Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

It is a simple fix in my mind if I was in your spot trying to find accurately dosed product. You can either order Anavar off the labs in canuckistan that are in the underground on this forum and send them to a trustworthy tester such as the other ones that exist here beside Janoshit, OR purchase legit pharmacy grade anavar off a vendor here. If you care so much about testing then you can agree that you can’t trust a lab to send hand picked samples to get tested. Yes it does show good faith on their part but let’s be real, the best testing comes from you randomly purchasing it, eliminating the chance of hand picked samples from being sent by the source.
As for Trump vs. Biden, you really think one is better than the other? Same party with a different name americants.
There’s no way trump isn’t getting another 4 years

Fuck the tolerant left and their desire to control every narrative
So you don’t bother to read through everything, and bring up old posts that haven’t been an issue for a year and add nothing

“yet I find eq underdosed by 30 mg.”

Underdosed Pareto products? Where, show me the proof. You’re just straight up lying now.
I'm fairly certain I admitted I was wrong on posting the eq from another lab. Again. My mistake.

The Canadian scene is not my scene. I wasn't aware of any of these past indiscretions until you encouraged me to do research, champ. Upon doing said research, I mistakenly credited pareto with underdosed eq.

Also, while researching, I found out this lab got caught doctoring lab tests thanks to you encouraging me to research. Really doesn't matter if Jano is legit or not.

The fact is Pareto chose to edit the results because he didn't like what it showed. And then dick riders like yourself bury this info with posts about how fucking great they are or attack the messenger instead of the issue that has been brought to light.

I thought that Meso was all about harm reduction. Not in Canada though, eh?
It is a simple fix in my mind if I was in your spot trying to find accurately dosed product. You can either order Anavar off the labs in canuckistan that are in the underground on this forum and send them to a trustworthy tester such as the other ones that exist here beside Janoshit, OR purchase legit pharmacy grade anavar off a vendor here. If you care so much about testing then you can agree that you can’t trust a lab to send hand picked samples to get tested. Yes it does show good faith on their part but let’s be real, the best testing comes from you randomly purchasing it, eliminating the chance of hand picked samples from being sent by the source.
As for Trump vs. Biden, you really think one is better than the other? Same party with a different name americants.
I agree with most of what you said. There are some big differences between Trump and Biden. My gun rights are safer under Trump than the Dems. The supreme court justices that Trump has already placed and the folks who will likely be replaced (Ginsburg for starters) during the next 4 years will have long lasting effects on my country and are far more important in my opinion.
Lol@Biden being a Marxist. He voted for massive deregulation of the banking industry and against providing expanded Medicare coverage.

On what bizarro-world planet are those the actions of a Marxist?

People abuse and misuse the words "socialist" and "Marxist" so much that they don't even mean anything, anymore. Now, they basically mean "anything vaguely left-wing that I don't like."
I guess I just made the irrational leap in thinking that a guy who has redirecting to Joe must support that kind of thing. Please forgive me.
The same can be said for any politician, honestly. They support whatever the people who give them the most money tell them to support.

Representation in government is a joke.
There is never a politician that is going to represent all of your views politically or otherwise. You just have to go with the ones who more closely align with what you deem most important. Trump isn't perfect by a long shot but I prefer him as he more closely aligns with what I support.
Did you email Pareto?

If it were me I would just email Pareto. You have just pulled up trash from what a year ago that’s been addressed multiple times lol

You should just find a new lab who would want to deal with your dumb ass

learn some tact

It has been addressed..... But HOW has it been fixed? How is that fix verified?

I don't know how long you have spent in industry but it doesn't seem you understand how it works.

Meso is about holding the sources accountable for actions and words. I'm if I think it will benefit not only the community but the source, then I will post it.

Did I bring up everything from last October or just the part that went unverified?

Just because your fEeLz are good for a year doesn't mean it's "good to go".

