foolishness?:D
44 - Family Research Council founder hires a Rentboy :popcorn:

Disgusted but not angered.

But your logic has holes.

If the same granny slapped my girlfriends ass, and called her a bitch, before bumping into me and spilling my beer. I'd probably laugh, and no matter what, I STILL would not be angered.

However, if a 22y/o man did ANY of the above, he'd have serious problems.

So it's not that the gay is GAY OMG:eek:. It's just some things piss ya off and some don't.

Gay guys HAVE hit on me and not gotten beat up. Matter of fact I've never had a desire to hurt a homo. A REAL desire anyway. 'cept YOU a couple times jeton...[:o)]..seriously've pissed me off real good...

It's about the delivery of it, if the gay guy grabs my dick and says "In my mouth" he's gonna get hurt.

But if he does that effeminate stupid little girl wave, and buys me a beer, he's probably gonna get some of my friends to make a bunch of stupid comments and it would cause nothing more than a laugh amongst me and my friends.

I just don't think we are horrible people because the thought of faggotry disgusts us.

see now, others here say that the flamboyant effeminate types r the ones that really piss them off. every homo has somebody who hates his particular manifestation of sexual identity. ;)

See, you're purposely shrinking the "pool"

Nationally famous homophobes??

What does that mean??

So, out of millions of people who publicly and privately denounce homosexuality as sin, you can think of 40, who have been caught up in homo acts.

I know I am stating the figure as "millions" and you're argument will be that many of these millions could have participated in homo acts and it never would have made national news. But I feel like many people who NEVER would have gotten national news previously SUDDENLY are "national leaders" BECAUSE they fucked up.

oh yea? back atcha with the socratic me some subject of a scandal that YOU feel was anonymous until "the media" made him and his hypocritical homophobia famous...:popcorn:

Stretch;725056 1) said:
It makes me feel gross when you call me silly.

2) And I know there is more to the world than I can relate to....I'm not closed minded like you....HENCE, this conversation.

3) I am seeking YOUR opinion, and the logic behind your opinion, to try and understand that which I can't relate to.

1) would u prefer i call u "thilly" n wave flirtatiously form across the room AFTER BUYING U A BEER?? (ya beer-fiend!~)

2) aint u the guy who declared that the Bible was infallible, "every word", yet when asked "every word IN WHAT LANGUAGE, since the words can change substantially based on that alone", u replied "i don't listen to Bible arguments from people that don't believe in it, LA LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU LA LA LA LAAA!!!!"

y, yes, i do believe that WAS you...

3) i'm giving it to u, but apparently u need it pre-digested a bit.

fair enough...

should have said "a much larger % than I previously believed"

i have a feeling u previously thought it was infinitesimal...btw, u DO know that there's really been NO reliable large-scale study as to the prevalence of homosexuality (episodic, or lifetime-committed) of the American population, right? every time some research institute proposes one, Congress directly intervenes to shut that shit down...the two biggest studies were both problematic for many reasons...principally, Kinsey's 1950's study that came up with the famous "10%" figure used samples overly dependent on prisoners, and the early 1990's "Sex In America" study used little old ladies going door to door with clipboards asking people their personal business, n that study came up with the curious finding that 1% of men identified as gay, but 3% acknowledged enjoying getting regularly anally penetrated by another male.

both studies have problematic methodology, to put it mildly.
Musulman is just a prom night dumpster baby..

And hes taking a stroll...

YouTube - Family Guy - Musical Dumpster Baby

lol [:o)]

WTF? I thought this thread was about Musulman. How the hell did it turn into a conversation about homosexual virtues and acceptance?

I feel like I just walked into Best Buy to purchase a TV and the salesperson tried to sell me crack (cocaine, not ass).
WTF? I thought this thread was about Musulman. How the hell did it turn into a conversation about homosexual virtues and acceptance?

I feel like I just walked into Best Buy to purchase a TV and the salesperson tried to sell me crack (cocaine, not ass).

in post #9, Stretch not only refuses to take literally what musulman said pretty literally about fucking KBD, he expands his reaction into a critique of what he perceives to be the projection-prone presumptuousness of homosexuals.

naturally, i took the (sincerely posted) troll-bait.:cool:

Completely lost interest.


in your ability to articulate your points, and remain open-minded to counter-points.
You look like a faggot posing like that with not muich of a build, something you can build naturally.
You look worse than that cry baby.
You look like a faggot posing like that with not muich of a build, something you can build naturally.
You look worse than that cry baby.

that arrogant young pretty boy, with his unhumble displays of male plumage...he deserves to be really dominated, doesn't he? ;)

tell us again what u'd do to him if u had the chance...don't skimp on details. make sure to remind us that ur really NOT enjoying urself....:popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:
I had to bring back this musulmam bullshit. Its but a day old and already a classic.
What a dependable peckerhead. Poor guy has cancer in his ovaries, the meds make
him talk out of his head. ;)

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Re: Eat Pussy vs Getting Head


I have never and would never go down on a woman, its gainst the honor of a man, its a submissive and dirty act.

This is a strictly western act, only in europe do people engage in this in the main. Being originally from afghanistan i see this as it is.

I am all for pleasing a woman, that is something that needs to be done and it should bring the man pleasure to see his wife having satisfaction. Hopwever, going down and doing such a lowly dirty and submissive act, thats what animals do to each other. I am a man, so i make her submissive and i dominate her. I do not believe she will be more staisfied by me licking her out, she will be satisfied if i would just pound her real good.

A little secret for you younger uns, a woman wants a cock in her pussy, thats what it was created for. It was not created to have a tounge in it. Forget all that media bullshit you are brainwashed with. A woman gets off having it filled like nature intended. Oral sex is just silly, people trying to tell you thats what a woman needs, its all bullshit. Women want a hard cock.

KBD is a faggot and a mentally weak and submissive man so he likes going down on women like the weak man he is. I expected this of him, in between his insecureity and whining in the mirror at his physique and obsessive thoughts on him losing size from his frankly not too impressive physique, he being insecure and mentally weak, would whine and cry infront of his woman and ask her if he looks bigger than yesterday or if he has lost size. Then being the submissive bitch he is , he would lick her out. Thats not what a woman wants, she wants a man, someone in control, some one who is mentally strong / confident and secure that she can present her insecurities to and who in turn gives her strength, dominates her and satisfies her like only a man can. Men these days are faggots so no wonder they think they need to lick a woman out.

My advice to yous:

Keep it simple with your wife.

Do foreplay, play with her pussy with your fingers, nibble her nipples, play with her breasts and her body, kiss her, speak to her....then when its time....stick your dick in her pussy. All this licking out business is bullshit and i think that it has been pepetuated by feminist women who want men to be submissive to them. Many a western women enjoy a third world male who does not lick them out, instead does whats natural, fills them up proper and pounds them real good and they get off on it. Oral sex is a red herring in terms of statisfying a woman.
It is not the thing its made out to be over in the west.

Last edited by musulman; Yesterday at 07:22 AM.