My dumb ass seems to understand math a hell of a lot better than you. I also seem to understand the effects of Aas on women a lot better than you. There are a lot of women who don't become members here but will seek out sources.

So me asking the questions so they can make a informed decision is a bad thing?

Go back to sst or CB if you don't like uncensored boards. That way no one will question why your fingers are sticky when you're typing after giving sources less than enthusiastic hand jobs.
Go back to sst or CB if you don't like uncensored boards. That way no one will question why your fingers are sticky when you're typing after giving sources less than enthusiastic hand jobs.

My theory is
The senile old man is whatever his handlers tell him he is these days lol
It has been addressed..... But HOW has it been fixed? How is that fix verified?

I don't know how long you have spent in industry but it doesn't seem you understand how it works.

Meso is about holding the sources accountable for actions and words. I'm if I think it will benefit not only the community but the source, then I will post it.

Did I bring up everything from last October or just the part that went unverified?

Just because your fEeLz are good for a year doesn't mean it's "good to go".

My dumb ass seems to understand math a hell of a lot better than you. I also seem to understand the effects of Aas on women a lot better than you. There are a lot of women who don't become members here but will seek out sources.

So me asking the questions so they can make a informed decision is a bad thing?

Go back to sst or CB if you don't like uncensored boards. That way no one will question why your fingers are sticky when you're typing after giving sources less than enthusiastic hand jobs.

So you didn’t bother to email then before stirring the pot

You’re clearly a troll if you want to only stir the pot publicly and didn’t even attempt to ask the rep directly privately
So you didn’t bother to email then before stirring the pot

You’re clearly a troll if you want to only stir the pot publicly and didn’t even attempt to ask the rep directly privately

Well, I was unintentionally tagged
But I'll respond anyways.

You speak for Pareto?
You're paid to defend Pareto?
You're their Meso attorney?

I'll never understand a MEMBER attacking another MEMBER on behalf of a source.

If a lab whose gear I'm running gets called out for anything, I will listen MORE intently.
Not defend them.

This is fucking MESO
We all about shit out in the open for the benefit of everyone.
We bring shit up, out in the open so all members can either feel great about their decision to go with a lab.
Or to have bad shit get exposed.

Who the fuck defends a lab against a fucking MEMBER.

Let Pareto answer themselves
Fuck, I've ran Pareto and got solid results.

But shills piping up and stomping their feet in defense of a SOURCE against a MEMBER, makes Pareto look bad as fuck
So you didn’t bother to email then before stirring the pot

You’re clearly a troll if you want to only stir the pot publicly and didn’t even attempt to ask the rep directly privately

This ain't NL/CB
Fuck private conversations about potential issues.
How do we know a source doesnt just offer some free gewr fornshit to go away?

Naw man, shit needs to be out in the open.
Do yourself and Pareto a favor, because you're making them look bad.

Let them answer and stop attacking people on their behalf
@Test_Subject I guess I can admit calling Biden a Marxist might be a bit of a stretch, but antifa is clearly not redirecting traffic to Trump.

Remember when the left was giving Trump shit because David Duke supported him?

Pepperidge Farms remembers...
This ain't NL/CB
Fuck private conversations about potential issues.
How do we know a source doesnt just offer some free gewr fornshit to go away?

Naw man, shit needs to be out in the open.
Do yourself and Pareto a favor, because you're making them look bad.

Let them answer and stop attacking people on their behalf

I would agree with what you’re saying here with another member but humanhoe claims he’s super duper busy building a house yet has the time to go back reading a bunch of threads or does he? He also mentions how super important his wife’s health is so why not do blind testing instead of demanding a dishonest source send testing? I hate having to defend this god damn lab but cmon lululemon I see through this and we know he’s your buddy, there’s more than meets the eye on this one. The right plan of attack would be posting this alongside emailing pareto and sending his own blind testing if his wife’s health is super duper important. His credibility is wiped as far as I’m concerned, better luck next time I guess.
I would agree with what you’re saying here with another member but humanhoe claims he’s super duper busy building a house yet has the time to go back reading a bunch of threads or does he? He also mentions how super important his wife’s health is so why not do blind testing instead of demanding a dishonest source send testing? I hate having to defend this god damn lab but cmon lululemon I see through this and we know he’s your buddy, there’s more than meets the eye on this one. The right plan of attack would be posting this alongside emailing pareto and sending his own blind testing if his wife’s health is super duper important. His credibility is wiped as far as I’m concerned, better luck next time I guess.
"His credibility is wiped?"

"You hate having to defend this God damn lab?"

Wtf is going on in this thread?

Is this fucking BOP or Meso? If these motherfuckers didn't do anything but provide lip service as to things being "fixed", how the fuck is that considered acceptable?

If @Human_backhoe's wife is considering using this, then he has every fucking right to want to know what their protocol is in regards to dosing the lady var.

I'll admit I don't spend time in these canadian threads, but this shit is fucking bizarre to me.

And to think that people like to make fun of the tgi fan boys...
This ain't NL/CB
Fuck private conversations about potential issues.
How do we know a source doesnt just offer some free gewr fornshit to go away?

Naw man, shit needs to be out in the open.
Do yourself and Pareto a favor, because you're making them look bad.

Let them answer and stop attacking people on their behalf

lol sounds good bro I’m not attacking anyone but ok
"His credibility is wiped?"

"You hate having to defend this God damn lab?"

Wtf is going on in this thread?

Is this fucking BOP or Meso? If these motherfuckers didn't do anything but provide lip service as to things being "fixed", how the fuck is that considered acceptable?

If @Human_backhoe's wife is considering using this, then he has every fucking right to want to know what their protocol is in regards to dosing the lady var.

I'll admit I don't spend time in these canadian threads, but this shit is fucking bizarre to me.

And to think that people like to make fun of the tgi fan boys...

you guys are trolls

Pareto has been 100 with me and even gave me some life advice when I was bitching about my ex and stuff. Not that it counts for anything but when I see you clowns clearly trying to fuck with him you can get fucked bro

I’m 100% for Pareto as they have never ever given me a bad product and it all looks better and works as good as anything else I’ve ever tried

Here you are from another country probably unemployed trying to duck around d

I bet if Pareto sent their var for testing you would scream and say “it’s not independently tested” or some bs
I think the guy has a right to know those details too. He’s not asking because he’s actually considering using this lab for his wife though, that is very apparent.
I would agree with what you’re saying here with another member but humanhoe claims he’s super duper busy building a house yet has the time to go back reading a bunch of threads or does he? He also mentions how super important his wife’s health is so why not do blind testing instead of demanding a dishonest source send testing? I hate having to defend this god damn lab but cmon lululemon I see through this and we know he’s your buddy, there’s more than meets the eye on this one. The right plan of attack would be posting this alongside emailing pareto and sending his own blind testing if his wife’s health is super duper important. His credibility is wiped as far as I’m concerned, better luck next time I guess.

Sure, I can understand the way you see this.
I've never tried to hide the fact we are buddies and I havnt attacked Pareto here at all, so I'm not too sure what you're insinuating.

I dont know what his plans are on blind testing, but its definitely a good idea.

If I was in his shoes I'd buy a fee 5mg Vars and send a few of each UGL to Lab4tox, see who's got the most accurate dose.

Probably safest bet,
As for why I'm here, I'm always where the action is lol
Sure, I can understand the way you see this.
I've never tried to hide the fact we are buddies and I havnt attacked Pareto here at all, so I'm not too sure what you're insinuating.

I dont know what his plans are on blind testing, but its definitely a good idea.

If I was in his shoes I'd buy a fee 5mg Vars and send a few of each UGL to Lab4tox, see who's got the most accurate dose.

Probably safest bet,
As for why I'm here, I'm always where the action is lol

Pareto 2020